Diferenciační pomůcky

DD036 Sterile Discs, 10mm
DD050 Arginine
DD054 Histidine
DD049 Lysine
DD051 Ornithine
DD052 Proline
DD053 Serine
DD025 Adonitol Ad
DD001 Arabinose Ar
DD028 Cellobiose Ce
DD002 Dextrose De
DD003 Dulcitol Du
DD017 Fructose Fc
DD016 Galactose Ga
DD027 Inositol Is
DD026 Inulin In
DD004 Lactose La
DD005 Maltose Ma
DD006 Mannitol Mn
DD007 Mannose Mo
DD030 Melibiose Mb
DD029 Raffinose Rf
DD010 Rhamnose Rh
DD011 Salicin Sa
DD012 Sorbitol Sb
DD013 Sucrose Su
DD031 Trehalose Te
DD014 Xylose Xy
DD015 Bacitracin (50 discs / vl) B
DT011 HiDtect™ Bacillus Identification Disc
DT014 HiDtect™ Biochemical Esculin Identification Disc
DT013 HiDtect™ Differential Coli-E.coli Identific. Disc
DT009 HiDtect™ Differential Identification Disc (Lactose fermentation)
DT004 HiDtect™ DNase Identification Disc
DT008 HiDtect™ Dual Confirmation of E.coli Identification Disc
DT006 HiDtect™ E.coli Chromogenic Identification Disc
DT007 HiDtect™ E.coli Fluorogenic Identification Disc
DT016 HiDtect™ Glucose Fermentation Disc
DT017 HiDtect™ Lactose Fermentation Disc
DT018 HiDtect™ Mannitol Fermentation Disc
DT003 HiDtect™ Pseudomonas Identification Disc
DT002 HiDtect™ Salmonella Identification Disc
DT020 HiDtect™ Sucrose Fermentation Disc
DT012 HiDtect™ Total Coliform Identification Disc
DT015 HiDtect™ Universal Enviro Identification Disc
DT010 HiDtect™ Universal Food pathogen IdentificationDisc
DT005 HiDtect™ Universal Microbial Limit Test Disc
DT001 HiDtect™ UTI Identification Disc
DT019 HiDtect™ Xylose Fermentation Disc
DD009 Optochin(50 discs / vl) Op
DD021 V Factor (50 discs / vl)
DD022 X+V Factor (50 discs / vl)
DD047 Vibrio 0129 differential disc (10 mcg)
DD020 X Factor (50 discs / vial) X
DD024 Bile Esculin (50 discs / vl)
DD040 DMACA Indole Discs (50 discs / vl) Dm
DD035 Hippurate (25 Discs / vl) Hp
DD019 Kovac’s Reagent Strips (25 Strips / vl)
DD034 Lead Acetate Paper Strip (25 Strips / vl)
DD041 Nitrate Discs (50 discs / vl) N
DD042 Nitrate Reagent Discs (50 discs / vl) Nr
DD008 ONPG (50 discs / vl) On
DD018 Oxidase Discs (50 discs / vial)
DD039 Spore Strips (B. pumilus) (25 strips / pack)
DD032 Spore Strips (25 strips / pack)
S015 Lactophenol
S016 Lactophenol Cotton Blue
S017 Lactophenol Picric Acid
S031 Mayer’s Mucicarmine Stain
Roztok pro barvení plísní.
K002 Albert’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit
K002L Albert’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit
S001 Albert’s Stain A
S002 Albert’s Stain B
S013 Gram’s Iodine
S022 Methylene Blue (Loeffler’s)
K063 Modified Neisser’s Metachromatic Stain Kit (1 minute staining)
K003 Neisser’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit
K003L Neisser’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit
S023 Neisser’s Methylene Blue
S037 Neutral Red Solution
S028 Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stain A
S029 Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stain B
K006 Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains Kit
K006L Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains Kit
S024 Newman’s Stain, Modified
Pro barvení somatických buněk v mléce
R064 Buffer Solution, pH 4.0 ± 0.02
R063 Buffer Solution, pH 7.0 ± 0.02
R065 Buffer Solution, pH 9.2 ± 0.02
R092 Mcfarland standard set
R071 Standard solution for conductivity 1413
R072 Standard solution for conductivity 12880
R075 10X RBC Lysis Buffer Solution
R061 Ammonium Buffer Solution
R062 Boric Acid Solution
R067 E.D.T.A., Titran, 0.035N
R066 E.D.T.A., 1M Solution
R068 Silver nitrate solution, 0.1N
R070 Sodium hydroxide standard solution, 0.0
R069 Sodium thiosulphate, 0.1N
R074 Wij’s Solution
S038 Basic Fuchsin 0.1% w/v
K001 Gram Stains - Kit
K001L Gram Stains - Kit
S012 Gram’s Crystal Violet
S032 Gram’s Decolourizer
