Kod | nazev |
MV355 | Candida BCG HiVeg™ Agar Base for primary isolation and identification of Candida species. |
MV1331 | SCHWARZ Differential HiVeg™ Medium used in the brewing industry for the differentiation of brewing yeasts from wild yeasts. |
MV902 | Anaerobic HiVeg™ Agar Base for detection of Clostridium perfringens in food samples. |
MV158 | Azide Blood Agar Base, HiVeg™ for selective isolation and cultivation of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species from mixed bacterial flora. |
MV220 | B.A.G.G. HiVeg™ Broth Base (Buffered for detection of faecal Streptococci (group D) from clinical specimens and other material of sanitary significance. |
MV492 | Brilliant Green Sulpha HiVeg™ Agar a highly selective medium for isolation and detection of Salmonella species in foods, especially eggs and egg products. |
MV861 | B.T.B. Lactose HiVeg™ Agar for isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci. |
MV1081 | Lactose Blue HiVeg™ Agar (B.T.B. Lactose for differentiation of lactose fermenting and non-fermenting bacteria belonging to Enterobacteriaceae. |
MV493 | Bile Esculin Azide HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and presumptive identification of faecal Streptococci. |
MV972 | Bile Esculin HiVeg™ Agar for differential isolation and presumptive identification of group D Streptococci in food and pharmaceutical products. |
MV340 | Bile Esculin HiVeg™ Agar Base for differential isolation and presumptive identification of group D Streptococci in food and pharmaceutical products. |
MV089 | Blood Agar Base w/ low pH, HiVeg™ an infusion medium, for isolation and cultivation of fastidious organisms, after addition of blood. |
MV834A | Blood Agar Base No. 2 w/ 1.2% Agar, especially devised to permit the maximum recovery of fastidious pathogenic microorganisms without interfering with their haemolytic reactions. |
MV834 | Blood Agar Base No. 2, HiVeg™ after addition of blood, medium permits maximum recovery of Streptococci, Pneumococci and other fastidious pathogenic microorganisms without interfering with their haemolytic reactions. |
MV073 | Blood Agar Base, HiVeg™(Infusion Agar, for isolation and cultivation of many fastidious pathogenic microorganisms after addition of blood. |
MV059 | Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Agar for enumeration of coliform bacteria in water, sewage and foods. |
MV016A | Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Agar Base w/ 1.2% recommended as enrichment medium for isolation of Salmonellae from faeces, urine and other pathological materials. |
MV016 | Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Agar Base, for selective isolation of Salmonellae other than Salmonella Typhi from faeces, foods, dairy products. |
MV121 | Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Broth 2% recommended for detection and confirmation of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, foods, milk and dairy products. |
MV1212 | Bromo Cresol Purple Azide HiVeg™ Broth for the confirmation of the presence of faecal Streptococci in water and waste water. |
MV782 | Modified Brown And Scott HiVeg™ Agar (Tw for confirmation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in swimming pool waters. |
MV352 | C.L.E.D. HiVeg™ Agar w/ Andrade Indicator for isolation and differentiation of urinary pathogens on the basis of lactose fermentation. |
MV792 | C.L.E.D. HiVeg™ Agar w/ Bromo Thymol Blue for isolation and differentiation of urinary pathogens on the basis of lactose fermentation. |
MV1146 | C.L.E.D. HiVeg™ Agar Base w/o Indicator for isolation, enumeration and presumptive identification of bacterial flora in urinary tract. |
MV201 | Casman HiVeg™ Agar for isolation of fastidious microorganisms from clinical specimens under reduced oxygen tension. |
MV580 | China Blue Lactose HiVeg™ Agar for differentiation and enumeration of bacteria in milk. |
MV272 | Coagulase Mannitol HiVeg™ Agar Base for primary isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci from clinical specimens or for classifying pure cultures. |
MV277 | Coagulase Mannitol HiVeg™ Broth Base for the simultaneous detection of coagulase production and mannitol fermentation in the differentiation of Staphylococci. |
MV144A | Columbia Blood Agar Base w/ 1% Agar, a basal medium used with or without blood for isolation and cultivation of fastidious bacteria. |
MV144 | Columbia Blood Agar Base, HiVeg™ an efficient base for preparation of blood agar, chocolate agar and for various selective and identification media. |
MV560 | Columbia C.N.A. HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation of pathogenic Grampositive cocci from clinical and nonclinical specimens. |
MV560A | Columbia C.N.A. HiVeg™ Agar Base w/ 1% for selective isolation of pathogenic Grampositive cocci from clinical and nonclinical specimens. |
MV897 | Crystal Violet Lactose HiVeg™ Agar for differentiation of pure cultures of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Staphylococci. |
MV160 | D.C.L.S. HiVeg™ Agar a selective medium used to detect and isolate Salmonella and Shigella species. Also useful for isolation of Vibrio cholerae. |
MV178 | D.C.L.S. HiVeg™ Agar for the isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli. |
MV030 | Deoxycholate Agar, HiVeg™ for direct differential count of coliforms in dairy products and for isolation of enteric pathogens from rectal swabs, faeces and other pathological specimens. |
MV065 | Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, HiVeg™ selective medium for the isolation of enteric pathogens particularly Salmonella and Shigella species. |
MV066 | Deoxycholate Lactose HiVeg™ Agar for isolation and enumeration of coliforms in water, waste-water, milk and dairy products. |
MV186 | Dey-Engley Neutralizing HiVeg™ Agar used in disinfectant testing, where neutralization of the chemical is important for determining its bactericidal activity. |
MV187 | Dey-Engley Neutralizing HiVeg™ Broth used along with Dey-Engley Neutralizing Broth Base for neutralizing and determining bactericidal activity of quaternary ammonium compounds. |
MV549 | Differential Reinforced Clostridial for the cultivation of Clostridia from water. |
MV482 | DNase Test HiVeg™ Agar Base for detection of deoxyribounclease activity of bacteria and fungi, and especially for identification of pathogenic Staphylococci. |
MV741 | DNase Test HiVeg™ Agar Base w/o DNA with the addition of DNA it is used for detection of deoxyribonuclease activity of bacteria and fungi. |
MV659 | Drigalski Litmus Lactose HiVeg™ Agar non selective, differential medium for the detection of enteric pathogens. |
MV748 | Edward’s Medium HiVeg™ Base, Modified for selective and rapid isolation of Streptococcus agalactiae and other Streptococci associated with bovine mastitis. |
MV287A | EE HiVeg™ Broth, Modified for selective enrichment of Enterobacteriaceae in the bacteriological examination of foods. |
MV287 | EE HiVeg™ Broth, Mossel for selective enrichment of Enterobacteriaceae in the bacteriological examination of foods. |
MV808 | Egg Yolk Agar Base, HiVeg™ for isolation and identification of Clostridia and certain other anaerobes. |
MV317 | EMB HiVeg™ Agar for differential isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli from clinical and non-clinical specimens. |
MV022 | EMB HiVeg™ Agar, Levine for isolation, enumeration and differentiation of members of Enterobacteriaceae. |
MV503 | EMB HiVeg™ Broth for differentiation of Gram-negative enteric bacteria. |
MV029 | Endo HiVeg™ Agar for the confirmation of the presumptive test for members of the coliform group. |
MV1258 | Endo HiVeg™ Agar w/ NaCl for detection and isolation of pathogenic enteric bacilli. |
MV1077 | Endo HiVeg™ Agar Base for preparing Endo Agar to confirm presumptive test for lactose fermenting coliforms. |
MV1075 | Endo HiVeg™ Agar, Modified for detection and isolation of coliforms and other enteric organisms. |
MV428 | Eugonic HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of fastidious microorganisms like Haemophilus, Neisseria, Pasteurella, Brucella and Lactobacillus species. |
MV429 | Eugonic HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation of fastidious microorganisms like Haemophilus, Neisseria, Pasteurella, Brucella and Lactobacillus species. |
MV811 | Feeley Gorman HiVeg™ Agar (F.G. HiVeg™ for isolation and presumptive identification of Legionella species. |
MV812 | Feeley Gorman HiVeg™ Broth (F.G. HiVeg™ for cultivation of Legionella species. |
MV1327 | Fraser HiVeg™ Broth Base Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno jako primární a sekundární pomnožovací médium pro izolaci a stanovení počtů Listeria monocytogenes z potravin, krmiv a jejich surovin. |
MV1083 | Fraser Secondary Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth for the isolation, cultivation and enrichment of Listeria monocytogenes from foods and environmental specimens. |
MV432 | Furunculosis HiVeg™ Agar for detection of Aeromonas salmonicida by means of its brownish red pigment production. |
MV521 | Staphylococcus HiVeg™ Agar No.110 for selective isolation and differentiation of pathogenic Staphylococci. |
MV433 | Glucose Cysteine HiVeg™ Agar Base w/ with added blood or haemoglobin or hemin, it is used for cultivation and enumeration of Pasteurella tularensis. |
MV467 | Hektoen Enteric HiVeg™ Agar for differential and selective isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species from enteric pathological specimens. |
MV574 | Inositol Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation of Plesiomonas shigelloides and Aeromonas species from faeces and food stuffs. |
MV868 | Iron Sulphite HiVeg™ Agar Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro detekci termofilních anaerobních mikroorganismů, které jsou příčinou zkázy potravin. |
MV583 | K.R.A.N.E.P. HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective enumeration of total Staphylococci from foodstuffs. |
MV510 | Kanamycin Esculin Azide HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and identification of group D Streptococci in foodstuffs. |
MV510A | Kanamycin Esculin Azide HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation and identification of group D Streptococci in foodstuffs. |
MV776 | Kanamycin Esculin Azide HiVeg™ Broth for selective isolation and identification of group D Streptococci in foodstuffs. |
MV776A | Kanamycin Esculin Azide HiVeg™ Broth Base for selective isolation and identification of group D Streptococci in foodstuffs. |
MV658 | KG HiVeg™ Agar Base for promoting fast and free sporulation to distinguish between Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis. |
MV1552 | L. mono Confirmatory HiVeg™ Agar Base for the selective and differential isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from clinical and food specimens. |
MV743 | L.D. Esculin HiVeg™ Agar for identification of anaerobic bacteria especially Bacteroides species on the basis of esculin hydrolysis. |
MV742 | L.D. HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation and identification of fastidious anaerobic bacteria. |
MV582 | L.S. Differential HiVeg™ Medium Base for differentiation of Lactobacilli and Streptococci on the basis of colonial morphology, TTC reduction and casein reaction. |
MV926 | Reddy’s Differential HiVeg™ Agar, for the qualitative and quantitative differentiation of lactic Streptococci. |
MV602 | Lee’s HiVeg™ Agar for differential enumeration of yoghurt starter bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus). |
