Kod | nazev |
M1637 | Arcobacter Broth Base recommended as an enrichment broth used for Arcobacter species. |
M1318 | Blood Free Campylobacter Broth Base for selective cultivation of Campylobacter species. |
M887 | Blood Free Campylobacter Selectivity Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci druhů rodu Campylobacter. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10272-1; -2, -3. |
M074A | Brucella Agar Base, Modified for cultivation of Campylobacter species. |
M908 | Campylo Thioglycollate Medium Base for isolation, maintenance and transport of cultures of Campylobacter species. |
M994 | Campylobacter Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Campylobacter ze stolice, potravin a vzorků prostředí. |
M1267 | Campylobacter Cefex Agar Base Pro izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Campylobacter . |
M899 | Campylobacter Enrichment Broth Base (Preston Enrichment Broth Base) recommended for selective enrichment and cultivation of Campylobacter species. |
M1240 | Campylobacter Nitrate Broth Pro diferenciaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Campylobacter na základě redukce nitrátů. |
M144 | Columbia Blood Agar Base Jako účinný základ pro přípravu krevního agaru, čokoládového agaru a dalších selektivních resp. identifikačních médií. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10272-1,-2 a Českého lékopisu (půda Q). |
M916 | Doyle’s Enrichment Broth Base for selective enrichment of Campylobacter species. |
M917 | Mehlman’s Maintenance Medium for maintenance of Campylobacter species. |
M1268 | Modified Brucella Agar Base for the selective isolation and cultivation of thermotolerant Campylobacter species. |
M939 | Preston Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci termotolerantních druhů rodu Campylobacter. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10272. |
M944 | Razi’s Medium (Semisolid Reinforced Clostridial Medium w/ Aspartate) for maintenance of Campylobacter cultures. |
M960 | Smibert’s Semisolid Brucella Medium for cultivation of Campylobacter species. |
M1057 | Vaginalis Agar Base Pro izolaci a diferenciaci Gardnerella vaginalis z klinických vzorků. |
M918 | Wang’s Semisolid Medium for transport and storage of Campylobacter species. |
M228 | Anaerobic Agar Pro kultivaci anaerobních bakterií, zejména druhů rodu Clostridium. |
M229 | Anaerobic Agar w/o Dextrose and Eh Indicator for the isolation and identification of anaerobic pathogens and for the studies of hemolytic activity of Clostridia, Streptococci and other anaerobic organisms. |
M911 | C. botulinum Isolation Agar Base for rapid, selective isolation of Clostridium botulinum from faecal specimens associated with food borne and infant botulism. |
M497 | Clostridial Agar Pro selektivní izolaci patogenních klostridií ze vzorků se smíšenou mikroflórou. |
M836 | Clostridium Difficile Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci Clostridium difficile z klinických vzorků. |
M149 | Cooked M Medium (R.C. Medium) for cultivation of aerobes and anaerobes, especially pathogenic Clostridia and also for maintenance of stock cultures. |
M1040 | Cooked M Medium w/ Glucose, Hemin & Vitamin K for cultivation of aerobes and anaerobes, especially pathogenic Clostridia and also for the maintenance of stock cultures. |
M808 | Egg Yolk Agar Base for isolation and identification of Clostridia and certain other anaerobes. |
M466 | Ellners Broth for induction of spore formation in Clostridium perfringens. |
M431 | Forget Fredette Agar for selective isolation of anaerobes from a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic flora. |
M1047 | Lactose Lecithin Agar Pro izolaci a diferenciaci histotoxických druhů Clostridium sp. z klinických vzorků. |
M1085 | Modified Differential Clostridial Broth for enumeration of Clostridia from food stuffs and other samples by the MPN technique. |
M1237 | Modified Duncan Strong (DS) Medium for isolation and differentiation of Clostridium perfringens from other Clostridia from foods on the basis of raffinose fermentation. |
M837 | Tryptose Sulphite Cycloserine (T.S.C.) Agar base with the addition of selective supplement and enrichment, it is used for the presumptive identification and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens. |
M154 | Reinforced Clostridial Agar Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů Clostridium spp. a dalších anaerobních bakterií. |
M443 | Reinforced Clostridial Broth Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů Clostridium spp. a dalších anaerobních bakterií. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda P). |
M443A | Reinforced Clostridial Broth w/o Agar for the cultivation and enumeration of Clostridia when a semisolid medium is preferred. |
M942 | Saline Agar for alpha-toxin detection in Clostridium perfringens. |
M1279 | Tryptose Cycloserine Azide Agar Base for enumeration of sulphite reducing anaerobes essentially Clostridia. |
M881 | Cystine Tellurite Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci mikroorganismů typu Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
M734 | Dextrose Proteose Peptone Agar Base with added blood and tellurite it is used for isolation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
M882 | Diphtheria Virulence Agar Base for determining toxigenicity of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
M551 | Hartley’s Digest Broth a general purpose medium for the cultivation of a wide variety of bacteria from blood especially fastidious Streptococci and Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
M015 | Hoyle Medium Base a highly selective medium used for the isolation and differentiation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae types. |
M537 | Loffler Medium Base for cultivation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae from clinical specimens and in pure cultures, detection of chromogenesis, proteolysis and the production of ascospores. |
M1189 | Loeffler Serum Medium Base for the cultivation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
M1202 | Mueller Tellurite Agar Base for isolation, cultivation and differentiation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
M1260 | Tellurite Blood Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Corynebacterium. |
M314 | Tinsdale Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci Corynebacterium diphtheriae. |
M1056 | Tryptone Tellurite Agar Base for selective isolation of pathogens from clinical specimens, especially from nose, throat and vagina. |
M813 | Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Legionella z klinických i jiných vzorků. |
M814 | Differential Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar Base for selective isolation and differentiation of Legionella species. |
M811 | Feeley Gorman Agar (F.G. Agar) for isolation and presumptive identification of Legionella species. |
M812 | Feeley Gorman Broth (F.G. Broth) for cultivation of Legionella species. |
M809 | Legionella Agar Base with addition of supplements it is used for cultivation of Legionella species. |
M809A | Legionella Agar Base Pro kultivaci druhů rodu Legionella. Složení přípravku odpovídá ČSN ISO 11731. |
M1399 | Legionella Enrichment Broth Base with addition of supplements it is used for cultivation of Legionella species. |
M892 | Modified Buffered Charcoal Agar Base for isolation and cultivation of Legionella species from clinical and other specimens. |
M1264 | Carbohydrate Consumption Broth Base for cultivation and differentiation of Listeria species. |
M1083 | Fraser Secondary Enrichment Broth Base Jako pomnožovací médium pro izolaci Listeria monocytogenes z potravin, krmiv, surovin a vzorků prostředí. |
M1607 | Gum Listeria Medium for the isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from clinical and non-clinical specimens. |
M1417 | HiCrome™ Listeria Agar Base, Modified a selective and differential agar medium recommended for rapid and direct identification of Listeria species. |