S027 Safranine, 0.5% w/v
K062S HiCold Stain TB Kit for Mycobacteria
K061 HiFluo-Phenol Free Stain Kit for Mycobacteria
K062 HiCold Stain TB Kit for Mycobacteria
S043 Mycobacteria decolourizer
S042 Phenolic auramine
R004 C.S.F. Diluting Fluid
R019 E.D.T.A., (di-sodium) 5%
R023 R.B.C. Diluting Fluid (Grower’s)
R013 R.B.C. Diluting Fluid (Hayemis)
R083 Thrombocount reagent
R016 W.B.C. Diluting Fluid
S067 Congo red (1% aqueous) Solution
S025 Nigrosin Stain, 10% w/v
R084 HiDecal (Mild decalcifying solution)
R085 HiDecal (Strong decalcifying solution)
S070 Schiff’s fuchsin-sulphite reagent
S003 Borax Carmine (Grenacher’s), Alcoholic Stain
S004 Borax Carmine (Grenacher’s), Aqueous Stain
S006 Carbol Fuchsin (ZN, Dilute)
S007 Eosin, 2% w/v
S041 FA Rhodamine Counterstain
S119 Fixative (BFA), for rapid fixing of hematological samples
S109 Fixative (Buffered Formalin fixative) for fixing cytological or histological samples
S102 Fixative, for fixing cytological or histological samples
S118 Fixative, for rapid fixing of hematological samples
S062 Fixing solution, for fixing Haematological samples
S010 Gentian Violet
S057 Grams Iodine, Stabilized
S059 Hematoxylin (Ehrlich)
S076 Hematoxylin (Gill No.3)
S034 Hematoxylin (Harris)
S058 Haematoxylin (Mayer)
S020 Malachite Green, 1% w/v
S021 Methylene Blue (Aqueous)
S125 Romanowsky-Giemsa (RG) stain
S126 Shorr’s stain solution
I001 Andrade’s Indicator
I002 Bromocresol Green Indicator
I003 Bromocresol Purple Indicator
I004 Bromophenol Blue Indicator
I005 Bromothymol Blue Indicator
I006 Methyl orange Indicator
I007 Methyl Red Indicator
I014 Mixed Indicator Solution (25X)
I008 Neutral Red Indicator
I010 Phenol Red Indicator
I009 Phenolphthalein, 0.1% w/v
I011 Thymol blue Indicator
I012 Thymolphthalein Indicator
I013 Universal Indicator
S019 Lugol’s Iodine
S033 Acid Fast Decolourizer
S005 Carbol Fuchsin (ZN,Strong)
K005 ZN Acid Fast Stains - Kit
K005L ZN Acid Fast Stains - Kit
S066 Brilliant Cresyl Blue Solution
S008 Field’s Stain A
S009 Field’s Stain B
S011 Giemsa’s Stain
S014 Hematoxylin (Delafields)
S018 Leishman’s Stain (Twin Pack)
K011 Malarial Parasite - Kit
K011L Malarial Parasite - Kit
K049 Malarial Parasite Kit (contains S008 and S009)
S039 May-Grunwalds Stain
S030 Wright’s Stain, Certified
K004L Capsule Stains - Kit
K004 Capsule Stains - Kit
S047 M’Fadyean Stain (Polychrome Methylene Blue)
R009 a-Naphthylamine solution
Činidlo pro detekci redukce nitrátů bakteriemi
R040 Acetate Buffer, pH 5.6
R001 Barium Chloride Solution, 10% w/v
R029 Barritt Reagent A (for VP test)
R030 Barritt Reagent B (for VP test)
R002 Benedict’s Qualitative Reagent
R003 Benedict’s Quantitative Reagent
R094 Butterfield’s Phosphate Buffered Dilutio
R035 DMACA Reagent
R093 E.D.T.A., 0.02N Solution
R005 Ehrlich’s Aldehyde Reagent
R037 Fehling Solution No. 1
R038 Fehling Solution No. 2
R006 Folin & Wu’s Alkaline Copper Solution
R007 Folin & Wu’s Phosphate, Molybdate Soluti
R018 Fouchet’s Reagent
R027 Gaby-Hadley Reagent A
R028 Gaby-Hadley Reagent B
R026 Gordon-McLeod Reagent (Oxidase reagent)
R044 Iodine Solution
R008 Kovacs’ Indole Reagent
R010 Nessler’s Reagent For Ammonia & Ammonia Salt
R017 Nessler’s Reagent For Determination of Urea (as Ammonia)
R031 O’Meara Reagent
R011 Potassium Chromate, 5% w/v
R012 Potassium Oxalate, 5% w/v
R043 PYR Reagent
R014 Sodium Citrate, 3.8% w/v
R041 Sterile Distilled Water
R045 Sterile Mineral Oil
R039 Sterile Phosphate Buffered Saline Soluti
R015 Sulphanilic Acid, 0.8%
Činidlo pro detekci redukce nitrátů bakteriemi
R020 Sulphosalicylic Acid 3%
R036 TDA Reagent
R021 Topfer Reagent
R096 Acid Phosphatase Reagent
Činidlo pro konfirmaci Clostridium perfringens izolované z vody
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