MV472 | Levinthal’s HiVeg™ Medium Base for cultivation of Haemophilus species. |
MV1215 | Listeria Motility HiVeg™ Medium recommended for testing motility of Listeria monocytogenes. |
MV507 | Litmus Lactose HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation of enteric bacteria on the basis of lactose fermentation. |
MV1206 | LM Infusion HiVeg™ Agar recommended for the enumeration of sulphite reducing Clostridia and Clostridium perfringens in water and milk. |
MV1106 | M-Endo HiVeg™ Agar LES for enumeration of coliforms in water using a two step membrane filter technique. |
MV1107 | M-Endo HiVeg™ Broth for estimation of coliforms in water samples using membrane filter technique. |
MV1103 | M-Endo HiVeg™ Broth MF (MF Endo HiVeg™ for enumeration of coliform bacteria in water samples using one step membrane filter technique. |
MV1108 | M-Enterococcus HiVeg™ Agar Base for isolation and enumeration of Enterococci in water, sewage, food and other materials by membrane filter technique as well as direct plating of specimens. |
MV1111 | M-FC HiVeg™ Broth Base for detection and enumeration of faecal coliforms by membrane filter technique at higher temperature (44.5°C) |
MV1113 | M-Slanetz Enterococcus HiVeg™ Broth Base for isolation and detection of Enterococci using membrane filter technique. |
MV061 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/ Bromo Thymol for detection of lactose fermenting enteric bacteria. |
MV081 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/ CV, NaCl, 0.003% NR and 1.5% Agar Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny složky živočišného původu rostlinnými, je určeno pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci koliformních bakterií a dalších intestinálních patogenů. |
MV081A | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/ CV, NaCl, 0.005% NR and 1.5% Agar to identify Enterobacteriaceae in the presence of coliforms and lactose non-fermenters from water, sewage, food products etc. |
MV082 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/o CV and NaCl, w/ 0.004% NR and 2.0% Agar for cultivation and differentiation of enteric bacteria, restricting swarming of Proteus species from specimens such as urine which may contain large number of Proteus species as well as potentially pathogenic Gram-positive organisms. |
MV082A | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/o CV and NaCl, w/ 0.0075% NR and 1.2% Agar for cultivation and differentiation of enteric bacteria, restricting swarming of Proteus species from specimens such as urine which may contain large number of Proteus species as well as potentially pathogenic Gram-positive organisms. |
MV008B | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.003% for selective isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting enteric bacteria. |
MV008 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.003% for selective isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting enteric bacteria. |
MV008A | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.0075% for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting enteric bacteria. |
MV051 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar, Modified for isolation of Klebsiella species from water samples. |
MV539 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Broth (Double Strength) for primary isolation of coliforms from large samples such as water or waste water. |
MV007 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Broth w/ Neutral Red for selective enrichment and enumeration of coliforms. |
MV083 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Broth Purple w/ BCP for presumptive identification of coliforms from variety of specimens such as water, milk and food etc. |
MV298 | Sorbitol HiVeg™ Agar (MacConkey Sorbitol for isolation and identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains associated with infant diarrhoea. |
MV118 | Mannitol Salt HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci. |
MV383 | Mannitol Salt HiVeg™ Broth for selective isolation of presumptive pathogenic Staphylococci. |
MV387 | McClung Toabe HiVeg™ Agar Base for detection and isolation of Clostridium perfringens from food samples. |
MV259 | Mitis Salivarius HiVeg™ Agar Base for isolation of Streptococci from mixed cultures, especially Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus salivarius and Enterococcus faecalis. |
MV771 | Mn HiVeg™ Agar Base Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro detekci druhů rodu Leptothrix majících schopnost oxidovat manganové ionty. |
MV1237 | Modified Duncan Strong (DS) HiVeg™ Medium for isolation and differentiation of Clostridium perfringens from other Clostridia from foods on the basis of raffinose fermentation. |
MV1139 | Modified MYP HiVeg™ Agar Base for isolation and identification of Bacillus species and pathogenic Staphylococci. |
MV1227 | Mucate Control HiVeg™ Broth for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products. |
MV1226 | Mucate HiVeg™ Broth for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products. |
MV1080 | MUG MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and detection of lactose fermenting coliform organisms by a fluorogenic method. |
MV636 | Phenol Red HiVeg™ Polymyxin Agar Base for isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci and Bacillus species. |
MV1186 | PA HiVeg™ Broth for the detection of presence & absence of coliform bacteria in water from treatment plants or distribution systems. |
MV440 | Peptone Iron HiVeg™ Agar for detection of hydrogen sulphide production by microorganisms. |
MV1231 | Peptone Sorbitol HiVeg™ Broth for identification of Yersinia enterocolitica from dairy products. |
MV787 | Pfizer Selective Enterococcus HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and cultivation of Enterococci. |
MV269 | Phenylethyl Alcohol HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation of Gram-positive organisms like Staphylococci and Streptococci. |
MV783 | Photobacterium HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation and demonstration of luminiscence of photobacteria. |
MV1173 | PL HiVeg™ Agar for the isolation and cultivation of Plesiomonas shigelloides from foods. |
MV120 | Pseudomonas HiVeg™ Agar (For Fluorescein) for detection of fluorescein production by Pseudomonas species. |
MV119 | Pseudomonas HiVeg™ Agar (For Pyocyanin) for detection of pyocyanin production by Pseudomonas species. |
MV576 | RS HiVeg™ Medium Base for selective isolation, cultivation and presumptive identification of Aeromonas hydrophila. |
MV573 | Salmonella HiVeg™ Agar,ONOZ for selective isolation and identification of Salmonellae from clinical specimens. |
MV293 | Sellers Differential HiVeg™ Agar for differentiation and identification of Gramnegative nonfermentative bacilli especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. |
MV1427 | Semisolid IMRV HiVeg™ Medium Base for simultaneous enrichment of Salmonellae as well as isolation of motile Salmonellae from other competitive organisms. |
MV1428 | Semisolid RV HiVeg™ Medium Base for isolation of Salmonella species from food stuffs and other materials based on selective motility. |
MV297 | SF HiVeg™ Broth for selective cultivation, detection and differentiation of Enterococci from other cocci in diagnostic work. |
MV763 | SM HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation and enumeration of microorganisms encountered in dairy industry. |
MV299 | Sorbitol Iron HiVeg™ Agar for cultural identification and differentiation of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli which do not ferment sorbitol. |
MV445 | Spirit Blue HiVeg™ Agar for detection and enumeration of lipolytic microorganisms. |
MV108 | SS HiVeg™ Agar (Salmonella Shigella for differential and selective isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species from pathological specimens, suspected foodstuffs etc. |
MV588 | Standard Methods M-Protein HiVeg™ Agar for detection of proteolytic microorganisms. |
MV1257 | Streptococcus Agalactiae Selective for selective isolation of Streptococcus agalactiae from dairy products. |
MV925 | Streptococcus Lactis Differential HiVeg™ for differentiation of citrate utilizing lactic Streptococci-Lactococcus lactis (Streptococcus lactis) subspecies diacetylactis from citrate non-utilizing Lactococcus lactis (Streptococcus lactis) and Lactococcus lactis (Streptococcus lactis) subspecies cremoris. |
MV304 | Streptococcus Selection HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and enumeration of all types of Streptococci including group A beta haemolytic strains. |
MV303 | Streptococcus Selection HiVeg™ Broth for selective isolation and cultivation of Streptococci including group A beta haemolytic strains. |
MV189 | TCBS HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and cultivation of Vibrio cholerae and other enteropathogenic Vibrio’s causing food poisoning. |
MV616 | Tergitol-7 HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective enumeration and identification of coliform organisms. |
MV850 | Tergitol-7 HiVeg™ Agar H for selective isolation and differentiation of enteric bacteria from urine specimens. |
MV851 | Tergitol-7 HiVeg™ Broth selective and differential medium for detection and enumeration of coliforms. |
MV1255 | Tetrathionate Brilliant Green HiVeg™ for isolation and identification of Salmonellae. |
MV314 | Tinsdale HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation and differentiation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
MV1159 | TMAO HiVeg™ Medium for cultivation and differentiation of Campylobacter species from foods, except Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. |
MV402 | TPEY HiVeg™ Agar Base with addition of supplement, it is recommended for selective isolation and enumeration of Staphylococci from foods. |
MV157 | Tributyrin HiVeg™ Agar Base w/o for detection of lipolytic microorganisms. |
MV450 | Tryptose Blood Agar Base w/ Yeast with or without added blood it can be used for culturing fastidious microorganisms. |
MV820 | Vibrio HiVeg™ Agar for selective cultivation of Vibrio species. |
MV581 | Violet Red Glucose HiVeg™ Agar w/o Lactose recommended for enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae in raw foods. |
MV049 | Violet Red HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation, detection and enumeration of coli-aerogenes bacteria in water, milk and other dairy food products. |
MV458 | Violet Red HiVeg™ Broth for detection and enumeration of coliforms from water and food. |
MV662 | VP HiVeg™ Medium for isolation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. |
MV626 | Wagatsuma HiVeg™ Agar Base for performance of Kanagawa test to identify virulent Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains. |
MV031 | XLD HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and enumeration of Salmonella Typhi and other Salmonella species. |
MV144Z | Columbia Blood Agar Base. HiVeg™ Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno jako základ pro přípravu krevního agaru, čokoládového agaru a dalších selektivních resp. identifikačních médií. |
MV885 | Andrade HiVeg™ Peptone Water a basal medium which; with carbohydrate addition is used to study fermentation reactions. |
MV909 | Andrade Peptone Water w/ HiVeg™ Extract as a basal medium for studying fermentation reactions, particularly of members of the Enterobacteriaceae. |
MV619 | Arginine Dihydrolase HiVeg™ Broth for detection of arginine dihydrolase producing microorganisms. |