M569 | Listeria Enrichment Broth (Twin pack) Pro selektivní kultivaci a izolaci druhů rodu Listeria z klinických vzorků. |
M888 | Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified for selective enrichment of Listeria species. |
M890A | Listeria Enrichment Medium Base (UVM) for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria monocytogenes from clinical specimens. |
M1064 | Listeria Identification Agar Base (PALCAM) for selective isolation and identification of Listeria species. |
M1090 | Listeria Identification Broth Base (PALCAM) Pro selektivní pomnožení a identifikaci Listeria spp. |
M1457 | Listeria Lecithinase Agar Base for identification of Listeria monocytogenes based on induction of lecithinase activity in presence of activated charcoal. |
M1215 | Listeria Motility Medium Pro testování pohyblivosti Listeria monocytogenes. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10560 a ČSN EN ISO 11290-1; -2; Změna A1. |
M1145 | Listeria Oxford Medium Base Pro izolaci druhů rodu Listeria. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 11290-1, změna A1 a ČSN ISO 10560. |
M567 | Listeria Selective Agar (Twin pack) Pro selektivní kultivaci a izolaci druhů rodu Listeria z klinických vzorků. |
M1474 | Listeria Selective Agar Base for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria monocytogenes from clinical specimens. |
M889 | Listeria Selective Broth Base Pro selektivní pomnožení, izolaci a kultivaci Listeria monocytogenes z klinických vzorků a vzorků potravin a krmiv. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10560. |
M1552 | L. mono Confirmatory Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci listerií a diferenciaci Listeria monocytogenes z potravin a klinických vzorků. |
M386 | McBride Listeria Agar Base for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria species from clinical specimens. |
M891 | Modified McBride Listeria Agar Base for selective isolation and cultivation of Listeria monocytogenes, from foodstuffs, clinical samples etc. |
M1364 | Rhamnose Broth for demonstration of rhamnose fermentation (Listeria monocytogenes). |
M1214 | Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract Agar Pro kultivaci a konfirmaci druhů rodu Listeria. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10560 a ČSN EN ISO 11290-1; -2; Změna A1. |
M1263 | Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract Broth Pro kultivaci a konfirmaci druhů rodu Listeria. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10560 a ČSN EN ISO 11290-1; -2; Změna A1. |
M067 | Dubos Broth Base Tekuté médium pro rychlou kultivaci čistých kultur Mycobacterium tuberculosis a příbuzných mikroorganismů . |
M179 | Dubos Oleic Agar Base Pro kultivaci druhů rodu Mycobacterium . |
M839 | Dubos Oleic Broth Base for cultivation of Mycobacteria. |
M247 | IUT Medium Base for cultivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
M161 | Kirchner Medium Base, Modified for cultivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
M162 | Lowenstein Jensen Medium Base (L.J. Medium) Pro izolaci a kultivaci mykobakterií zejména Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
M1542 | Lowenstein Jensen Medium Base w/o Starch for drug resistance testing of Mycobacteria in accordance with WHO. |
M197 | Middlebrook 7H9 Agar Base for isolation, cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
M199 | Middlebrook 7H10 Agar Base for isolation, cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
M196 | Middlebrook 7H10 Agar Base, Special for isolation, cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
M511 | Middlebrook 7H11 Agar Base for isolation, cultivation and sensitivity testing of Mycobacteria. |
M511A | Middlebrook 7H11 Agar Base w/o Malachite Green for isolation, cultivation and determination of antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycobacteria. |
M198 | Middlebrook 7H9 Broth Base Po obohacení suplementem pro kultivaci a stanovení citlivosti Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
M867 | Peizer TB Medium Base Pro kultivaci Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
M100 | TB Broth Base Pro kultivaci Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
M034 | TB Broth Base w/o Tween 80 for cultivation of Mycobacteria when the presence of oleic acid is undesirable. |
M470 | BYE Agar for cultivation and routine studies of distribution of Mycoplasmas or Pleuropneumonia Like Organisms (PPLOs) and L- forms of bacteria. |
M266 | Mycoplasma Agar Base (PPLO Agar Base) S přídavkem nutričních doplňků pro izolaci a kultivaci mykoplasmat (pleuropneumonia like organisms-PPLO) z klinických vzorků. |
M267 | Mycoplasma Broth Base w/o CV (PPLO Broth Base w/o CV) S přídavkem nutričních doplňků pro pomnožení a kultivaci mykoplasmat (pleuropneumonia like organisms-PPLO). |
M268 | Mycoplasma Broth Base w/ CV (PPLO Broth Base w/CV) with the addition of enrichment it is used for isolating Mycoplasma species (PPLO) from clinical specimens and mixed cultures. |
M1498 | Mycoplasma Cultivation Broth Base S přídavkem nutričních doplňků pro izolaci a kultivaci mykoplasmat (pleuropneumonia like organisms-PPLO). |
M1374 | Urogenital Mycoplasma Broth Base for selective cultivation of Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum. |
M1033 | Acetamide Agar (Twin Pack) Pro diferenciaci nefermentujících gramnegativních bakterií zejména Pseudomonas aeruginosa. |
M148 | Acetamide Broth (Twin Pack) for confirmation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water samples. |
M1640 | Burkholderia Cepacia Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci kmenů Burkholderia cepacia z respiračních sekretů pacientů s cystickou fibrozou a dalších i neklinických vzorků. |
M024 | Cetrimide Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci Pseudomonas aeruginosa z klinického materiálu a dalších vzorků. |
M1742 | Cetrimide Agar Base (w 1.3% Agar) recommended for the selective isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from various materials. |
M862 | Cetrimide Broth for selective cultivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. |
M565 | FNA Medium (Fluorescein Denitrification Agar) for differentiation of Pseudomonas from other bacilli by their ability to reduce nitrates or nitrites to nitrogen gas (denitrification) and detection of fluorescein pigment. |
M1089 | Glutamate Starch Phenol Red Agar Base Pro detekci Pseudomonas spp. a Aeromonas spp. z potravin, odpadních vod a zařízení potravinářského průmyslu. |
M505 | Herellea Agar for the selective isolation and differentiation of Gram-negative, fermentative and nonfermentative organisms especially for differentiation of organisms of Mima and Herellea group. |
M1469 | HiFluoro Pseudomonas Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a fluorogenní detekci Pseudomonas aeruginosa z klinických i jiných vzorků. |
M081 | MacConkey Agar w/ 0.15 % Bile Salts, CV and NaCl Pro detekci, izolaci, diferenciaci a stanovení počtů koliformních bakterií a dalších intestinálních patogenů ve vodě, mléce a mléčných výrobcích i v biologickém materiálu. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 21567. |
M008 | MacConkey Agar w/o CV w/ 0.15% Bile Salts Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci laktosu fermentujících a laktosu nefermentujících enterobakterií. |
M1543 | King’s Medium A Base for the non selective isolation, cultivation and pigment production of Pseudomonas species. |
M1544 | King’s Medium B Base Pro neselektivní izolaci, kultivaci a produkci pigmentu druhů rodu Pseudomonas. |
M1266 | Malachite Green Broth for selective enrichment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. |
M1207 | Meat Extract w/ Peptone (Pepted Meat Broth) for the cultivation and maintenance of Alcaligenes species. |
M1273 | Modified Pseudomonas Selective Agar w/ Cetrimide (Twin Pack) Pro detekci a stanovení počtu Pseudomonas aeruginosa ve vodě. |
M857 | Nitrofurantoin Broth Base for enrichment and isolation of Pseudomonas species. |
M120 | Pseudomonas Agar (For Fluorescein) Pro detekci fluoresceinu produkovaného druhy rodu Pseudomonas. |
