
RM006V HiVeg™ Peptone No. 4
equivalent to Mycological Peptone. Suitable for cultivation of yeasts and moulds.
RM001V HiVeg™ Peptone
growth performance at par with Peptone, contains high tryptophan content, used as culture media ingredient in variety of media. Also useful for commercial production of enzymes, vaccines, antibiotics and other products.
RM005V HiVeg™ Peptone No. 3
growth performance at par with Proteose Peptone, a highly nutritious ingredient employed in media used for bulk production of antibiotics, enzymes, bacterial toxins etc.
RM015V HiVeg™ Special Peptone
growth performance at par with Peptone Special, equivalent to Neopeptone. An enzymatic protein digest especially adapted for the preparation of media for culturing fastidious bacteria.

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