MV906 | B.C. Motility Test HiVeg™ Medium for testing motility of Bacillus cereus. |
MV676 | Yeast Fermentation HiVeg™ Broth Base for studying fermentation of carbohydrates by pure cultures. |
MV070 | MR-VP HiVeg™ Medium (Glucose Phosphate for studying Methyl Red and Voges Proskauer tests to differentiate amongst coli-aerogenes group. |
GMV070 | Buffered Glucose HiVeg™ Broth (MR-VP HiVeg™ Med), (GlucosePhosphate HiVeg™ Broth), granulated for studying Methyl Red and Voges Proskauer tests to differentiate amongst coli-aerogenes group. |
MV893 | CAL HiVeg™ Agar (Cellobiose Arginine for isolation and biochemical characterization of Yersinia enterocolitica. |
MV894 | CAL HiVeg™ Broth (Cellobiose Arginine for isolation and biochemical characterization of Yersinia enterocolitica. |
MV1240 | Campylobacter Nitrate HiVeg™ Broth for identification of Campylobacter species on the basis of nitrate reduction. |
MV1264 | Carbohydrate Consumption HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation and differentiation of Listeria species. |
MV351 | CHO HiVeg™ Medium Base is a basal medium to which carbohydrates may be added for use in fermentation studies of anaerobic bacteria. |
MV159 | Cystine Tryptone Agar, HiVeg™ for maintenance, subculturing, detection of motility and fermentation studies with the addition of various carbohydrates. |
MV501 | Decarboxylase HiVeg™ Agar Base for differentiation of bacteria on the basis of their ability to decarboxylate the amino acid added to the medium. |
MV393 | Moeller Decarboxylase HiVeg™ Broth Base with the addition of appropriate L-amino acid, it is used to differentiate bacteria on the basis of their ability to decarboxylate the amino acid. |
MV912 | Decarboxylase Test HiVeg™ Medium Base for testing amino acid decarboxylase activity. |
MV915 | Dihydrolase HiVeg™ Broth Base for studying dihydrolase reaction of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. |
MV057 | Double Sugar HiVeg™ Agar for differentiation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli on the basis of their ability to ferment dextrose and lactose with or without gas formation. |
MV827 | Fermentation HiVeg™ Medium for for studying fermentation by Staphylococcus and Micrococcus species. |
MV919 | Fermentation HiVeg™ Medium Base for C. for C. perfringens for studying fermentation reaction of Clostridium perfringens with added carbohydrate. |
MV825 | Fermentation HiVeg™ Medium for Neisseriae for studying fermentation reaction of Neisseria species. |
MV483 | Gluconate Test HiVeg™ Medium for detection of gluconate oxidizing microorganisms. |
MV871 | Hugh Leifson Glucose HiVeg™ Medium for differentiation of Staphylococci from Micrococci on the basis of anaerobic fermentation of glucose. |
MV826 | Hugh Leifson HiVeg™ Medium for detecting aerobic and anaerobic breakdown of glucose. |
MV364 | Tryptone Nitrate HiVeg™ Medium for identification of microorganisms by means of nitrate reduction and indole production. |
MV1235 | Kings OF Medium Base, HiVeg™ for studying oxidation-fermentation of carbohydrates by Campylobacter species. |
MV078 | Kligler Iron HiVeg™ Agar for differential identification of Gram-negative enteric bacilli on the basis of the fermentation of dextrose, lactose and H2S production. |
MV142 | Kohn Two Tube HiVeg™ Medium No.1 Base for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of dextrose and mannitol fermentation and urease production. |
MV802 | Kohn Two Tube HiVeg™ Medium No.2 for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of sucrose and salicin fermentation, motility, hydrogen sulphide and indole production. |
MV1380 | Leifson HiVeg™ Agar for isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species. |
MV1230 | Lysine Arginine Iron HiVeg™ Agar for the isolation and presumptive identification of Yersinia species from milk and milk products. |
MV376 | Lysine Decarboxylase HiVeg™ Broth for differentiating Salmonella arizonae from the Bethesda Ballerup group of Enterobacteriaceae. |
MV845 | Lysine Iron Cystine HiVeg™ Broth Base for rapid presumptive detection of Salmonellae in foods, food ingredients and feed materials. |
MV377 | Lysine Iron HiVeg™ Agar for differentiation of enteric organisms especially Salmonella arizonae, based on their ability to decarboxylate or deaminate lysine and to form hydrogen sulphide (H2S). |
MV330 | Lysine Lactose HiVeg™ Broth for determination of lysine decarboxylase activity of lactose non fermenting members of Enterobacteriaceae especially Salmonellae. |
MV770 | Mannitol Motility Test HiVeg™ Medium for studying mannitol fermentation and motility of bacteria. |
MV378 | MIO HiVeg™ Medium (Motility Indole for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of motility, indole production and ornithine decarboxylase activity. |
MV637 | Modified V.P. HiVeg™ Broth for performing VP test. |
MV689 | Moeller Decarboxylase HiVeg™ Broth w/ for differentiation of bacteria on the basis of their ability to decarboxylate L-Arginine hydrochloride. |
MV687 | Moeller Decarboxylase HiVeg™ Broth w/ for differentiation of bacteria on the basis of their ability to decarboxylate L-Lysine hydrochloride. |
MV688 | Moeller Decarboxylase HiVeg™ Broth w/ for differentiation of bacteria on the basis of their ability to decarboxylate L-Orinithine hydrochloride. |
MV379 | Marine Oxidation Fermentation HiVeg™ for differentiation of marine bacteria on the basis of fermentative and oxidative metabolism of carbohydrates. |
MV630 | Motility Nitrate HiVeg™ Medium, Buffered for isolation and detection of Clostridium perfringens on the basis of motility and nitrate test. |
MV260 | Motility Test HiVeg™ Medium for detection of bacterial motility. |
MV930 | Motility Test HiVeg™ Medium (Edwards and for testing motility of enteric bacteria. |
MV847 | Motility-Indole-Lysine HiVeg™ Medium for identification of members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of motility, lysine decarboxylase, lysine deaminase and indole production. |
MV072 | Nitrate HiVeg™ Agar for detection of nitrate reduction by bacteria. |
MV439 | Nitrate HiVeg™ Broth for detection of nitrate reduction by bacteria. |
MV1274 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar for Oxidase recommended for confirmation of presence of oxidase in microorganisms in water. |
MV395 | OF Basal HiVeg™ Medium for differentiation of Gram-negative bacteria on the basis of fermentative and oxidative metabolism of carbohydrates. |
MV279 | Phenol Red Broth Base w/ HiVeg™ Extract highly nutritive basal medium which can be used to study fermentation of carbohydrates. |
MV055 | Phenol Red Dextrose HiVeg™ Agar for Dextrose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV056 | Phenol Red Dextrose HiVeg™ Broth for Dextrose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV617 | Phenol Red Dulcitol HiVeg™ Broth for Dulcitol fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV053 | Phenol Red HiVeg™ Agar Base a basal medium to which carbohydrates may be added for use in fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV054 | Phenol Red HiVeg™ Broth Base a basal medium to which carbohydrates are added for determination of fermentation reactions of pure cultures of microorganisms. |
MV270 | Phenol Red Lactose HiVeg™ Agar for Lactose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV275 | Phenol Red Lactose HiVeg™ Broth for Lactose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV271 | Phenol Red Maltose HiVeg™ Agar for Maltose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV276 | Phenol Red Maltose HiVeg™ Broth for Maltose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV571 | Phenol Red Mannitol HiVeg™ Agar for Mannitol fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV570 | Phenol Red Mannitol HiVeg™ Broth for Mannitol fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV273 | Phenol Red Sucrose HiVeg™ Agar for Sucrose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV274 | Phenol Red Sucrose HiVeg™ Broth for Sucrose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV872 | Phenol Red Tartrate HiVeg™ Agar for identification and differentiation of Salmonellae on the basis of tartarate utilization. |
MV652 | Phenolphthalein Phosphate HiVeg™ Agar for identification of phosphatase positive Staphylococcus aureus. |
MV098 | Purple HiVeg™ Agar Base for preparation of carbohydrate media used in fermentation studies for the cultural identification of pure cultures of enteric and other microorganims. |
MV284 | Purple HiVeg™ Broth Base for preparation of carbohydrate media used in fermentation studies for the cultural identification of pure cultures of enteric and other microorganims. |
MV107 | Starch HiVeg™ Agar for detection of starch hydrolyzing microorganisms. |
MV021 | Triple Sugar Iron HiVeg™ Agar Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro diferenciaci enteropatogenních bakterií na základě schopnosti fermentovat uhlohydráty a produkovat sirovodík. |
MV321 | Tryptone Lactose Iron HiVeg™ Agar for identification of anaerobes on the basis of motility, hydrogen sulphide production and lactose fermentation. |
MV1339 | Tryptophan HiVeg™ Medium recommended for detection of indole production. |
MV112 | Urea HiVeg™ Agar Base (Christensen) for detection of urease production, particularly by Proteus vulgaris, Micrococci and paracolon organisms. |
MV1225 | Acetate HiVeg™ Agar for the isolation and cultivation of Leuconostoc and Pediococcus species. |
MV058 | Actidione HiVeg™ Agar Base w/o Actidione® for the enumeration and detection of bacteria in specimens containing large numbers of yeasts and moulds. |
MV884 | Aeromonas Isolation HiVeg™ Medium Base for selective and differential isolation of Aeromonas hydrophila from clinical and environmental specimens. |
MV345 | Azide Dextrose HiVeg™ Broth a selective medium for detection of Streptococci in water, sewage, food and other materials suspected of sewage contamination. |
MV833 | Bacillus Cereus HiVeg™ Agar Base a selective medium for isolation, detection and enumeration of Bacillus cereus. |
MV805 | Bacteroides HiVeg™ Agar Base (BBE) for selective isolation, identification and cultivation of Bacteroides fragilis group. |
MV043 | Baird Parker HiVeg™ Agar Base for isolation and enumeration of coagulase positive Staphylococci from food and other materials. |
MV071 | Bile Broth Base, HiVeg™ for cultivation of members of the Enterobacteriaceae and in culture of blood clots from patients with suspected enteric fever. |
MV1035 | Bile Esculin HiVeg™ Agar w/ Kanamycin for selective isolation and presumptive identification of bacteria of the Bacteroides fragilis group from mixed flora. |
MV027 | Bismuth Sulphite HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation of Salmonellae from faeces, urine, sewage and other materials. |
MV1004 | Bismuth Sulphite HiVeg™ Agar, Modified for isolation and preliminary identification of Salmonella Typhi and other Salmonellae from pathological materials, sewage, water supplies, food etc. |
MV1578 | Buffered Listeria Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth for enrichment procedure for isolation of Listeria monocytogenes. |
MV887 | Blood Free Campylobacter Selectivity Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci druhů rodu Campylobacter. |
MV175 | Bordet Gengou HiVeg™ Agar Base for detection and isolation of Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis. |
MV175A | Bordet Gengou HiVeg™ Agar Base w/ 1.6% for detection and isolation of Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis. |