M119 | Pseudomonas Agar (For Pyocyanin) Pro detekci pyocyaninu produkovaného druhy rodu Pseudomonas. |
M085 | Pseudomonas Agar Base S přídavkem selektivního suplementu pro selektivní izolaci druhů rodu Pseudomonas. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 13720 a ČSN EN 12780. |
M406 | Pseudomonas Isolation Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a identifikaci Pseudomonas aeruginosa z klinických i dalších vzorků. |
M293 | Sellers Differential Agar Pro identifikaci a diferenciaci gramnegativních nefermentujících bakterií zejména druhů Pseudomonas aeruginosa a Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. |
M1034 | Anaerobic CNA Agar Base for selective isolation of anaerobic Streptococci. |
M182 | Ayers & Johnson Agar (Stock Culture Agar) for maintenance of cultures of Streptococci and other microorganisms. |
M158 | Azide Blood Agar Base for selective isolation and cultivation of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species from mixed bacterial flora. |
M073 | Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar) for isolation and cultivation of many fastidious pathogenic microorganisms after addition of blood. |
M089 | Blood Agar Base w/ low pH Základ pro přípravu krevního agaru. Po přídavku krve lze použít pro izolaci a kultivaci nutričně náročných patogenních mikroorganismů (např. Neisseria spp., Streptococcus spp.). |
M834 | Blood Agar Base No. 2 Základ pro přípravu krevního agaru. Po přídavku krve lze použít pro kultivaci nutričně náročných patogenních mikroorganismů bez ovlivnění jejich hemolytických reakcí. |
M834A | Blood Agar Base No. 2 w/ 1.2% Agar Základ pro přípravu krevního agaru. Po přídavku krve lze použít pro kultivaci nutričně náročných patogenních mikroorganismů bez ovlivnění jejich hemolytických reakcí. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10560, ČSN EN ISO 7932 a 11290-1; -2, změna A1. |
M211 | BHI Agar (Special Infusion Agar) Pro kultivaci nutričně náročných patogenních bakterií, kvasinek a plísní. |
M211A | BHI Agar w/ 1% Agar for cultivation of fastidious pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and moulds. |
M1069 | BHI Agar w/ 3.0% Agar for cultivation of microorganisms when 3.0% Agar gel is desired. |
M210 | BHI Broth Pro pomnožení a kultivaci patogenních koků a ostatních nutričně náročných mikroorganismů z krevních vzorků a klinického materiálu. |
M1036 | BHI w/0.1% Agar for propagation of fastidious pathogenic cocci and other organisms associated with blood culture work and allied pathological investigations. |
M201 | Casman Agar for isolation of fastidious microorganisms from clinical specimens under reduced oxygen tension. |
M766 | Casman Broth Base for isolation of fastidious microorganisms from clinical specimens under reduced oxygen tension. |
M1053 | Charcoal Agar Base w/ Niacin Pro kultivaci Bordetella pertussis a Haemophilus influenzae. |
M103 | Chocolate Agar Base for isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from chronic and acute cases of gonococcal infections. |
M1548 | Chocolate No. 2 Agar Base Po přídavku hemoglobinu a suplementu je doporučen jako médium pro izolaci druhů rodů Neisseria a Haemophilus z klinických vzorků. |
M560 | Columbia C.N.A. Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci patogenních gram-pozitivních koků z klinických i neklinických vzorků. |
M560A | Columbia C.N.A. Agar Base w/ 1% Agar for selective isolation of pathogenic Grampositive cocci from clinical and nonclinical specimens. |
M183 | Dextrose Starch Agar Pro kultivaci a pomnožení čistých kultur Neisseria gonorrhoeae i jiných nutričně náročných mikroorganismů |
M428 | Eugonic Agar for cultivation of fastidious microorganisms like Haemophilus, Neisseria, Pasteurella, Brucella and Lactobacillus species. |
M429 | Eugonic Broth for cultivation of fastidious microorganisms like Haemophilus, Neisseria, Pasteurella, Brucella and Lactobacillus species. |
M825 | Fermentation Medium for Neisseriae for studying fermentation reaction of Neisseria species. |
M1073 | GBS Medium Base Pro rychlou detekci druhů rodu Streptococcus serologické skupiny B v klinických vzorcích. |
M434 | GC Agar Base Po přídavku krve nebo hemoglobinu a dalších suplementů je doporučen jako selektivní médium pro izolaci gonokoků. |
M1259 | Haemophilus Test Agar Base S přídavkem suplementu pro stanovení citlivosti Haemophilus influenzae k antimikrobiálním látkam. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům NCCLS. |
M998 | Islam’s Medium Base for Group B Streptococci for identification and cultivation of group B Streptococci from clinical specimens. |
M1072 | Lactic Acid Bacteria Selective Agar Pro selektivní izolaci mléčných bakterií z piva a vzorků z pivovarského procesu. |
M1087 | Lactic Bacteria Differential Agar Pro rozlišení homofermentativních a heterofermentativních druhů bakterií mléčného kvašení. |
M472 | Levinthal’s Medium Base Pro kultivaci druhů rodu Haemophilus. |
M259 | Mitis Salivarius Agar Base Pro izolaci streptokoků ze směsných kultur zejména Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus salivarius a Enterococcus faecalis. |
M795 | Modified Thayer Martin Medium Base(w/o Supplement) for selective isolation and enumeration of Neisseria species especially Neisseria gonorrhoeae. |
M173 | Mueller Hinton Agar Pro kultivaci druhů rodu Neisseria a pro stanovení citlivosti mikroorganismů k antimikrobiálním látkám difusní diskovou metodou. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10272-1. |
M977 | Mutans-Sanguis Agar for differentiation of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguinis associated with oral microflora. |
M1348 | NYC Agar Base recommended for selective isolation of Gonococci. |
M1489 | PYR Agar for isolation and identification of Streptococcus pyogenes. |
M519 | Pike Streptococcal Broth Base for selective enrichment and cultivation of Streptococci from throat swabs and other clinical specimens. |
M767 | Sodium Azide Crystal Violet Blood Agar for selective cultivation of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. |
M207 | Tryptone Soya w/ Yeast Extract and Hemin, w/o Dextrose a highly nutritious medium which supports luxuriant growth of fastidious bacteria. |
M465 | Streptococcus Enrichment Broth (SE Pro selektivní pomnožení a detekci enterokoků. |
M304 | Streptococcus Selection Agar Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu streptokoků všech skupin, včetně beta hemolytických druhů skupiny A. |
M303 | Streptococcus Selection Broth for selective isolation and cultivation of Streptococci including group A beta haemolytic strains. |
M413 | Thayer Martin Medium Base Po přídavku krve a suplementů je doporučen jako selektivní médium pro izolaci gonokoků. |
M191 | Thioglycollate Medium w/o Indicator Pro kultivaci širokého spektra mikroorganismů, zejména pro obligátní anaeroby z klinických vzorků a dalších materiálů. |
M853 | Thiol Broth for cultivation of organisms from body fluids and other materials containing Penicillin, Streptomycin and Sulphonamides. |
M852 | Thiol Medium for cultivation of organisms from body fluids and other materials containing Penicillin, Streptomycin and Sulphonamides. |
M313 | Todd Hewitt Broth Pro kultivaci druhů rodu Streptococcus zejména serologické skupiny A a pro serologické studie. |
M1149 | Transgrow Medium Base with added supplement is recommended for the cultivation and transport of fastidious microorganisms especially Neisseria species. |
M109 | Soyabean Casein Digest Agar w/ Yeast Extract,Hemin recommended for cultivation of fastidious microorganisms like Bordetella pertussis and Neisseria meningitidis. |
M538 | Tryptose Agar for isolation, cultivation and differentiation primarily of Brucella, but also of Streptococci, Pneumococci, Meningococci and other pathogenic microorganisms. |
M097 | Tryptose Blood Agar Base Pro izolaci nutričně náročných mikroorganismů a stanovení hemolytických reakcí. |
M416 | Veillonella Agar Base for selective isolation of Veillonella species. |
M219 | B.C.P.-D.C.L.S. Agar for isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species. |
