Kod | nazev |
M1284 | Aeromonas Starch DNA Agar Base for selective isolation and enumeration of Aeromonas species from food and clinical samples. |
M1157 | Bile Salts Brilliant Green Starch Agar for selective isolation and identification of Aeromonas hydrophila from food and environmental specimens. |
M1742 | Cetrimide Agar Base (w 1.3% Agar) recommended for the selective isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from various materials. |
M862 | Cetrimide Broth for selective cultivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. |
M432 | Furunculosis Agar for detection of Aeromonas salmonicida by means of its brownish red pigment production. |
M1089 | Glutamate Starch Phenol Red Agar Base Pro detekci Pseudomonas spp. a Aeromonas spp. z potravin, odpadních vod a zařízení potravinářského průmyslu. |
M1469 | HiFluoro Pseudomonas Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a fluorogenní detekci Pseudomonas aeruginosa z klinických i jiných vzorků. |
M574 | Inositol Brilliant Green Bile Agar (Plesiomonas Differential Agar) Pro selektivní izolaci Plesiomonas shigelloides a Aeromonas spp. ze vzorků stolice, potravin a surovin. |
M1161 | Inositol Gelatin Medium for the cultivation of Plesiomonas shigelloides from food samples in accordance with APHA. |
M1169 | Kaper’s Medium for the enumeration and identification of Aeromonas hydrophilia from food samples in accordance with APHA. |
M1543 | King’s Medium A Base for the non selective isolation, cultivation and pigment production of Pseudomonas species. |
M1544 | King’s Medium B Base Pro neselektivní izolaci, kultivaci a produkci pigmentu druhů rodu Pseudomonas. |
M1244 | Lachica’s Medium Base for isolation and cultivation of Aeromonas hydrophila from foods stored under different temperature conditions. |
M1266 | Malachite Green Broth for selective enrichment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. |
M1207 | Meat Extract w/ Peptone (Pepted Meat Broth) for the cultivation and maintenance of Alcaligenes species. |
M1173 | PL Agar for the isolation and cultivation of Plesiomonas shigelloides from foods. |
M120 | Pseudomonas Agar (For Fluorescein) Pro detekci fluoresceinu produkovaného druhy rodu Pseudomonas. |
M119 | Pseudomonas Agar (For Pyocyanin) Pro detekci pyocyaninu produkovaného druhy rodu Pseudomonas. |
M085 | Pseudomonas Agar Base S přídavkem selektivního suplementu pro selektivní izolaci druhů rodu Pseudomonas. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 13720 a ČSN EN 12780. |
M406 | Pseudomonas Isolation Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a identifikaci Pseudomonas aeruginosa z klinických i dalších vzorků. |
M576 | RS Medium Base Pro selektivní izolaci, kultivaci a presumptivní identifikaci Aeromonas hydrophila. |
M1177 | SA Agar Base for isolation, cultivation and differentiation of Aeromonas hydrophilia from foods based on starch hydrolysis in accordance with APHA. |
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