MV209 | BHI CC Agar, HiVeg™ for selective isolation and cultivation of fastidious pathogenic fungi such as Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidis, from specimens heavily contaminated with bacteria. |
MV1037 | BHI w/6.5% NaCL, HiVeg™ for selective cultivation of salt tolerant microorganisms. |
MV971 | Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Agar Base w/ recommended for selective isolation of Salmonellae while inhibiting Escherichia coli, Proteus and Pseudomonas species. |
MV074 | Brucella HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation and cultivation of Brucella or Campylobacter species from clinical and non-clinical specimens. |
MV074A | Brucella HiVeg™ Agar Base, Modified for cultivation of Campylobacter species. |
MV348 | Brucella HiVeg™ Broth Base for enrichment and cultivation of Brucella or Campylobacter species from clinical and nonclinical specimens. |
MV614 | Buffered HiVeg™ Peptone Water Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro předpomnožení salmonel izolovaných ze vzorků potravin a vody, především ke zvýšení záchytnosti poškozených kmenů. |
MV911 | C. botulinum Isolation HiVeg™ Agar Base for rapid, selective isolation of Clostridium botulinum from faecal specimens associated with food borne and infant botulism. |
MV1310 | CAE (Citrate Azide Enterococcus) HiVeg™ for identification of Enterococci in meat, meat products, dairy products and other food stuffs. |
MV908 | Campylo Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Medium Base for isolation, maintenance and transport of cultures of Campylobacter species. |
MV899 | Campylobacter Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth recommended for selective enrichment and cultivation of Campylobacter species. |
MV994 | Campylobacter HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation of Campylobacter species from faecal specimens, food and environmental specimens. |
MV024 | Cetrimide HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from clinical specimens. |
MV862 | Cetrimide HiVeg™ Broth for selective cultivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. |
MV862A | Cetrimide HiVeg™ Broth Base recommended for cultivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from water samples using membrane filter technique. |
MV344 | Charcoal Agar Base, HiVeg™ for cultivation of Bordetella pertussis, for vaccine production and also for stock culture maintenance. |
MV646 | Charcoal Blood Agar Base, HiVeg™ for the cultivation of Bordetella pertussis for vaccine production and also for the maintenance of stock cultures. |
MV1053 | Charcoal HiVeg™ Agar Base w/ Niacin for cultivation and isolation of Bordetella pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae. |
MV558 | Cholera HiVeg™ Medium Base for selective isolation of Vibrio species from specimens grossly contaminated with Enterobacteriaceae. |
MV497 | Clostridial HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation of pathogenic Clostridia from mixed flora. |
MV836 | Clostridium Difficile HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation of Clostridium difficile from food and certain pathological specimens. |
MV1826 | Coliform HiVeg™ Broth w/ SLS selective agar recommended for the simultaneous detection of Escherichia coli and total coliforms in water and food samples. |
MV1211 | Coliform HiVeg™ Broth for isolation and cultivation of coliform organisms from cream, yogurt and raw milk. |
MV1241 | CPC HiVeg™ Agar Base for the cultivation of Vibrio species from food samples. |
MV1243 | CRAMP HiVeg™ Agar Base for the cultivation of Yersinia species with plasmids. |
MV586 | Crystal Violet Tetrazolium HiVeg™ Agar for detection of Gram-negative psychrotrophic bacteria causing food spoilage. |
MV734 | Dextrose Proteose Peptone HiVeg™ Agar with added blood and tellurite it is used for isolation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
MV913 | Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Agar, Modified for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic, aerobic flat-sour sporeformers from canned foods, sugar etc. |
MV122 | Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Broth for enrichment and cultivation of mesophilic and thermophilic organisms in foods. |
MV914 | Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Broth, Modified for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic sporeformers. |
MV882 | Diphtheria Virulence HiVeg™ Agar Base for determining toxigenicity of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
MV916 | Doyle’s Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth Base for selective enrichment of Campylobacter species. |
MV067 | Dubos HiVeg™ Broth Base for preparation of liquid medium for rapid cultivation of pure cultures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and related microorganisms. |
MV839 | Dubos Oleic HiVeg™ Broth Base for cultivation of Mycobacteria. |
MV077 | Entamoeba HiVeg™ Medium for cultivation of Entamoeba histolytica. |
MV392 | Enterococcus Confirmatory HiVeg™ Agar for confirming the presence of Enterococci in water supplies and other sources. |
MV394 | Enterococcus Confirmatory HiVeg™ Broth for confirming the presence of Enterococci in water supplies and other sources. |
MV419 | Enterococcus Presumptive HiVeg™ Broth for detection of Enterococci in water and other materials of sanitary importance. |
MV749 | Esculin Azide HiVeg™ Broth for selective cultivation and identification of Streptococci. |
MV426 | Ethyl Violet Azide HiVeg™ Broth (E.V.A. for selective, confirmatory detection of Enterococci as an indicator of faecal pollution in water and other specimens. |
MV025 | Fluid Selenite Cystine HiVeg™ Medium enrichment medium for isolation of Salmonellae in foods, dairy products and materials of sanitary importance and clinical specimens. |
MV032 | Tetrathionae HiVeg™ Broth Base (w/o selective enrichment medium for isolating Salmonellae from foods and other pathological materials. |
MV1022 | Gassner Lactose HiVeg™ Agar for detection and isolation of pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae from food stuffs and other materials. |
MV434 | GC HiVeg™ Agar Base with added blood or haemoglobin and other supplements it is recommended for selective isolation and cultivation of Gonococci. |
MV982 | Glucose Azide HiVeg™ Broth for the enumeration of faecal Streptococci by MPN technique from water and sewage. |
MV621 | Glucose Salt Teepol HiVeg™ Broth (Twin for enrichment of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and marine isolates. |
MV242 | GN HiVeg™ Broth for selective enrichment of Gram-negative organisms of the enteric group. |
MV590 | Halophilic HiVeg™ Agar for isolation and cultivation of extremely halophilic bacteria. |
MV591 | Halophilic HiVeg™ Broth for isolation and cultivation of extremely halophilic bacteria. |
MV015 | Hoyle HiVeg™ Medium Base a highly selective medium used for the isolation and differentiation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae types. |
MV1220 | ITC HiVeg™ Broth Base (TTC HiVeg™ Broth Base) for selective enrichment and enumeration of Yersinia enterocolitica. |
MV248 | KF Streptococcal HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation and enumeration of faecal Streptococci in surface water by direct plating or by membrane filter method. |
MV249 | KF Streptococcal HiVeg™ Broth Base for detection and enumerataion of faecal Streptococci in waters and examination of faeces and other materials. |
MV1021 | KF Streptococcus HiVeg™ Broth Base w/ BCP for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci. |
MV305 | Kupferberg Trichomonas HiVeg™ Broth Base for selective isolation and cultivation of Trichomonas species. |
MV1163 | MRS HiVeg™ Agar, Modified (Lactobacilli for isolation and cultivation of Lactobacillus species from salad dressings. |
MV927 | Lactobacillus Bulgaricus HiVeg™ Agar for isolation and identification of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. |
MV1164 | MRS HiVeg™ Broth, Modified for isolation and cultivation of Lactobacillus species from foods. |
MV1180 | Lactobacillus Selection HiVeg™ Agar Base for isolation and enumeration of Lactobacilli from foods. |
MV1166 | Lactobacillus Selection HiVeg™ Broth for the selective isolation, cultivation and enumeration of Lactobacilli from foods. |
MV1333 | Lee’s Multidifferential HiVeg™ Agar used in the brewing industry for the cultivation and identification of brewing bacteria including fastidious type. |
MV1138 | Leifson’s Deoxycholate HiVeg™ Agar, for selective isolation and differentiation of Salmonella and Shigella species. |
MV569 | Listeria Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth (Twin for selective enrichment of Listeria monocytogenes from clinical specimens. |
MV888 | Listeria Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth, for selective enrichment of Listeria species. |
MV890A | Listeria Enrichment HiVeg™ Medium Base for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria monocytogenes from clinical specimens. |
MV1064 | Listeria Identification HiVeg™ Agar Base Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro selektivní izolaci a identifikaci Listeria spp. |
MV1090 | Listeria Identification HiVeg™ Broth Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro selektivní pomnožení a identifikaci Listeria spp. |
MV1145 | Listeria Oxford HiVeg™ Medium Base for isolation of Listeria species from pathological specimens. |
MV567 | Listeria Selective HiVeg™ Agar (Twin for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria species from clinical specimens. |
MV889 | Listeria Selective HiVeg™ Broth Base for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria monocytogenes from clinical specimens. |
MV537 | Loffler HiVeg™ Medium Base for cultivation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae from clinical specimens and in pure cultures, detection of chromogenesis, proteolysis and the production of ascospores. |
MV1228 | LPM HiVeg™ Agar Base for isolation and cultivation of Listeria monocytogenes from food and dairy products. |
MV1119 | M-Azide HiVeg™ Broth Base for the cultivation and enumeration of Enterococci from water samples by membrane filter technique. |
MV1101 | M-Bismuth Sulphite HiVeg™ Broth for selective detection of Salmonellae by the membrane filter technique. |
MV1102 | M-Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Broth a selective differential medium for primary screening of Salmonellae in polluted water using membrane filter technique. |
MV1122 | M-FC HiVeg™ Agar Base for detection and enumeration of faecal coliforms using membrane filter technique at higher temperature (44.5°C). |
MV1124 | M-FC HiVeg™ Agar Base, Modified for detection and enumeration of Klebsiella in water samples by using membrane filter technique. |
MV1120 | M-Staphylococcus HiVeg™ Broth for detection and isolation of Staphylococci by membrane filter technique. |
MV1115 | M-Tetrathionate HiVeg™ Broth Base for selective enrichment of Salmonellae using membrane filter technique. |
MV1024 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar Base for studying carbohydrate fermentation reactions of coliforms by adding carbohydrates either individually or in combination. |
MV386 | McBride Listeria HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria species from clinical specimens. |
MV511 | Middlebrook 7H11 HiVeg™ Agar Base for isolation, cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacteria. |
MV661 | Modified Salt HiVeg™ Agar Base for Staph for selective isolation and cultivation of Staphylococci. |