M1020 | BPL Agar for isolation and identification of Salmonellae except Salmonella Typhi in faeces, urine, milk and other materials. |
M027 | Bismuth Sulphite Agar Pro selektivní izolaci a předběžnou identifikaci druhů rodu Salmonella z klinických vzorků, vody, odpadní vody, potravin a dalších materiálů. |
M1004 | Bismuth Sulphite Agar, Modified for isolation and preliminary identification of Salmonella Typhi and other Salmonellae from pathological materials, sewage, water supplies, food etc. |
M016 | Brilliant Green Agar Base, Modified Pro selektivní kultivaci druhů rodu Salmonella, kromě "S. typhi", ze stolice, ale i z mléka a mléčných výrobků a dalších potravin. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda L). |
M016A | Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ 1.2% Agar Pro selektivní kultivaci druhů rodu Salmonella, kromě „S. typhi", ze stolice, ale i z mléka a mléčných výrobků a dalších potravin. |
M160 | D.C.L.S. Agar Jako selektivní medium pro izolaci a detekci Shigella spp. a Salmonella spp. Je také použitelné pro pro izolaci Vibrio cholerae. |
M065 | Deoxycholate Citrate Agar Pro selektivní izolaci enteropatogenních bakterií, zejména druhů rodů Salmonella a Shigella. |
M065A | Deoxycholate Citrate Agar (as per B.P.) Pro selektivní izolaci enteropatogenních bakterií, zejména druhů rodů Salmonella a Shigella. |
M1074 | Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, Modified Pro selektivní izolaci enteropatogenních bakterií, zejména druhů rodů Salmonella a Shigella. |
M1536 | Dulcitol Selenite Broth (Selenite-F Broth w/ Dulcitol) (Twin Pack) for selective enichment of Salmonella species. |
M1533I | Fluid Selenite Cystine Broth (Twin Pack) Pomnožovací médium pro izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella z potravin, krmiv, stolice a moči . |
M025 | Selenite Cystine Broth (Fluid Selenite Cystine Medium) (Twin Pack) Pomnožovací médium pro izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella z potravin, mléčných výrobků, zdravotnických materiálů a klinických vzorků. |
M032 | Tetrathionate Broth Base w/o Iodine and BG (Fluid Tetrathionate Medium w/o Iodine and BG) Pro selektivní pomnožení druhů rodu Salmonella při izolaci z klinických vzorků, z potravin a dalších vzorků. |
M240 | Gillies Agar No.2 (Sucrose Salicin Agar) for detection of motility, hydrogen sulphide and indole production, fermentation of sucrose and salicin during identification of Salmonella and Shigella species. |
M243 | H Broth for preparation of “H” antigen, used in the identification and differentiation of Salmonella species. |
M467 | Hektoen Enteric Agar Pro selektivní izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella a Shigella a jejich diferenciaci od ostatních enteropatogenů. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 21567. |
M1393 | HiCrome™ MM Agar recommended for identification and differentiation of Salmonella and non- Salmonella like Citrobacter from water samples. |
M1296 | HiCrome™ Salmonella Agar for the isolation and differentiation of Salmonella species from coliforms by chromogenic method. |
M1466 | HiCrome™ Improved Salmonella Agar an improved selective and differential medium for Salmonella species. |
M1380 | Leifson Agar for isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species. |
M1138 | Leifson’s Deoxycholate Agar, Modified for selective isolation and differentiation of Salmonella and Shigella species. |
M1071 | Mannitol Lysine Agar for selective isolation of Salmonellae other than Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella paratyphi A. |
M1534 | Selenite Mannitol Broth (Twin Pack) for selective enrichment of Salmonellae from clinical materials. |
M1537 | Mannitol Selenite Broth w/ Brilliant Green (Twin Pack) for enrichment of Salmonellae from faeces, foodstuffs and other materials. |
M876 | Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Broth Pro pomnožení a izolaci Salmonella spp. |
M880 | Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium Pomnožovací médium pro salmonely v podmínkách vysokého osmotického tlaku, nízkého pH, při teplotě 43 °C a nenáročných nutričních požadavcích. |
M1530 | Rappaport Vassiliadis R10 Medium Pro selektivní pomnožení salmonel izolovaných z masa a mléčných výrobků, ze stolice a znečištěných odpadních vod. |
M1448 | Rappaport Vassiliadis Soyabean Meal Broth (RVSM) Pro pomnožení druhů rodu Salmonella. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 6579. |
M1535 | SBG Enrichment Broth (Twin Pack) for selective enrichment of Salmonellae from clinical specimens. |
M108 | SS Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar) Pro diferenciaci a selektivní izolaci Salmonella spp. a některých druhů rodu Shigella z klinických vzorků a vzorků podezřelých potravin. |
M1032 | SS Agar, Modified for selective isolation and differentiation of Salmonella and Shigella species from pathological materials, foodstuffs, etc. |
M573 | Salmonella Agar,ONOZ for selective isolation and identification of Salmonellae from clinical specimens. |
M1078 | Salmonella Differential Agar (Twin pack) (RajHans Medium) for identification and differentiation of Salmonella species from members of Enterobacteriaceae, especially Proteus species. |
M1082 | Salmonella Differential Agar, Modified (Twin pack) Pro izolaci a diferenciaci salmonel od ostatních členů Enterobacteriaceae, zejména proteů. |
M986 | Selective Lysine Agar for selective isolation and identification of Salmonellae in accordance with AOAC. |
M052 | Selenite Broth (Selenite F Broth) (Twin Pack) Pomnožovací médium pro izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella z klinických vzorků (stolice, moč). |
M970 | Selenite Broth Base w/o Biselenite with addition of selenite it is used for enrichment of Salmonellae species from food, dairy products, pathological materials. |
M1079 | Selenite Cystine Broth Base w/o Biselenite for selective enrichment of Salmonella and possibly Shigella sonnei from faeces, urine, water and foodstuffs. |
M1427 | Semisolid IMRV Medium Base for simultaneous enrichment of Salmonellae as well as isolation of motile Salmonellae from other competitive organisms. |
M1255 | Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Bile Broth Pro izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Salmonella. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda I). |
M327 | Tetrathionate Broth Base, Hajna (TT Broth Base) Pro pomnožení a izolaci salmonel. |
M331 | Wilson Blair Agar Base with the addition of selective reagent used for the isolation of Salmonella Typhi. |
M332 | Wilson Blair Agar w/ BG Pro izolaci a předběžnou identifikaci Salmonella spp. zejména serovaru Typhi z klinických vzorků. |
M336 | Xylose Lysine Agar Base for isolation and identification of pathogenic enteric bacilli. |
M031 | Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar) Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů Salmonella spp. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda K). |
M1147 | XLT4 Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci salmonel. |
M861 | B.T.B. Lactose Agar for isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci. |
M043 | Baird Parker Agar Base Pro izolaci a stanovení počtu koaguláza pozitivních stafylokoků z potravin a ostatních materiálů. |
M1140 | Baird Parker Agar Base w/ Sulpha Pro izolaci a stanovení počtu koaguláza pozitivních stafylokoků v potravinách a dalších materiálech. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 6888-1. |
M1091 | Baird Staphylococcus Enrichment Broth for selective enrichment of pathogenic Staphylococci. |
M272 | Coagulase Mannitol Agar Base for primary isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci from clinical specimens or for classifying pure cultures. |
M277 | Coagulase Mannitol Broth Base Pro diferenciaci druhů rodu Staphylococcus na základě fermentace mannitolu a produkce koagulázy. |
M897 | Crystal Violet Lactose Agar for differentiation of pure cultures of pathogenic and nonpathogenic Staphylococci. |
