
M618 Alkaline Peptone Water
for enrichment of Vibrio species.
M910 Casitose Yeast Extract Broth (CAYE)
for cultivation of Vibrio cholerae cultures while testing their enterotoxigenicity.
M558 Cholera Medium Base
for selective isolation of Vibrio species from specimens grossly contaminated with Enterobacteriaceae.
M974 Craig’s Medium
for cultivation of Vibrio cholerae to determine its enterotoxigenicity.
M915 Dihydrolase Broth Base
for studying dihydrolase reaction of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
M920 Gelatin Agar
Pro kultivaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Vibrio.
M924 Horie Arabinose Ethyl Violet Broth
for enrichment of Vibrio species.
M474 Monsur Medium Base
for selective isolation and differentiation of Vibrio chlolerae and other Vibrios from pathological samples.
M821 Salt Polymyxin Broth Base
for detection and enumeration of Vibrio species.
M189 TCBS Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Vibrio z potravin a dalších materiálů. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 8914.
M870 TCBS Agar (Selective)
Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Vibrio, zejména enteropatogenních.
M870A TCBS Agar, Modified
for selective isolation of Vibrio cholerae and other enteropathogenic Vibrio’s.
M1217 Tryptone Sucrose Tetrazolium Agar Base
Pro izolaci druhů rodu Vibrio. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 8914.
M662 VP Medium
for isolation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
M820 Vibrio Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Vibrio.
M626 Wagatsuma Agar Base
for performance of Kanagawa test to identify virulent Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains.

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