MV892 | Modified Buffered Charcoal HiVeg™ Agar for isolation and cultivation of Legionella species from clinical and other specimens. |
MV460 | Modified CPLM HiVeg™ Medium Base for cultivation of Trichomonas species. |
MV891 | Modified McBride Listeria HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria monocytogenes from foodstuffs, clinical samples etc. |
MV1137 | Modified Rappaport Vassiliadis HiVeg™ for selective enrichment of Salmonellae from food and environmental specimens. |
MV876 | Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate HiVeg™ for improved enrichment and isolation of Salmonellae. |
MV1058 | MUG Violet Red HiVeg™ Agar for the detection and enumeration of coliform organisms by a fluorogenic method. |
MV266 | Mycoplasma HiVeg™ Agar Base (PPLO HiVeg™ with the addition of enrichment it is used for isolation and cultivation of Mycoplasma species (Pleuropneumonia like organisms). |
MV268 | Mycoplasma HiVeg™ Broth Base w/ CV (PPLO with the addition of enrichment it is used for isolating Mycoplasma species (PPLO) from clinical specimens and mixed cultures. |
MV267 | Mycoplasma HiVeg™ Broth Base w/o CV with the addition of enrichment it is recommended for enrichment of Mycoplasma species (Pleuropneumonia like organisms). |
MV1185 | Park and Sanders Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth recommended for selective enumeration of thermotolerant Campylobacter species from foods. |
MV579 | Perfringens HiVeg™ Agar Base (O.P.S.P.) for selective isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens from foods. |
MV837 | Perfringens HiVeg™ Agar Base with the addition of selective supplement and enrichment, it is used for the presumptive identification and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens. |
MV519 | Pike Streptococcal HiVeg™ Broth Base for selective enrichment and cultivation of Streptococci from throat swabs and other clinical specimens. |
MV936 | Potassium Cyanide HiVeg™ Broth Base w/o for differentiation of the members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of potassium cyanide tolerance. |
MV939 | Preston HiVeg™ Agar Base recommended for selective isolation of thermotolerant Campylobacter species. |
MV941 | PSB HiVeg™ Broth Base for primary enrichment and enumeration of Yersinia enterocolitica from foods. |
MV085 | Pseudomonas HiVeg™ Agar Base recommended for selective isolation of Pseudomonas species. |
MV406 | Pseudomonas Isolation HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation and identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from clinical and non-clinical specimens. |
MV940 | PSTA Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth Base for secondary enrichment of Yersinia enterocolitica from foods. |
MV859 | Rippey-Cabelli HiVeg™ Agar Base for differential and selective isolation of Aeromonas hydrophila species from water samples using membrane filter technique. |
MV130 | Rogosa SL HiVeg™ Agar for selective cultivation of oral and faecal Lactobacilli. |
MV1005 | S.F.P. HiVeg™ Agar Base for the presumptive identification and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens in foods. |
MV1177 | SA HiVeg™ Agar Base for isolation, cultivation and differentiation of Aeromonas hydrophilia from foods based on starch hydrolysis. |
MV821 | Salt Polymyxin HiVeg™ Broth Base for detection and enumeration of Vibrio species. |
MV291 | Schaedler HiVeg™ Agar for enumeration of various aerobic and anaerobic bacterial species present in gastrointestinal tract. for Schaedler CNA HiVeg Agar : add Vitamin K1 Supplement (FD114) and CNA Supplement (FD115) for Schaedler KV HiVeg Agar : add Vitamin K1 Supplement (FD114) and KV Supplement (FD116) respectively to 1000 ml of Schaedler HiVeg Agar (M291). |
MV292 | Schaedler HiVeg™ Broth for the enumeration of various aerobic and anaerobic bacterial species present in the gastrointestinal tract. |
MV1155 | SDS HiVeg™ Agar (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate for enrichment, isolation and enumeration of Vibrio vulnificus from seafood samples. |
MV1326 | Shigella HiVeg™ Broth Base for the isolation and cultivation of Shigella species from food. |
MV181 | SIM HiVeg™ Medium for determination of hydrogen sulphide production, indole formation and motility of enteric bacilli. |
MV612 | Slanetz and Bartley HiVeg™ Medium for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci by membrane filter technique. |
MV1286 | Soyabean HiVeg™ Broth Base for enrichment and isolation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7. |
MV632 | SPS HiVeg™ Agar for detection of Clostridium perfringens in foods. |
MV898 | SPS HiVeg™ Agar, Modified for selective isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens from foodstuffs. |
MV465 | Streptococcus Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth for enrichment of Streptococci. |
MV870 | TCBS HiVeg™ Agar (Selective) for selective isolation of Vibrio cholerae and other enteropathogenic Vibrio’s |
MV529 | Teepol HiVeg™ Broth (Twin Pack) for selective isolation and identification of enteric, lactose fermenting bacteria. |
MV327 | Tetrathionate HiVeg™ Broth Base, Hajna for enrichment and isolation of Salmonellae. |
MV413 | Thayer Martin HiVeg™ Medium Base for selective isolation of Gonococci from pathological specimens. |
MV125 | Thermoacidurans HiVeg™ Agar for isolation of Bacillus thermoacidurans from food products. |
MV853 | Thiol HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation of organisms from body fluids and other materials containing Penicillin, Streptomycin and Sulphonamides. |
MV852 | Thiol HiVeg™ Medium for cultivation of organisms from body fluids and other materials containing Penicillin, Streptomycin and Sulphonamides. |
MV829 | Tomato Juice HiVeg™ Medium Base for isolation and identification of Lactobacilli encountered in wine. |
MV665 | Trichomonas HiVeg™ Agar Base for detection and isolation of Trichomonas vaginalis and Candida albicans from clinical specimens. |
MV961 | Tryptone Agar, HiVeg™ for rapid detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli in foods using a modified direct plating method. |
MV969 | Tryptone Peptone Glucose Yeast Extract to test toxicity type of Clostridium botulinum cultures. |
MV1229 | Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Broth w/ 10% NaCl recommended for enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in dairy products by MPN technique. |
MV1233 | Tryptose Cycloserine Dextrose HiVeg™ for the isolation of mesophilic spore forming anaerobes in food spoilage. |
MV416 | Veillonella HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation of Veillonella species. |
MV1153 | Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Sucrose HiVeg™ for isolation and enumeration of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafood samples. |
MV023 | Vogel-Johnson HiVeg™ Agar Base w/o for selective isolation of coagulase positive, mannitol fermenting Staphylococcus aureus from heavily contaminated foods and clinical specimens. |
MV1152 | Wesley HiVeg™ Broth Base used as a selective enrichment medium for isolation of Campylobacter jejuni from poultry products. |
MV832 | Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and cultivation of anaerobic bacteria and susceptibility testing of anaerobes by the agar dilution method. |
MV863 | Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic HiVeg™ Broth Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro izolaci a kultivaci anaerobních bakterií a stanovení minimálních inhibičních koncentrací (MIC) antibiotik pro anaeroby. |
MV332 | Wilson Blair HiVeg™ Agar w/ BG for isolation and preliminary identification of Salmonella Typhi from clinical specimens. |
MV331 | Wilson Blair HiVeg™ Agar Base with the addition of selective reagent used for the isolation of Salmonella Typhi. |
MV1060 | WL Differential HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and enumeration of bacteria encountered in breweries and industrial fermentations. |
MV410 | WL Differential HiVeg™ Broth for selective isolation and enumeration of bacteria encountered in breweries and industrial fermentations. |
MV1147 | XLT4 HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation of Salmonella species other than Salmonella Typhi. |
MV564 | Yersinia Isolation HiVeg™ Agar recommended for selective isolation of Yersinia species from foods. |
MV843 | Yersinia Selective HiVeg™ Agar Base for selective isolation and enumeration of Yersinia enterocolitica from clinical specimens and food samples. |
MV400 | Actidione HiVeg™ Agar w/ Actidione® for the enumeration of bacteria in specimens containing large numbers of yeasts and moulds. |
MV217 | Bi.G.G.Y. HiVeg™ Agar (Nickerson HiVeg™ M for detection, selective isolation, differentiation and presumptive identification of Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis. |
MV104 | Candida HiVeg™ Medium for selective isolation and cultivation of Candida species. |
MV286 | Sabouraud Dextrose HiVeg™ Agar Base, for selective cultivation of pathogenic fungi. |
MV1000 | Dichloran HiVeg™ Medium Base with Rose for selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds associated with food spoilage. |
MV424 | Yeast Malt HiVeg™ Agar (YM HiVeg™ Agar) Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci kvasinek, plísní a acidotolerantních mikoorganismů. |
MV1232 | Kimmig Fungi HiVeg™ Agar Base for cultivation, isolation and identification of fungi. |
MV373 | Littman HiVeg™ Agar Base for primary isolation of pathogenic fungi. |
MV663 | Littman HiVeg™ Broth Base for selective enrichment and cultivation of pathogenic fungi. |
MV669 | Oak Wilt Fungus HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of Oak Wilt fungus. |
MV640 | Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from foods and environmental materials. |
MV409 | SABHI HiVeg™ Agar Base for cultivation and isolation of pathogenic fungi especially dermatophytes. |
MV1067 | Sabouraud Chloramphenicol HiVeg™ Agar Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro selektivní kultivaci kvasinek a plísní. |
MV955 | Yeast Extract Rose Bengal HiVeg™ Broth for the cold enrichment for the recovery of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis from food samples. |
MV425 | Yeast Malt HiVeg™ Broth (YM HiVeg™ Broth) for isolation and cultivation of yeasts, moulds and aciduric microorganisms. |
M1297A | HiCrome™ Candida Differential Agar Pro rychlou izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Candida ze směsných kultur. |
M1456A | HiCrome™ Candida Differential Agar Base, Modified Pro rychlou izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Candida ze směsných kultur. |
M1467 | HiCrome™ OGYE Agar Base recommended for isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from milk and milk products by chromogenic method. |
MV1297A | HiCrome™Candida Differential HiVeg™ Agar Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro rychlou izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Candida ze směsných kultur. |
MV1456A | HiCrome™Candida Differential HiVeg™ Agar Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro rychlou izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Candida ze směsných kultur. |
MV341 | Actinomyces HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation and maintenance of the anaerobic Actinomyces species. |
MV233 | Actinomyces HiVeg™ Broth Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci a uchovávání anaerobních aktinomycet . |