M482 | DNase Test Agar Base Pro detekci deoxyribonukleasové aktivity mikro-organismů, zejména pro identifikaci patogenních stafylokoků. |
M1419 | DNase Test Agar w/ Methyl Green for detection of deoxyribonuclease activity of bacteria and fungi, and especially for identification of pathogenic Staphylococci. |
M827 | Fermentation Medium for Staphylococcus Pro studium fermentace glukosy druhy rodů Staphylococcus a Micrococcus. |
M584 | Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base for selective enrichment of Staphylococcus aureus from suspected food stuffs. |
M1468 | HiCrome™ Aureus Agar Base recommended for isolation and identification of Staphylococci from environment samples. |
M871 | Hugh Leifson Glucose Medium for differentiation of Staphylococci from Micrococci on the basis of anaerobic fermentation of glucose. |
M583 | K.R.A.N.E.P. Agar Base for selective enumeration of total Staphylococci from foodstuffs. |
M627 | Lipovitellin Salt Mannitol Agar Base for selective isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci by detecting lipase production and mannitol fermentation. |
M118 | Mannitol Salt Agar Base Selektivní médium pro izolaci patogenních stafylokoků. |
M383 | Mannitol Salt Broth Selektivní médium pro izolaci patogenních stafylokoků. |
M1594 | MeReSa Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci, kultivaci a identifikaci methicilin rezistentních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus z klinických vzorků. |
M661 | Modified Salt Agar Base for Staphylococci for selective isolation and cultivation of Staphylococci. |
M1454 | Oxacillin Resistance Screening Agar Base Pro screening oxacilin (methicilin) rezistentních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus. |
M652 | Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar for identification of phosphatase positive Staphylococcus aureus. |
M269 | Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar Base for selective isolation of Gram-positive organisms like Staphylococci and Streptococci. |
M269A | Phenylethanol Agar Base for selective isolation of Gram-positive organisms like Staphylococci and Streptococci. |
M155 | Salt M Broth an enrichment medium for the isolation of Staphylococci from grossly contaminated specimens. |
M578 | Standard Staphylococcus Broth for cultivation of Staphylococci. |
M521 | Gelatin Mannitol Salt Agar (Staphylococcus Agar No.110) Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci patogenních stafylokoků. |
M156 | Staphylococcus Agar No. 110 w/ Azide Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci patogenních stafylokoků. |
M448 | Tellurite Glycine Agar Base for quantitative detection of coagulase positive Staphylococci from foods and other sources like skin, mucous membranes, faeces, soil and air. |
M023 | Vogel-Johnson Agar Base w/o Tellurite (V.J. Agar) Pro selektivní izolaci koaguláza pozitivních a mannitol fermentujících kmenů Staphylococcus aureus ze silně kontaminovaných vzorků potravin a z klinických vzorků. |
M305 | Kupferberg Trichomonas Broth Base (Trichomonas Broth Base, Kupferberg) for selective isolation and cultivation of Trichomonas species. |
M412 | Spirolate Broth, OMATA for mass cultivation of Treponema pallidum, Reiter strain for antigen production and other studies. |
M665 | Trichomonas Agar Base Pro detekci a izolaci Trichomonas vaginalis a Candida albicans z klinických vzorků. |
M1204 | Trichomonas Broth Base No. 2 for the isolation of Trichomonas vaginalis. |
M460 | Modified CPLM Medium Base (Trichomonas Modified CPLM Medium Base) Pro kultivaci druhů rodu Trichomonas . |
M239 | Leptospira Medium Base, Fletcher for isolation, cultivation and maintenance of Leptospira species. |
M1009 | Leptospira Medium Base for cultivation and maintenance of Leptospira species. |
M457 | Leptospira Medium Base, Korthof, Modified for cultivation and maintenance of Leptospira species. |
M352 | C.L.E.D.Agar w/ Andrade Indicator Pro izolaci a diferenciaci patogenních mikroorganismů v moči na základě fermentace laktosy. |
M792 | C.L.E.D. Agar w/ Bromo Thymol Blue Pro izolaci, identifikaci a stanovení počtů patogenních mikroorganismů v moči na základě fermentace laktosy. |
M1146 | C.L.E.D. Agar Base w/o Indicator for isolation, enumeration and presumptive identification of bacterial flora in urinary tract. |
M178 | D.C.L.S. Agar, Hajna for the isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli. |
M022 | EMB Agar, Levine Pro stanovení počtů, izolaci a diferenciaci bakterií z čeledi Enterobacteriaceae . |
M1294 | HiCrome™ ECC Selective Agar Base Pro detekci Escherichia coli a koliformních bakterií ve vodě a potravinách. |
M1295 | HiCrome™ E. coli Agar recommended for the detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli in foods without further confirmation on membrane filter or by indole reagent. |
M1577 | HiCrome™ Enterobacter sakazakii Agar Pro izolaci a identifikaci Enterobacter sakazakii z potravin, vody, kalů, vzorků moče a stolice. |
M1573 | HiCrome™ Klebsiella Selective Agar Base Pro izolaci a detekci druhů rodu Klebsiella z vody a z dalších vzorků. Médium může být použito i při metodě membránové filtrace. |
M1353 | HiCrome™ UTI Agar Pro izolaci a předběžnou identifikaci bakteriálních druhů, které jsou původci infekcí močových cest. |
M1418 | HiCrome™ UTI Agar, Modified Pro izolaci, identifikaci a diferenciaci bakteriálních druhů, které jsou původci infekcí močových cest. |
M1505 | HiCrome™ UTI Selective Agar for identification, differentiation and confirmation of enteric bacteria from specimens such as urine which may contain large number of Proteus species as well as potentially pathogenic Gram positive organisms. |
M1124 | M-FC Agar Base, Modified Pro detekci a stanovení počtů bakterií rodu Klebsiella ve vodě metodou membránové filtrace. |
M082 | MacConkey Agar w/o CV, NaCl w/ 0.5 % Sodium Taurocholate for cultivation and differentiation of enteric bacteria, restricting swarming of Proteus species from specimens such as urine which may contain large number of Proteus species as well as potentially pathogenic Gram-positive organisms. |
M082A | MacConkey Agar w/o CV, NaCl w/ 0.5 % Bile Salts for cultivation and differentiation of enteric bacteria, restricting swarming of Proteus species from specimens such as urine which may contain large number of Proteus species as well as potentially pathogenic Gram-positive organisms. |
M051 | MacConkey Agar, Modified Pro detekci a izolaci Klebsiella spp., z vody a dalších zdrojů, metodou membránové filtrace. |
M1702 | MacConkey Agar RS recommended for isolating and differentiating Gram negative enteric bacilli from specimens containing swarming strains of Proteus species. |
M850 | Tergitol-7 Agar H for selective isolation and differentiation of enteric bacteria from urine specimens. |
M581A | Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar w/ Lactose Pro detekci a stanovení počtů bakterií čeledi Enterobacteriaceae v potravinách. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda F). |
M618 | Alkaline Peptone Water for enrichment of Vibrio species. |
M910 | Casitose Yeast Extract Broth (CAYE) for cultivation of Vibrio cholerae cultures while testing their enterotoxigenicity. |
M558 | Cholera Medium Base for selective isolation of Vibrio species from specimens grossly contaminated with Enterobacteriaceae. |
M974 | Craig’s Medium for cultivation of Vibrio cholerae to determine its enterotoxigenicity. |
M915 | Dihydrolase Broth Base for studying dihydrolase reaction of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. |
M920 | Gelatin Agar Pro kultivaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Vibrio. |
M924 | Horie Arabinose Ethyl Violet Broth for enrichment of Vibrio species. |
M474 | Monsur Medium Base for selective isolation and differentiation of Vibrio chlolerae and other Vibrios from pathological samples. |
M821 | Salt Polymyxin Broth Base for detection and enumeration of Vibrio species. |
M189 | TCBS Agar Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Vibrio z potravin a dalších materiálů. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 8914. |