MV280 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.12 for microbiological assay of Amphotericin B and Nystatin using Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 2601. |
MV254 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.13 for microbiological assay of Candicidin using Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763. |
MV101 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.19 for microbiological assay of Amphotericin B, Natamycin and Nystatin using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. |
MV167 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No. 20 for microbiological assay of Amphotericin B using Candida tropicalis. |
MV164 | Antifungal Assay HiVeg™ Agar for assaying antifungal activity of pharmaceutical products and other materials by the cylinder plate or disc method. |
MV731 | Corn Meal HiVeg™ Peptone Yeast Agar for cultivation of fungi. |
MV013 | Sabouraud Medium, Fluid, HiVeg™ sterility test medium for moulds and lower bacteria in pharmaceutical preparations. |
MV1010 | Fungi Kimmig HiVeg™ Agar Base for cultivation, isolation, identification and preservation of fungal strains. |
MV356 | ISP HiVeg™ Medium No. 1 (Tryptone Yeast a general purpose enrichment medium for not particularly fastidious microorganisms. |
MV361 | ISP HiVeg™ Medium No. 6 (Peptone Yeast for use as per International Streptomyces Project. |
M253 | Malt Agar Pro kultivaci a izolaci kvasinek a plísní z mléčných výrobků, potravin a dalších materiálů. Lze též použít pro uchovávání kultur kvasinek a plísní. |
M253F | Malt Agar, w/ 2% Agar for detection and isolation of yeasts and moulds from dairy products, foods and other materials. Also used for carrying stock cultures of yeasts and moulds in accordance with FDA BAM, 1998. |
M1873 | Malt Agar, Modified for isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from food products in accordance with FDA BAM, 1998. |
MV137 | Malt Extract HiVeg™ Agar Base for detection, isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds. |
MV995 | Malt Extract HiVeg™ Agar Base, Modified for isolation and cultivation of yeasts and moulds. |
MV255 | Malt Extract HiVeg™ Broth Base for detection and enumeration of yeasts, moulds and aciduric microorganisms. |
MV1045 | Modified Fungal HiVeg™ Agar Base for estimation of moulds in cosmetics and toiletries. |
MV1329 | Modified Soyabean HiVeg™ Agar for microbiological assay of Polymyxin B, Colistin sulphate and Colistimethate sodium. |
MV933 | Orange Serum HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation and enumeration of microorganisms associated with spoilage of citrus products, cultivation of Lactobacilli and other aciduric organisms and pathogenic fungi. |
MV934 | Orange Serum HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation of microorganisms associated with spoilage of citrus products, cultivation of Lactobacilli, other aciduric organisms and pathogenic fungi. |
M096F | Potato Dextrose Agar w/ 2% Agar for isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from dairy and other food products in accordance with FDA BAM, 1998. |
MV404 | Potato Malt HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation and maintenance of smut fungi and other phytopathogenic fungi. |
M1854 | Rye Agar A recommended for the isolation of Phytophthora infestans. |
M1855 | Rye Agar B for sporulation of Phytophthora infestans. |
MV063 | Sabouraud Dextrose HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of yeasts, moulds and aciduric microorganisms. |
MV033 | Sabouraud Dextrose HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation of yeasts, moulds and aciduric microorganisms. |
MV1313 | Sabouraud Dextrose Maltose HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of moulds and yeasts and for testing antimycotic substances. |
GMV033 | Sabouraud Dextrose HiVeg™ Broth, granulated (Sabouraud Liquid HiVeg™ Medium) for cultivation of yeasts, moulds and aciduric microorganisms. |
MV062 | Sabouraud Maltose HiVeg™ Agar for propagation of yeasts and moulds, particularly the parasitic fungi concerned with skin and scalp lesions. |
MV064 | Sabouraud Maltose HiVeg™ Broth for propagation of yeasts and moulds, particularly the parasitic fungi concerned with skin and scalp lesions. |
MV531 | Trichophyton HiVeg™ Agar-1 for differentiation of Trichophyton species. |
MV532 | Trichophyton HiVeg™ Agar-2 for differentiation of Trichophyton species. |
MV533 | Trichophyton HiVeg™ Agar-3 for differentiation of Trichophyton species. |
MV534 | Trichophyton HiVeg™ Agar-4 for differentiation of Trichophyton species. |
MV535 | Trichophyton HiVeg™ Agar-5 for differentiation of Trichophyton species. |
MV050 | WL Nutrient HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation of yeasts, moulds and bacteria encountered in brewing and industrial fermentation processes. |
MV129 | Wort HiVeg™ Agar for the cultivation and enumeration of yeasts. |
MV1363 | YPD , HiVeg™ Broth for the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for molecular biology. |
MV874 | A-1 HiVeg™ Broth for determining the presence of faecal coliforms in water samples and foods by MPN technique. |
MV231 | AATCC Bacteriostasis HiVeg™ Agar for the detection of antibacterial activity of fabrics. |
MV221 | AATCC Bacteriostasis HiVeg™ Broth for routine antibacterial testing of antiseptics and disinfectants. |
MV337 | AC HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of a wide variety of microorganisms particularly for sterility testing. |
MV875 | AC HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation of common aerobes and sterility testing of solutions and biological products without mercurial preservatives. |
MV346 | Acetobacter HiVeg™ Agar w/ Liver Extract for maintenance of glucose positive Acetobacter species. |
MV1208 | Acid HiVeg™ Broth for the cultivation of acid tolerant microorganisms from canned foods. |
MV618 | Alkaline HiVeg™ Peptone Water for enrichment of Vibrio species. |
MV010 | Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Broth, Alternative for sterility testing of turbid or viscous biological products. |
MV010G | Alternative Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Mediu Is gamma irradiated sterile powder recommended for evaluation of sterility in manufacturing process. |
MV228 | Anaerobic HiVeg™ Agar a general purpose medium for the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria, especially Clostridium species. |
MV491 | Anaerobic HiVeg™ Agar (Brewer) for the isolation and sensitivity testing of anaerobic and microaerophilic organisms and study of colonial morphology. |
MV230 | Anaerobic HiVeg™ Agar w/o Dextrose for carbohydrate fermentation studies of Clostridia, Streptococci and other organisms. |
MV229 | Anaerobic HiVeg™ Agar w/o Dextrose and for the isolation and identification of anaerobic pathogens and for the studies of hemolytic activity of Clostridia, Streptococci and other anaerobic organisms. |
MV225 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.10 as a seed layer medium for assaying the products containing Polymyxin-B, also for assaying Carbenicillin, Colistin and Colistimethate sodium. |
MV005 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.2 for microbiological assay of antibiotics. |
MV042 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.3 for microbiological assay of antibiotics. |
MV1141 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.32 for preparing inoculum of Bacillus subtilis during assay of Dihydrostreptomycin and Vancomycin. |
MV798 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.35 for microbiological assay of Bleomycin using Mycobacterium smegmatis. |
MV1666 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.36 a general purpose medium used with or without blood or other enrichment, for isolating a wide variety of fastidious microorganisms. |
MV1667 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.37 for cultivation of wide variety of microorganisms and sterility testing of pharmaceutical preparations. |
MV799 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.38 for microbiological assay of Ticarcillin using Pseudomonas aeruginosa. |
MV1142 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.39 for the microbiological assay of Neomycin and Streptomycin using Klebsiella pneumoniae as the test organism. |
MV140 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No. 4 for detection of Penicillin-G in milk samples using Bacillus stearothermophilus. |
MV1143 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.40 for the microbiological assay of Thiostrepton using Enterococcus hirae (Streptococcus faecalis) as the test organism. |
MV006 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.5 for microbiological assay of Streptomycin using Bacillus subtilis. |
MV223 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.6 for induction of spore production in Bacillus subtilis strains used in antibiotic assay. |
MV041 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No. 8 for microbiological assay of Mitomycin, Plicamycin and Vancomycin. |
MV147 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No. 9 as a base layer medium for assaying the products containing Polymyxin-B. |
MV003 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.1 for microbiological assay of ß-lactam and other antibiotics. |
MV004 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.11 for microbiological assay of antibiotics. (Note : pH of the Medium is 8.3) |
MV1144 | Antibiotic HiVeg™ Assay Medium No.41 for the microbiological assay of Thiostrepton using Streptococcus faecium as the test organism. |
MV226 | APT HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of heterofermentative Lactobacilli and other organisms requiring a high thiamine content. |
MV227 | APT HiVeg™ Broth for the cultivation of heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria requiring high thiamine content. |
MV725 | Asparagine Gelatin Lactate HiVeg™ Medium For isolation of sulphur bacteria |
MV106 | Snyder Test HiVeg™ Agar for the estimation of Lactobacilli, an indication of caries activity. |
MV462 | B.Q.Vaccine HiVeg™ Medium for mass cultivation of anaerobes for the vaccine production. |
MV806 | HiVeg™ Extract Agar for routine cultivation of non fastidious bacteria. |
MV807 | HiVeg™ Extract Broth for routine cultivation of non fastidious bacteria. |
MV694 | Bennet’s HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation and enhancement of sporulation of Nocardia and Streptomyces. |
MV1020 | BPL HiVeg™ Agar for isolation and identification of Salmonellae except Salmonella Typhi in faeces, urine, milk and other materials. |
MV213 | BHI HiVeg™ Agar w/PABA for improved growth of pathogens from blood of patients undergoing Sulphonamide treatment. |
MV212 | BHI HiVeg™ w/PABA (Brain Heart Infusion for examination of blood from patients under Sulphonamide therapy. |
MV211A | BHI Agar w/ 1% Agar, HiVeg™ for cultivation of fastidious pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and moulds. |
MV211 | BHI Agar,HiVeg™ for cultivation of fastidious pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and moulds. |
MV210 | BHI Broth, HiVeg™ Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro pomnožení a kultivaci patogenních koků a ostatních nutričně náročných mikroorganismů z krevních vzorků a klinického materiálu. |
MV1036 | BHI w/ 0.1% Agar, HiVeg™ for propagation of fastidious pathogenic cocci and other organisms associated with blood culture work and allied pathological investigations. |
MV019 | Brewer Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Medium for testing sterility of biological products and for isolation of aerobic and anaerobic organisms. |
MV195 | Brewer Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Medium, for testing sterility of biological products and for isolation of aerobic and anaerobic organisms. |
MV1275 | Buffered HiVeg™ Peptone Water w/ NaCl recommended as a diluent for carrying out microbial limit test from clinical and non-clinical specimens. |
MV470 | BYE HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation and routine studies of distribution of Mycoplasmas or Pleuropneumonia Like Organisms (PPLOs) and L- forms of bacteria. |
MV947 | C. perfringens Sporulation HiVeg™ Broth for promoting sporulation in Clostridium perfringens. |
MV910 | Casitose Yeast Extract HiVeg™ Broth (CAYE) for cultivation of Vibrio cholerae cultures while testing their enterotoxigenicity. |
MV1238 | Casitose Yeast Extract Salt HiVeg™ Broth for isolation of Escherichia coli in foods. |
MV1248 | Casitose Yeast Magnesium HiVeg™ Agar for use in the cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |
MV1247 | Casitose Yeast Magnesium HiVeg™ Broth for use in the cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |
MV381 | Casitone Glycerol Yeast Autolysate for maintenance of iron bacteria especially those belonging to the Sphaerotilus-Leptothrix group. |
MV766 | Casman HiVeg™ Broth Base for isolation of fastidious microorganisms from clinical specimens under reduced oxygen tension. |
MV103 | Chocolate HiVeg™ Agar Base for isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from chronic and acute cases of gonococcal infections. |
MV1548 | Chocolate No. 2 HiVeg™ Agar Base recommended for the cultural isolation of Neisseria and Haemophilus species from a variety of clinical specimens. |
MV606 | Chopped Liver HiVeg™ Broth for the cultivation and enrichment of anaerobic bacteria from food specimen. |
MV552 | Clausen HiVeg™ Medium for sterility testing. |
MV1315 | Clostridium HiVeg™ Broth Base for identification of spores of Clostridium tyrobutyricum which is usually responsible for ”late blowing” in cheese. |
MV145 | Columbia Broth Base, HiVeg™ for cultivation of fastidious organisms from clinical specimens. |
MV172 | Cystine HiVeg™ Agar Base supports excellent growth of Gram-negative cocci and other pathogenic organisms.With added haemoglobin it is used for cultivation of Francisella tularensis. |
MV084 | Dextrose HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of a wide variety of microorganisms. |
MV044 | Dextrose HiVeg™ Broth used for cultivation of wide variety of microorganisms. |
MV649 | Dextrose HiVeg™ Peptone Agar for general cultivation of organisms. |
MV650 | Dextrose HiVeg™ Peptone Broth for the cultivation of fastidious organisms, enumeration of thermophilic bacteria from canned foods and for routine sterility testing. |
MV092 | Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Agar for detection and enumeration of mesophilic and thermophilic aerobic organisms in foods. |
MV1062 | Dey-Engley Neutralizing HiVeg™ Broth for neutralizing and testing antiseptics and disinfectants. |
MV191 | Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Medium w/o for enrichment of blood cultures. |
MV354 | Disinfectant Test HiVeg™ Broth recommended for testing disinfectants. |
MV464 | Staphylococcus Aureus Enrichment HiVeg™ for enrichment of Staphylococcus aureus. |
MV1041 | DNase Test HiVeg™ Agar w/ Toluidine Blue for detection of deoxyribonuclease activity of microorganisms. |
MV179 | Dubos Oleic HiVeg™ Agar Base for cultivation of Mycobacteria. |
MV127 | EC HiVeg™ Broth for selective enumeration of faecal and non faecal coliforms in water, wastewater and shell fish. |
MV086 | Eijkman Lactose HiVeg™ Broth for detection and differentiation of Escherichia coli from other coliforms on the basis of their ability to grow and liberate gas from lactose. |
MV368 | Lactobacilli HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation of Lactobacilli and Streptococci of importance in dairy industry. |
MV325 | Emerson HiVeg™ Agar for isolation and cultivation of Actinomycetaceae, Streptomycetaceae and moulds. |
MV738 | Enriched Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Broth for isolation, cultivation and identification of a wide variety of obligate anaerobic bacteria. |
MV239 | Fletcher Leptospira HiVeg™ Medium Base for isolation, cultivation and maintenance of Leptospira species. |
MV117 | Fluid Casein Digest Soya Lecithin for sanitary examination of surfaces. |
MV026 | Fluid Lactose HiVeg™ Medium as a pre-enrichment medium for detection of coliform bacteria in water, dairy products and foods. |
MV1188 | Fluid Lactose HiVeg™ Medium w/ Soya for microbial evaluation of oral hygiene products. |
MV009 | Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Medium Fluid for sterility testing of biologicals and for cultivation of aerobes, anaerobes and microaerophiles. |
MV380 | Fluid Thioglycollate Medium w/ HiVeg™ for cultivation of anaerobic, microaerophilic and aerobic microorganisms and for sterility testing. |
MV134 | Folic Acid Culture HiVeg™ Agar for maintenance of Enterococcus hirae ATCC 8043 used as test organism in folic acid assay. |
MV541 | Folic Acid Inoculum HiVeg™ Medium for preparation of inoculum of Enterococcus hirae ATCC 8043 used as a test organism for folic acid assay. |
MV860 | Glucose HiVeg™ Broth for study of dextrose fermentation where pH indicator is not desired. |
MV758 | Glucose HiVeg™ Peptone Agar highly nutritious medium that can support growth of fastidious microorganism. |
MV757 | Glucose Yeast HiVeg™ Peptone Agar for isolation of yeasts from soil specimens. |
MV116 | Standard Nutrient HiVeg™ Broth (H.S. a highly nutritive medium recommended for large scale cultivation of bacteria for production of vaccines. |
MV1252 | Hanahan’s HiVeg™ Broth for use in cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |
MV551 | Hartley’s Digest HiVeg™ Broth a general purpose medium for the cultivation of a wide variety of bacteria from blood especially fastidious Streptococci and Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
MV169 | HI Agar, HiVeg™ for isolation and cultivation of a wide variety of fastidious organisms. |
MV170 | HI Broth, HiVeg™ for isolation and cultivation of a wide variety of fastidious organisms. |
MV485 | Hi-Sensitivity Test HiVeg™ Agar for antimicrobial susceptibility tests. |
MV486 | Hi-Sensitivity Test HiVeg™ Broth for antimicrobial susceptibility tests. |
MV028 | HiVeg™ Peptone Water all purpose growth medium and as a base for carbohydrate fermentation media. |
MV245 | HS HiVeg™ Medium for cultivation of aerobic as well as anaerobic bacteria and sterility testing. |
MV171 | Kracke Blood Culture HiVeg™ Medium for isolating organisms from the blood in bacteremias and for maintaining cultures isolated from blood. |
MV1087 | Lactic Bacteria Differential HiVeg™ Agar for differentiation of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria. |
MV1086 | Lactic Bacteria Differential HiVeg™ Broth for differentiation of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria. |
MV599 | Lactic HiVeg™ Agar for enumeration and identification of lactic Streptococci and Lactobacilli by pour plate method. |
MV641 | MRS HiVeg™ Agar for isolation and cultivation of Lactobacilli. |
MV369 | MRS HiVeg™ Broth Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci druhů rodu Lactobacillus. |
MV1003 | Lactose HiVeg™ Broth for the detection of coliform bacteria in water, foods, dairy products. |
MV080 | Lauryl Sulphate HiVeg™ Broth (Lauryl for detection and enumeration of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, dairy products and other food samples. |
MV1325 | Lecithin HiVeg™ Agar for detection of bacterial contamination of surfaces in unprotected and protected areas. |
MV457 | Leptospira HiVeg™ Medium Base, Korthof, Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci a uchovávání druhů rodu Leptospira. |
MV414 | Letheen HiVeg™ Agar to determine the phenol coefficient of quaternary ammonium compounds using Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538. |
MV946 | Modified Letheen HiVeg™ Agar for screening cosmetic products for microbial contamination. |
MV165 | Letheen HiVeg™ Broth for determination of bacterial activity of quaternary ammonium compounds using Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538. |
MV976 | Modified Letheen HiVeg™ Broth for screening cosmetic products for microbial contamination. |
MV817 | Liquoid HiVeg™ Broth for screening of blood specimens from suspected bacteremic cases. |
MV374 | LI Agar, HiVeg™ for cultivation of Brucella and other pathogenic bacteria. |
MV153 | LI Broth, HiVeg™ for cultivation of Brucella and other anaerobic organisms. |
MV1151 | Miller Luria Bertani HiVeg™ Agar for the cultivation and maintenance of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli for genetic and molecular biology studies; may be used for routine cultivation and estimation of not particularly fastidious microorganisms. |
GMV1151 | Luria Bertani HiVeg™ Agar, Miller, granulated for the cultivation and maintenance of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli for genetic and molecular studies; may be used for routine cultivation and estimation of not particularly fastidious microorganisms. |
GMV1245 | Luria Bertani HiVeg™ Broth, Miller, granulated for the cultivation and maintenance of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli and may be used for routine cultivation of not particularly fastidious microorganisms. |
MV1245 | Miller Luria Bertani HiVeg™ Broth for the cultivation and maintenance of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli for genetic and molecular biology studies; may be used for routine cultivation of not particularly fastidious microorganisms. |
MV557 | Luria HiVeg™ Agar for routine cultivation and estimation of not particularly fastidious microorganisms. |
MV575 | Luria HiVeg™ Broth for the cultivation and maintenance of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli |
MV846 | M-Broth, HiVeg™ for detecting Salmonellae in foods and feeds by the accelerated enrichment serology procedures. |
MV1023 | M-Lauryl Sulphate HiVeg™ Broth for enumeration of Escherichia coli in water using membrane filter technique. |
MV600 | Modified Rogosa HiVeg™ Agar (M16 HiVeg™ for cultivation enumeration of lactic Streptococci used in manufacturing of cheddar cheese. |
MV929 | M17 HiVeg™ Agar Base for cultivation of lactic Streptococci and plaque assay of lactic bacteriophages. |
MV777 | Maintenance (SCY) HiVeg™ Medium for the maintenance of iron bacteria. |
MV418 | Maintenance HiVeg™ Medium for B. for maintenance of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, used as the test organism for microbiological assay of antibiotics. |
MV883 | Standard Infusion Agar, HiVeg™ for mass cultivation of organisms for vaccine or toxin production. |
MV917 | Mehlman’s Maintenance HiVeg™ Medium for maintenance of Campylobacter species. |
MV132 | Micro Vitamin Test Culture HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation and maintenance of stock cultures of Lactobacilli used in microbiological assays of vitamins. |
MV133 | Micro Vitamin Test Inoculum HiVeg™ Broth for preparation of inocula of Lactobacilli used in microbiological assays of vitamins. |
MV449 | Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Agar w/ Lecithin for determining efficiency of sanitization of containers, equipment surfaces, water miscible cosmetics etc. |