M870 | TCBS Agar (Selective) Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Vibrio, zejména enteropatogenních. |
M870A | TCBS Agar, Modified for selective isolation of Vibrio cholerae and other enteropathogenic Vibrio’s. |
M1217 | Tryptone Sucrose Tetrazolium Agar Base Pro izolaci druhů rodu Vibrio. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 8914. |
M662 | VP Medium for isolation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. |
M820 | Vibrio Agar Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Vibrio. |
M626 | Wagatsuma Agar Base for performance of Kanagawa test to identify virulent Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains. |
M893 | CAL Agar (Cellobiose Arginine Lysine Agar) for isolation and biochemical characterization of Yersinia enterocolitica. |
M894 | CAL Broth (Cellobiose Arginine Lysine Broth) Pro selektivní izolaci a biochemickou charakterizaci Yersinia enterocolitica. |
M1243 | CRAMP Agar Base Pro kultivaci druhů rodu Yersinia s plasmidy. |
M1220 | ITC Broth Base (TTC Broth Base) Pro selektivní pomnožení a izolaci Yersinia enterocolitica. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10273. |
M1367 | Yersinia Enrichment Broth Base for the enrichment of Yersinia species, in particular Yersinia enterocolitica from human and animal intestinal contents. |
M1221 | Yersinia Identification Broth Base recommended for identification of Yersinia species. |
M843 | Yersinia Selective Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu Yersinia enterocolitica v klinickém materiálu a potravinách. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10273. |
M341 | Actinomyces Agar Pro kultivaci a uchovávání anaerobních aktinomycet. |
M233 | Actinomyces Broth for cultivation and maintenance of anaerobic Actinomyces species. |
M694 | Bennet’s Agar Pro kultivaci a podporu sporulace u druhů rodů Nocardia a Streptomyces. |
M325 | Emerson Agar for isolation and cultivation of Actinomycetaceae, Streptomycetaceae and moulds. |
M773 | Emerson YSS Agar for the isolation of Actinomycetes and other fungi. |
M476 | Garrod Actinomyces Medium for cultivation of pathogenic anaerobic species, Actinomyces israeli and Actinomyces bovis. |
M360 | ISP Medium No. 5 (Glycerol Asparagine Agar Base) Pro kultivaci druhů rodu Streptomyces. |
M359 | ISP Medium No. 4 (Inorganic Salt Starch Agar) for cultivation and characterization of Streptomyces species as per International Streptomyces Project. |
M358 | ISP Medium No. 3 Pro kultivaci a charakteristiku druhů rodu Streptomyces. |
M361 | ISP Medium No. 6 (Peptone Yeast Extract Iron Agar) Pro kultivaci a uchovávání druhů rodu Streptomyces. |
M362 | ISP Medium No. 7 (Tyrosine Agar) for isolation and characterization of Streptomyces species as per International Streptomyces Project. |
M363 | Carbon Utilisation Agar for characterization of Streptomyces on the basis of carbon utilisation source. |
M1352 | Streptomyces Agar recommended for cultivation and maintenance of Streptomyces. |
M1330 | Streptomyces Medium for the cultivation and maintenance of Streptomyces kanamyceticus. |
M884 | Aeromonas Isolation Medium Base Pro selektivní izolaci Aeromonas hydrophila z klinických vzorků a dalších materiálů. |
M1284 | Aeromonas Starch DNA Agar Base for selective isolation and enumeration of Aeromonas species from food and clinical samples. |
M1157 | Bile Salts Brilliant Green Starch Agar for selective isolation and identification of Aeromonas hydrophila from food and environmental specimens. |
M432 | Furunculosis Agar for detection of Aeromonas salmonicida by means of its brownish red pigment production. |
M574 | Inositol Brilliant Green Bile Agar (Plesiomonas Differential Agar) Pro selektivní izolaci Plesiomonas shigelloides a Aeromonas spp. ze vzorků stolice, potravin a surovin. |
M1161 | Inositol Gelatin Medium for the cultivation of Plesiomonas shigelloides from food samples in accordance with APHA. |
M1173 | PL Agar for the isolation and cultivation of Plesiomonas shigelloides from foods. |
M576 | RS Medium Base Pro selektivní izolaci, kultivaci a presumptivní identifikaci Aeromonas hydrophila. |
M859 | Rippey-Cabelli Agar Base for differential and selective isolation of Aeromonas hydrophila species from water samples using membrane filter technique. |
M906 | B.C. Motility Test Medium for testing motility of Bacillus cereus. |
M106 | Snyder Test Agar for the estimation of Lactobacilli, an indication of caries activity. |
M833 | Bacillus Cereus Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu Bacillus cereus. |
M1394 | Bacillus Differentiation Agar for differentiation between Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis based on mannitol fermentation. |
M1383 | Bacillus Medium Pro kultivaci a uchovávání Bacillus licheniformis. |
M914 | Dextrose Tryptone Broth, Modified for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic sporeformers. |
M964 | Glucose Yeast Extract Acetate Broth for cultivation of Lactobacilli. |
M1651 | HiCrome™ Bacillus Agar recommended for isolation and differentiation between various species of Bacillus by chromogenic method. |
M658 | KG Agar Base for promoting fast and free sporulation to distinguish between Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis. |
M636 | MYP Agar Base (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base) Pro izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Bacillus a patogenních stafylokoků. |
M1445 | Modified Lactobacillus Agar for isolation and enumeration of Lactobacilli. |
M1139 | Modified MYP Agar Base Po přídavku selektivních suplementů pro izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Bacillus a patogenních stafylokoků. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 7932 a 21871. |
M931 | Nutrient Agar w/ Manganese for promoting sporulation in Bacillus species. |
M1446 | PLET Agar Base recommended for the selective isolation and cultivation of Bacillus anthracis. |
M1451 | PLET Agar Base, Modified for isolation and enumeration of Bacillus anthracis. |
M835 | PNY Medium for cultivation and isolation of Lactobacillus species. |
M130 | Rogosa SL Agar Pro selektivní kultivaci orálních i fekálních druhů rodu Lactobacillus . |
M958 | Rogosa SL Agar w/ 0.15% Bile Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci žluč tolerujících druhů rodu Lactobacillus . |
M407 | Rogosa SL Broth Pro selektivní kultivaci orálních i fekálních druhů rodu Lactobacillus . |
M048 | Tomato Juice Agar for cultivation and enumeration of Lactobacilli. |
M879 | Tomato Juice Agar, Special Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtu laktobacilů a dalších acidofilních bakterií ze slin. |
M805 | Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar Base (BBE) Pro selektivní izolaci, kultivaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Bacteroides, zejména skupiny B. fragilis. |
M1035 | Bile Esculin Agar w/ Kanamycin for selective isolation and presumptive identification of bacteria of the Bacteroides fragilis group from mixed flora. |
M743 | L.D. Esculin Agar for identification of anaerobic bacteria especially Bacteroides species on the basis of esculin hydrolysis. |
M744 | L.D. Egg Yolk Agar Base for detecting lecithinase activity of anaerobic microorganisms. |
M832 | Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic Agar Base Pro izolaci a kultivaci anaerobních bakterií, pro stanovení citlivosti antibiotik agarovou difusní metodou a stanovení minimálních inhibičních koncentrací (MIC) u anaerobů. |
M863 | Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic Broth Base Pro izolaci a kultivaci anaerobních bakterií a stanovení minimálních inhibičních koncentrací (MIC) antibiotik pro anaeroby. |
M175 | Bordet Gengou Agar Base Pro izolaci a detekci Bordetella pertussis a Bordetella parapertussis. |
M175A | Bordet Gengou Agar Base w/ 1.6% Agar Pro izolaci a detekci Bordetella pertussis a Bordetella parapertussis. |
M344 | Charcoal Agar Base for cultivation of Bordetella pertussis, for vaccine production and also for stock culture maintenance. |
M646 | Charcoal Blood Agar Base for the cultivation of Bordetella pertussis for vaccine production and also for the maintenance of stock cultures. |
M172 | Cystine H Agar Base Pro kultivaci podporující výborný růst gramnegativních koků a dalších patogenních mikroorganismů. Po přídavku hemoglobinu pro kultivaci a stanovení počtu Francisella tularensis. |
M433 | Glucose Cysteine Agar Base w/ Thiamine with added blood or haemoglobin or hemin, it is used for cultivation and enumeration of Pasteurella tularensis. |
M074 | Brucella Agar Base Pro izolaci a kultivaci Brucella spp. a nutričně náročných mikroorganismů z klinických a dalších vzorků. |
M1039 | Brucella Agar Base w/ Hemin and Vitamin for cultivation of Brucella species, for isolation and subculture of anaerobes with addition of blood. |
M348 | Brucella Broth Base Pro pomnožení, izolaci a kultivaci Brucella spp. a Campylobacter spp. z klinických i ostatních vzorků. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10272-1, -2. |
M822 | Brucella Selective Medium Base for the isolation and identification of Brucella species. |
M823 | Brucella Vitamin K1 Blood Agar Base for isolation and subculture of Brucella species and other anaerobes. |
M374 | LI Agar for cultivation of Brucella and other pathogenic bacteria. |
M153 | LI Broth for cultivation of Brucella and other anaerobic organisms. |
M174 | Potato Infusion Agar for isolation of Brucella species. |
M177 | Tryptose Broth Pro izolaci a kultivaci nutričně náročných bakterií, zejména druhů rodu Brucella. |
M218 | B.C.P.-Deoxycholate Agar |
M1081 | B.T.B. Lactose Agar, Modified (Lactose Blue Agar) Pro diferenciaci bakterií z čeledi Enterobacteriaceae na základě fermentace laktosy. |
M071 | Bile Broth Base for cultivation of members of the Enterobacteriaceae and in culture of blood clots from patients with suspected enteric fever. |
M739 | Bile Salt Agar for isolation and enumeration of bile tolerant enteric bacilli. |
M216 | Boric Acid Broth for the detection and presumptive identification of Escherichia coli, on the basis of the ability of these organisms to grow at 43°C and form gas from lactose in the presence of boric acid. |
M1249 | Casitose Magnesium Broth (NZM Broth) recommended for use in the cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |
M1248 | Casitose Yeast Magnesium Agar (NZYM Agar) for use in the cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |
M1247 | Casitose Yeast Magnesium Broth (NZYM Broth) Pro kultivaci rekombinantních kmenů Escherichia coli. |
M1051 | Coliform PA Broth for determination of presence or absence of coliform bacteria in examination of pollution in treated water from water treatment plants or distribution systems. |
M831 | Crystal Violet Lactose Broth for detection of coliforms in water filtration control works. |
M1356 | DEV Lactose Peptone Broth for enrichment and titre determination of coliform bacteria. |
M030 | Deoxycholate Agar for direct differential count of coliforms in dairy products and for isolation of enteric pathogens from rectal swabs, faeces and other pathological specimens. |
M222 | Deoxycholate Citrate Agar w/o Sucrose for isolation and identification of enteric pathogens. |
M1378 | Drigalski Lactose Agar, Modified non selective, differential medium for the detection of enteric pathogens. |
M659 | Drigalski Litmus Lactose Agar non selective, differential medium for the detection of enteric pathogens. |
M1761 | Drigalski Selective Agar recommended for the selective isolation of Enterobacteria from urine stool and other clinical samples. Enterobacteria are differentiated on the basis of their ability to ferment lactose. |
M317 | EMB Agar for differential isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli from clinical and non-clinical specimens. |
M503 | EMB Broth for differentiation of Gram-negative enteric bacteria. |
M086 | Eijkman Lactose Broth for detection and differentiation of Escherichia coli from other coliforms on the basis of their ability to grow and liberate gas from lactose. |
M029 | Endo Agar Pro detekci a rozlišení laktosa-pozitivních a laktosa-negativních koliformních bakterií. |
M1077 | Endo Agar Base Pro detekci a rozlišení laktosa-pozitivních a laktosa-negativních koliformních bakterií. |
M1075 | Endo Agar, Modified for detection and isolation of coliforms and other enteric organisms. |
M1258 | Endo Agar w/ NaCl Pro izolaci a detekci patogenních enterobakterií. |
M1599 | Enrichment Broth for EC 0157 : H7 used as an enrichment broth for the growth of E. coli O157 : H7. |
M079 | Fuchsin Lactose Broth for determination of ‘coliform’ titre in the bacteriological examination of water and other materials. |
M242 | GN Broth, Hajna Pro selektivní kultivaci gramnegativních enterobakterií. |
M1022 | Gassner Lactose Agar for detection and isolation of pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae from food stuffs and other materials. |
M1252 | Hanahan’s Broth (SOB Medium) for use in cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |
M1158 | Hemorrhagic Coli (HC) Agar for isolation and enumeration with an enzyme labelled monoclonal antibody of Escherichia coli. |
M1300 | HiCrome™ Coliform Agar w/ SLS selective agar for the simultaneous detection of total coliforms and Escherichia coli in water and food samples. |
M1293 | HiCrome™ ECC Agar a differential medium recommended for presumptive identification of Escherichia coli and other coliforms in food and environmental samples. |
M1488 | HiCrome™ ECD Agar w/ MUG for the detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by using a combination of chromogenic and fluorogenic substrate. |
M1569 | HiCrome™ Membrane-Lauryl Sulphate Agar for differentiation and enumeration of Escherichia coli and other coliforms by a single membrane filtration technique. |
M1571 | HiCrome™ M-TEC Agar for differentiation and enumeration of thermotolerant E.coli from water by membrane filter technique. |
M1340 | HiCrome™ MacConkey Sorbitol Agar Base for selective isolation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7 from food and animal feeding stuffs. |
M1600 | HiCrome™ Universal Differential Medium differential medium recommended for presumptive identification of microorganisms from clinical and non-clinical specimens. |
M114 | Litmus Lactose Agar for differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non fermenting microorganisms. |
M507 | Litmus Lactose Bile Salt Agar (LLBSA) for selective isolation of enteric bacteria on the basis of lactose fermentation. |
M1151 | Luria Bertani Agar, Miller Pro kultivaci a uchovávání rekombinantních druhů Escherichia coli při genetických a molekulárně biologických studiích i pro rutinní kultivace ostatních mikroorganismů. |
M1245 | Luria Bertani Broth, Miller for the cultivation and maintenance of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli for genetic and molecular biology studies; may be used for routine cultivation of not particularly fastidious microorganisms. |
M1105 | M-EMB Broth for the detection of members of the coliform group by the membrane filter technique. |
M1107 | M-Endo Broth for estimation of coliforms in water samples using membrane filter technique. |
M1426 | M - E. coli Broth Pro detekci, diferenciaci a stanovení počtu Escherichia coli a koliformních bakterií ve vodě metodou membránové filtrace, bez další konfirmace. |
M1038 | MUG Brilliant Green Bile Broth for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic assay method. |
M1042 | MUG EC Broth for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic method. |
M1373 | MUG EC 0157 Agar for isolation and differentiation of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 : H7 from foodstuffs, water and clinical samples by a fluorogenic method. |
M1429 | MUG EC 0157 Agar, Modified for direct isolation and differentiation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7 from food stuffs and clinical specimen. |
M1046 | MUG Lauryl Sulphate Broth for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic method. |
M1387 | MUG MFC Agar recommended for cultivating and enumerating fecal coliforms by the membrane filter technique at elevated temperatures. |
M1080 | MUG MacConkey Agar for selective isolation and detection of lactose fermenting coliform organisms by a fluorogenic method. |
M1205 | MUG Sorbitol Agar for isolation and identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli associated with infant diarrhoea by fluorogenic method. |
M1190 | MUG Tryptone Water for detection of indole producing microorganisms by fluorogenic method |
M1058 | MUG Violet Red Bile Agar for the detection and enumeration of coliform organisms by a fluorogenic method. |
M008A | MacConkey Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.5% Bile Salts for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting enteric bacteria. |
M008B | MacConkey Agar w/o CV, w/ 1.2% Agar Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci laktosu fermentujících a laktosu nefermentujících enterobakterií. |
M081A | MacConkey Agar w/ CV, NaCl and 0.15 % Bile Salts Modifikovaný MacConkey Agar pro detekci a identifikaci enterokoků v přítomnosti koliformních a laktosu nefermentujících bakterií. |
M298 | MacConkey Sorbitol Agar for isolation and identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains associated with infant diarrhoea. |
M061 | MacConkey Agar w/ Bromo Thymol Blue for detection of lactose fermenting enteric bacteria. |
M1024 | MacConkey Agar Base Pro stanovení fermentace uhlohydrátů (přidaných jednotlivě či ve směsi) koliformními bakteriemi. |
M1125 | M-MacConkey Broth for detection of lactose fermenting and non fermenting enteric bacteria using membrane filter technique. |
M007 | MacConkey Broth w/ Neutral Red Pro selektivní pomnožení a stanovení koliformních bakterií. |
M539 | MacConkey Broth (Double Strength) w/ Neutral Red for primary isolation of coliforms from large samples such as water or waste water. |
M083 | MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP for presumptive identification of coliforms from variety of specimens such as water, milk and food etc. |
M083I | MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP Pro izolaci a předběžnou identifikaci koliformních bakterií z vody. |
M796 | MacConkey Broth Purple (Double Strength) w/ BCP for the presumptive identification of coliforms from large samples. |
M1612 | MacConkey Agar w/ Magnesium sulphate for isolation and differentiation of Gram negative enteric organisms while suppressing the swarming of most Proteus species. |
M1727 | MacConkey Sorbitol Agar Base w/ Rhamnose recommended for improved differentiation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from background flora. |
M1254 | Minimum Salt w/ Acicase for the cultivation of Escherichia coli strains used for genetic and molecular studies. |
M1465 | Rapid HiColiform™ Agar for detection and confirmation of Escherichia coli and total coliforms on the basis of enzyme substrate reaction from water samples using a combination of chromogenic and fluorogenic substrate. |
M1453 | Rapid HiColiform™ Broth for detection and confirmation of Escherichia coli and total coliforms on the basis of enzyme substrate reaction from water samples using a combination of chromogenic and fluorogenic substrate. |
M1288 | Serratia Differential Medium(SD Medium)(Twin Pack) for the cultivation and differentiation of Serratia species on the basis of arabinose fermentation and ornithine decarboxylation. |
M299 | Sorbitol Iron Agar for cultural identification and differentiation of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli which do not ferment sorbitol. |
M1286 | Soyabean Bile Broth Base for enrichment and isolation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7. |
M1250 | Tartoff - Hobbs Broth (Terrific Broth) for the cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |
M529 | Teepol Broth (Twin pack) for selective isolation and identification of enteric, lactose fermenting bacteria. |
M616 | Tergitol-7 Agar Base for selective enumeration and identification of coliform organisms. |
M851 | Tergitol-7 Broth selective and differential medium for detection and enumeration of coliforms. |
M961 | Tryptone Bile Agar Pro rychlou detekci a stanovení počtu Escherichia coli v potravinách. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 11866-3; 6391 a ČSN EN ISO 9308-1. |
M463 | Tryptone Water (Tryptone Broth) for detection of indole producing microorganisms. |
M463I | Tryptone Water Pro zjišťování tvorby indolu koliformními bakteriemi. |
M1193 | Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar w/ BCP Pro izolaci a stanovení počtů bakterií čeledi Enterobacteriaceae a Bacillus cereus v potravinách. |
M1369 | YT Agar for growth of Escherichia coli K12 strains used in preparation of phage and plasmid DNA according to Miller. |
M1251 | YT Broth (2X YT Broth) for the cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. |
M1271 | Azide Dextrose Broth w/ BCP Pro detekci a stanovení počtu enterokoků ve vodě. |
M1576 | Arabinose Agar Base recommended to differentiate Enterococcus faecium from Enterococcus faecalis. |
M220 | B.A.G.G. Broth Base (Buffered Azide Glucose Glycerol Broth Base) for detection of faecal Streptococci (group D) from clinical specimens and other material of sanitary significance. |
M493 | Bile Esculin Azide Agar Pro izolaci a předběžnou identifikaci intestinálních enterokoků. |
M1049 | Differential Agar for Group D for differentiation and identification of Group D Streptococci. |
M392 | Enterococcus Confirmatory Agar Pro konfirmaci enterokoků získaných ze vzorků vody a dalších zdrojů. |
M394 | Enterococcus Confirmatory Broth for confirming the presence of Enterococci in water supplies and other sources. |
M419 | Enterococcus Presumptive Broth for detection of Enterococci in water and other materials of sanitary importance. |
M749 | Esculin Azide Broth for selective cultivation and identification of Streptococci. |
M426 | Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (E.V.A. Broth) for selective, confirmatory detection of Enterococci as an indicator of faecal pollution in water and other specimens. |
M982 | Glucose Azide Broth for the enumeration of faecal Streptococci by MPN technique from water and sewage. |
M1376 | HiCrome™ Enterococci Broth recommended for identification and differentiation of Enterococci from water samples. |
M1580 | HiCrome™ Enterococcus faecium Agar Base Pro izolaci a identifikaci Enterococcus faecium ze vzorků stolice, odpadních vod a vodárenských provozů. |
M248 | KF Streptococcal Agar Base for selective isolation and enumeration of faecal Streptococci in surface water by direct plating or by membrane filter method. |
M249 | KF Streptococcal Broth Base for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci in waters and examination of faeces and other materials. |
M1007 | KF Streptococcus Agar Base w/ BCP Pro izolaci a stanovení počtů fekálních enterokoků. |
M1021 | KF Streptococcus Broth Base w/ BCP for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci. |
M1108 | M-Enterococcus Agar Base Pro izolaci a stanovení počtu enterokoků ve vodě, odpadní vodě a v potravinách metodou membránové filtrace. |
M1150 | Modified Bile Esculin Azide Agar for selective isolation and enumeration of group D Streptococci. |
M1068 | Modified Salt Broth for differentiation of enterococcal group D Streptococci from non enterococcal group D Streptococci. |
M787 | Pfizer Selective Enterococcus Agar for selective isolation and cultivation of Enterococci. |
M1414 | Rapid HiEnterococci™ Agar Pro rychlou a snadnou detekci enterokoků ve vzorcích vody. |
M900 | SF Broth, Modified for detection of Enterococci in diagnostic work. |
M612 | Slanetz and Bartley Medium Pro detekci a stanovení počtů Enterococcus spp. metodou membránové filtrace. |
M1763 | Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Agar Base for selective isolation of vancomycin resistant Enterococci. |
M1762 | Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Broth Base for selective enrichment of Enterococci. |