MV163 | Modified Plate Count HiVeg™ Agar for enumeration of bacteria in milk and milk products, rinse waters, icecreams etc. |
MV1254 | Minimum Salts w/ HiVeg™ Acid Hydrolysate for the cultivation of Escherichia coli strains used for genetic and molecular studies. |
MV1213 | Modified SM HiVeg™ Agar recommended for cultivation and enumeration of microorganisms encountered in dairy industry. |
MV1167 | MOX HiVeg™ Agar for the cultivation of Yersinia enterocolitica from food. |
MV173 | Mueller Hinton HiVeg™ Agar Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci druhů rodu Neisseria a pro stanovení citlivosti mikroorganismů k antimikrobiálním látkám difusní diskovou metodou. |
MV1084 | Mueller Hinton HiVeg™ Agar No. 2 for testing susceptibility of common and rapidly growing bacteria using antimicrobial discs by the Bauer-Kirby method, manufactured to contain low levels of thymine, thymidine, calcium and magnesium. |
MV391 | Mueller Hinton HiVeg™ Broth to determine the susceptibility of bacteria to Sulphonamides by the tube dilution method. |
MV1042 | MUG EC HiVeg™ Broth for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic method. |
MV1046 | MUG Lauryl Sulphate HiVeg™ Broth, for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic method. |
MV624 | Mycoplasma Synoviae HiVeg™ Medium Base for cultivation of avian strains of Mycoplasmas. |
MV001 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of less fastidious microorganisms, can be enriched with blood or other biological fluids. |
MV012 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar w/ 1% Peptone a general culture medium which may be used as enriched medium by incorporating blood or other biological fluids. |
MV931 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar w/ Manganese for promoting sporulation in Bacillus species. |
MV087 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar 1.5% for cultivation of bacteria not requiring a highly nutritious medium can be enriched with blood, ascitic fluid or other enriching fluids. |
MV1269 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar No.2 use as a general purpose culture medium. |
MV090 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar, pH 6.0 w/ 0.8% NaC for cultivation of bacteria requiring slightly acidic pH. |
MV561 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar, pH 6.8 a general purpose nutrient medium for examination of water, sewage, faeces and other materials. |
MV002 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Broth for general cultivation of less fastidious microorganisms, can be enriched with blood or other biological fluids. |
MV244 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Broth w/ 1% Peptone a sterility testing medium for aerobes. |
MV088 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Broth, pH 6.9 w/o NaCl recommended as general purpose medium for the cultivation of microorganisms. |
MV542 | Pantothenate Inoculum HiVeg™ Broth for preparation of inoculum used in microbiological assay of Pantothenic acid or its salts. |
MV611 | PE-2 HiVeg™ Medium for detection and cultivation of mesophilic anaerobic spore formers in specimens collected from food processing plants. |
MV091A | Plate Count HiVeg™ Agar for determining plate counts of microorganisms in milk and dairy products by pour plate technique. |
MV091 | Standard Methods HiVeg™ Agar for determination of plate counts of microorganisms in foods, water and waste water. |
MV1307 | Polysorbate 80 HiVeg™ Agar (Twin Pack) for the cultivation of a variety of microorganisms. |
MV174 | Potato Infusion HiVeg™ Agar for isolation of Brucella species. |
MV1178 | Pre - Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth Base for isolation and enrichment of Yersinia enterocolitica from foods. |
MV1176 | Proteose HiVeg™ Agar for the cultivation of Vibrio species from foods. |
MV962 | R-2A HiVeg™ Agar for heterotrophic plate count of treated potable water using longer incubation periods. |
MV154 | Reinforced Clostridial HiVeg™ Agar for the cultivation and enumeration of Clostridia and other anaerobes. |
MV443 | Reinforced Clostridial HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation and enumeration of Clostridia and other anaerobes. |
MV407 | Rogosa SL HiVeg™ Broth for selective cultivation of all Lactobacilli including oral and faecal Lactobacilli. |
MV296 | Sensitivity Test HiVeg™ Medium for sensitivity tests with sulphonamides and other antimicrobial agents. |
MV645 | Shapton HiVeg™ Medium for enumeration of spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus which causes flat sour spoilage in canned foods with pH more than 4.5. |
GMV011 | Soyabean HiVeg™ Medium, granulated (Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Broth) a general purpose medium used for cultivation of a wide variety of microorganisms and sterility testing of moulds and lower bacteria. |
MV011 | Soyabean HiVeg™ Medium Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci nutričně náročných i nenáročných bakterií, kvasinek a plísní a pro testy na kontrolu sterility. |
MV290 | Soyabean HiVeg™ Agar Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci nutričně náročných i nenáročných mikroorganismů a pro kontrolu mikrobiálních limitů u nesterilních materiálů. |
MV323 | Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Broth w/ 0.1% Agar for cultivation of anaerobes from root canals, blood and other specimens. |
MV207 | Soyabean HiVeg™ Medium w/ Yeast Extract a highly nutritious medium which supports luxuriant growth of fastidious bacteria. |
MV322 | Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Broth w/o Dextrose recommended for cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms when the presence of carbohydrate is not desired. |
MV011G | Soyabean HiVeg™ Medium, Sterile Powder is a gamma-irradiated sterile powder recommended for the evaluation of sterility in manufacturing process. |
GMV011G | Soyabean HiVeg™ Medium, Sterile, granulated (Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Broth) is a gamma-irradiated sterile powder recommended for the evaluation of sterility in manufacturing process. |
MV412 | Spirolate HiVeg™ Broth, OMATA for mass cultivation of Treponema pallidum, Reiter strain for antigen production and other studies. |
MV302 | Standard Methods HiVeg™ Agar w/ Tween for sanitary examination of surfaces, that is, for counts before and after application of disinfectants. |
MV877 | Standard Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar a general utility medium for cultivation and enumeration of not particularly fastidious microorganisms. |
MV578 | Standard Staphylococcus HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation of Staphylococci. |
MV948 | Streptococcus Thermophilus Isolation for determining the ratio of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus in yoghurt. |
MV828 | Sucrose HiVeg™ Agar for Brewery Isolates for isolation of dextran producing Leuconostoc species. |
MV803 | Sulphate Reducing HiVeg™ Medium (Triple for enumeration of Sulphate Reducing bacteria in water samples. |
MV311 | Sulphite HiVeg™ Agar for detection of thermophilic sulphide producing anaerobes. |
MV1316 | Super HiVeg™ Broth for mass cultivation of Escherichia coli. |
MV562 | T.A.T. HiVeg™ Broth Base for sterility testing of highly viscous or gelatinous substances such as salves, ointments and other cosmetic products. |
MV1250 | Tartoff - Hobbs HiVeg™ Broth ((Terrific HiVeg™ Broth) for the cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |
MV100 | TB HiVeg™ Broth Base for cultivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
MV034 | TB HiVeg™ Broth Base w/o Tween 80 for cultivation of Mycobacteria when the presence of oleic acid is undesirable. |
MV791 | Tryptone Glucose HM Peptone B HiVeg™ Agar for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and other dairy products. |
MV608 | Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms. |
MV950 | TN HiVeg™ Agar for isolation and cultivation of Vibrio’s from food samples. |
MV313 | Todd Hewitt HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation of group A haemolytic Streptococci used for serological studies. |
MV048 | Tomato Juice HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation and enumeration of Lactobacilli. |
MV879 | Tomato Juice HiVeg™ Agar, Special for cultivation and enumeration of Lactobacilli from saliva and other acidophilic bacteria. |
MV319 | Tryptone Agar Base, HiVeg™ for determination of motility and carbohydrate fermentation reactions of aerobes and anaerobes. |
MV463 | Tryptone Water, HiVeg™ (Tryptone Broth, HiVeg™) for detection of indole producing microorganisms. |
MV320 | Tryptone Dextrose HiVeg™ Agar for studying motility and fermentation of dextrose by aerobes as well as anaerobes. |
MV014 | Tryptone Glucose Extract HiVeg™ Agar for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and dairy products. |
MV952 | Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract HiVeg™ for enumeration of microorganisms from foods by MPN technique. |
MV953 | Tryptone Phosphate HiVeg™ Broth for enrichment and cultivation of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from suspected food samples. |
MV593 | Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Agar w/ added NaCl a highly nutritious general purpose medium recommended for use when 1% sodium chloride is needed in the medium. |
MV990 | Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Agar w/ Magnesium for cultivation of coliforms. |
MV1242 | Tryptone Soya Salt HiVeg™ Agar w/ Magnesium Sulphate for enumeration of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafood by membrane filter technique. |
MV1263 | Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract HiVeg™ Broth recommended for confirmation of Listeria in Henry’s light. |
MV1214 | Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract HiVeg™ Agar recommended for confirmation of Listeria in Henry’s light. |
MV1198 | Tryptone Water Broth, HiVeg™ for the cultivation of Salmonella species from foods. |
MV463I | Tryptone Water, HiVeg™ recommended for detection of indole production. |
MV1272 | Tryptone Yeast Extract HiVeg™ Agar recommended for estimation of microbial counts in water. |
MV996 | Tryptose Agar w/ Thiamine HCl, HiVeg™ for isolation, differentiation and cultivation of fastidious microorganisms in an infusion free medium. |
MV538 | Tryptose Agar, HiVeg™ for isolation, cultivation and differentiation primarily of Brucella, but also of Streptococci, Pneumococci, Meningococci and other pathogenic microorganisms. |
MV097 | Tryptose Blood Agar Base, HiVeg™ for the isolation of fastidious organisms and determining the haemolytic reactions. |
MV177 | Tryptose Broth, HiVeg™ for the cultivation primarily of Brucella species. |
MV093 | Tryptose Phosphate Broth, HiVeg™ for cultivation of fastidious bacteria |
MV415 | Universal Beer HiVeg™ Agar (UB HiVeg™ for culturing microorganisms of significance in the brewing industry. |
MV918 | Wang’s Semisolid HiVeg™ Medium for transport and storage of Campylobacter species. |
MV115 | WL Nutrient HiVeg™ Medium for cultivation and isolation of microorganisms encountered in brewing and industrial fermentation processes. |
MV333 | Wort HiVeg™ Broth for cultivation and enumeration of yeasts. |
MV456 | Yeast Extract HiVeg™ Agar highly nutritive medium recommended for plate count of microorganisms in water. |
MV1251 | YT HiVeg™ Broth for the cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |