Detekce patogenů

FD011 PS Selective Supplement I
recommended for the selective isolation of Clostridium perfringens.
FD012 PS Selective Supplement II
Pro selektivní izolaci Clostridium perfringens.
FD013 S.F.P. Selective Supplement
recommended for the selective isolation of Clostridium perfringens.
FD014 T.S.C. Selective Supplement
recommended for the selective isolation of Clostridium perfringens.
FD045 Egg Yolk Emulsion (100 ml per vial)
Sterilní stabilizovaná žloutková emulse pro identifikaci druhů rodů Clostridium, Bacillus a Staphylococcus na základě jejich lecitinázové aktivity.
M1206 LM Infusion Agar
recommended for the enumeration of sulphite reducing Clostridia and Clostridium perfringens in water and milk.
M1315 Clostridium Broth Base
Pro identifikaci spor Clostridium tyrobutyricum, baktérie odpovědné za pozdní duření tvrdých sýrů.
M1385 Bryant and Burkey Medium
Pro detekci a stanovení počtu spor laktát fermentujících druhů rodu Clostridium v mléce a mléčných výrobcích.
M149 Cooked M Medium (R.C. Medium)
for cultivation of aerobes and anaerobes, especially pathogenic Clostridia and also for maintenance of stock cultures.
M154 Reinforced Clostridial Agar
Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů Clostridium spp. a dalších anaerobních bakterií.
M1635 Anaerobic Basal Agar
recommended for the growth of anaerobic microorganisms, particularly Bacteroides sp and other fastidious anaerobes.
M1636 Anaerobic Basal Broth
recommended for the growth of anaerobic microorganisms, particularly Bacteroides sp and other fastidious anaerobes.
M1690 Bryant and Burkey Agar
for detecting and enumerating spores of lactate fermenting Clostridium in milk and dairy products.
M228 Anaerobic Agar
Pro kultivaci anaerobních bakterií, zejména druhů rodu Clostridium.
M443 Reinforced Clostridial Broth
Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů Clostridium spp. a dalších anaerobních bakterií. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda P).
M549 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth Base
for the cultivation of Clostridia from water.
M579 Perfringens Agar Base (O.P.S.P.)
for selective isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens from foods.
M606 CL Broth
for the cultivation and enrichment of anaerobic bacteria from food specimen.
M632 SPS Agar
for detection of Clostridium perfringens in foods.
M742 L.D. Agar
for cultivation and identification of fastidious anaerobic bacteria.
M808 Egg Yolk Agar Base
for isolation and identification of Clostridia and certain other anaerobes.
M816 Modified Litmus Medium w/ reducing agent
for determination of litmus reaction of Clostridium species.
M837 Tryptose Sulphite Cycloserine (T.S.C.) Agar base
with the addition of selective supplement and enrichment, it is used for the presumptive identification and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens.
M868 Iron Sulphite Agar
for detection of thermophilic anaerobic organisms causing sulphide spoilage in foods.
M898 SPS Agar, Modified
for selective isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens from foodstuffs.
M928 L Broth
for cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms.
MV1206 LM Infusion HiVeg™ Agar
recommended for the enumeration of sulphite reducing Clostridia and Clostridium perfringens in water and milk.
MV1315 Clostridium HiVeg™ Broth Base
for identification of spores of Clostridium tyrobutyricum which is usually responsible for ”late blowing” in cheese.
MV154 Reinforced Clostridial HiVeg™ Agar
for the cultivation and enumeration of Clostridia and other anaerobes.
MV228 Anaerobic HiVeg™ Agar
a general purpose medium for the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria, especially Clostridium species.
MV443 Reinforced Clostridial HiVeg™ Broth
for cultivation and enumeration of Clostridia and other anaerobes.
MV549 Differential Reinforced Clostridial
for the cultivation of Clostridia from water.
MV579 Perfringens HiVeg™ Agar Base (O.P.S.P.)
for selective isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens from foods.
MV606 Chopped Liver HiVeg™ Broth
for the cultivation and enrichment of anaerobic bacteria from food specimen.
MV632 SPS HiVeg™ Agar
for detection of Clostridium perfringens in foods.
MV742 L.D. HiVeg™ Agar
for cultivation and identification of fastidious anaerobic bacteria.
MV808 Egg Yolk Agar Base, HiVeg™
for isolation and identification of Clostridia and certain other anaerobes.
MV837 Perfringens HiVeg™ Agar Base
with the addition of selective supplement and enrichment, it is used for the presumptive identification and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens.
MV868 Iron Sulphite HiVeg™ Agar
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro detekci termofilních anaerobních mikroorganismů, které jsou příčinou zkázy potravin.
MV898 SPS HiVeg™ Agar, Modified
for selective isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens from foodstuffs.
FD003 PolyB Selective Supplement
An antimicrobial supplement recommended for selective isolation of M.tuberculosis from suspected clinical specimens. antibiotic supplement recommended for the selective isolation of various microorganisms.
FD145 CAT Selective Supplement
recommended for isolation of thermophilic Campylobacter species.
KB013 HiBacillust Identification Kit
M001 Nutrient Agar
Obecně použitelné kultivační médium, které může být obohaceno přídavkem 10 % krve nebo jiné biologické tekutiny.
M003 Antibiotic Assay Medium No.1 (Seed Agar)
Základní médium pro stanovení účinnosti antibiotik mikrobiálními metodami.
M003B Antibiotic Assay Medium A
for microbiological assay of ß-lactam and other antibiotics in pharmaceutical and food related preparations in accordance with BP.
M004B Antibiotic Assay Medium A
for microbiological assay of antibiotics in accordance with BP. (Note : pH of the Medium is 7.9)
M005 Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 2 (Base Agar)
for microbiological assay of antibiotics.
M006 Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 5 (Streptomycin Assay Agar w/ Yeast extract)
Pro mikrobiologické stanovení účinnosti streptomycinu za použití Bacillus subtilis (dle USP).
M009 Thioglycollate Medium Fluid
Pro kultivaci aerobních, anaerobních a mikroaerofilních mikroorganismů a pro kontrolu sterility.
M010 Alternative Thioglycollate Medium (NIH Thioglycollate Broth)(Thioglycollate Broth, Alternative)
Pro kontrolu sterility některých biologických výrobků, zejména zakalených a vizkózních.
M011 Tryptone Soya Broth
Obecně použitelné médium pro kultivaci nutričně náročných i nenáročných mikroorganismů a pro kontrolu sterility. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 21871 a Českého lékopisu (půda A).
M014 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
Pro stanovení počtu bakterií ve vodě, vzduchu, mléce a mléčných výrobcích.
M017 Sterility Testing Medium-A
for checking presence of aerobic microorganisms in pharmacopoeial articles.
M041 Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 8 (Base Agar w/low pH)
for microbiological assay of Mitomycin, Plicamycin and Vancomycin.
M056 Phenol Red Dextrose Broth
for Dextrose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M060 Nutrient Gelatin
for detection of gelatin liquefaction by proteolytic microorganisms.
M060S Nutrient Gelatin
for detection of gelatin liquefaction by proteolytic microorganisms. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part IV)-1976.
M090 Nutrient Agar, pH 6.0 w/ 0.8% NaCl
for cultivation of bacteria requiring slightly acidic pH.
M091 Plate Count Agar (Standard Methods Agar)
Pro stanovení počtu mikroorganismů v potravinách a vodě.
M091A Plate Count Agar
Pro stanovení počtu mikroorganismů v mléce a mléčných výrobcích.
M091S Plate Count Agar
for determining plate counts of microorganisms in milk and dairy products by pour plate technique. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS: 5402-1969.
M092 Dextrose Tryptone Agar
Pro detekci a stanovení počtů mesofilních a termofilních mikroorganismů v potravinách.
M1018 Sporulation Broth
Pro kultivaci a podporu tvorby spor u Bacillus subtilis.
M1025 Plate Count Agar, Special
for estimation of microbial counts in raw milk and other dairy products as per Netherlands Dairy Association.
M107 Starch Agar
for detection of starch hydrolyzing microorganisms.
M107S Starch Agar
for detection of starch hydrolyzing microorganisms. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part IV)-1976.
M1104 M-Dextrose Tryptone Broth
for detection and cultivation of thermophilic ‘flat sour’ microorganisms from food preparations using membrane filter technique.
M1139 Modified MYP Agar Base
Po přídavku selektivních suplementů pro izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Bacillus a patogenních stafylokoků. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 7932 a 21871.
M1194 MUG Plate Count Agar
for determination of plate count of microorganisms in milk and other dairy products by fluorogenic method.
M1208 Acid Broth
for the cultivation of acid tolerant microorganisms from canned foods.
M1213 Modified SM Agar
Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů mikroorganismů sledovaných v mlékárenství. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 6610; 6730 a 8553.
M121S Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
for detection and confirmation of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, foods, milk and dairy products. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS: 5401-1969.
M122 Dextrose Tryptone Broth
Pro pomnožení a kultivaci mesofilních a termofilních mikroorganismů v potravinách.
M125 Thermoacidurans Agar
for isolation of Bacillus thermoacidurans from food products.
M1286 Soyabean Bile Broth Base
for enrichment and isolation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7.
M1350 Aseptic Packing Line Medium
a fluid medium used in validating aseptic packing lines.
M1360 Kundrat Agar
for the routine qualitative detection of residues from antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents in animal-derived food.
M1383 Bacillus Medium
Pro kultivaci a uchovávání Bacillus licheniformis.
M1394 Bacillus Differentiation Agar
for differentiation between Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis based on mannitol fermentation.
M140 Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 4
for detection of Penicillin-G in milk samples using Bacillus stearothermophilus.
M1429 MUG EC 0157 Agar, Modified
for direct isolation and differentiation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7 from food stuffs and clinical specimen.
M1446 PLET Agar Base
recommended for the selective isolation and cultivation of Bacillus anthracis.
M1451 PLET Agar Base, Modified
for isolation and enumeration of Bacillus anthracis.
M1484 Polymyxin Pyruvate Egg Yolk Mannitol Bromothymol Blue Agar Base (PEMBA)
for the cultivation of Bacillus cereus.
M1485 Antibiotic Sulphonamide Sensitivity Test Agar (ASS Agar)
for testing the antimicrobial effectiveness of antibiotics and sulphonamides as well as for detecting the presence of antimicrobial substances in milk, urine and other fluids.
M1529 Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/ 0.5% Soya lecithin
for sanitary examination of surfaces.
M157 Tributyrin Agar Base w/o Tributyrin
Pro detekci a stanovení počtu lipolytických mikro-organismů.
M1581 Thermophilic Acid Resistant Medium
recommended for the cultivation and detection of thermophilic acid resistant microorganisms.
M1608 b-Streptococcus Selective Agar Base
for the isolation of beta-haemolytic Streptococci from clinical specimens heavily contaminated with other bacteria.
M1614 Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose and Indicator
used as a base for fermentation studies of an aerobic and microaerophilic organisms and for detecting microorganisms in normally sterile materials.
M163 Modified Plate Count Agar
Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů bakterií v mlékárenském průmyslu.
M1651 HiCrome™ Bacillus Agar
recommended for isolation and differentiation between various species of Bacillus by chromogenic method.
M1655 Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/ BCP
general purpose medium for cultivation of wide variety of microorganisms. With the addition of carbohydrates it can also be used for the fermentation studies.
M1666 Antibiotic Assay Medium No.36
a general purpose medium used with or without blood or other enrichment, for isolating a wide variety of fastidious microorganisms.
M1667 Antibiotic Assay Medium No.37
for cultivation of wide variety of microorganisms and sterility testing of pharmaceutical preparations.
M1698 Plate Count Agar w/ 1.2% Agar
for determination of plate count of microrganisms in foods and dairy products
M1706 CASOB Medium (Inactivator Broth)
recommended for neutralising and determining bactericidal activity of quaternary ammonium compounds
M1745 Buffered Phosphate Broth (Twin Pack)
recommended for the cultivation and differentiation of microorganisms based on coagulation and proteolysis of casein.
M186 Dey-Engley Neutralizing Agar (D/E Agar Disinfectant Testing)
Pro kontrolu účinnosti desinfekčních přípravků. Neutralizuje antiseptika a desinfekční prostředky.
M187 Dey-Engley Neutralizing Broth Base
Pro hodnocení účinnosti sanitace a stanovení antibakteriální aktivity kvarterních amoniových solí.
M190 Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose
Pro kultivaci širokého spektra anaerobních, mikroaerofilních i aerobních mikroorganismů a pro studia fermentace uhlohydrátů.
M193 Thiostarch Broth
for sterility testing of pharmaceutical or biological products.
M223 Antibiotic Assay Medium No.6
for induction of spore production in Bacillus subtilis strains used in antibiotic assay.
M234 AK Agar No.2 (Sporulating Agar) (Arret and Kirshbaum Medium)
Pro produkci spor kmene Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, které jsou využívány jako inokulum v metodách detekce reziduí penicilinu a dalších antibiotik, zejména v mlékárenství.
M307 Sugar Free Agar
for examination of butter in accordance with International Dairy Federation.
M418 Maintenance Medium for B. subtilis ATCC 6633
for maintenance of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, used as the test organism for microbiological assay of antibiotics.
M439S Nitrate Broth
for detection of nitrate reduction by bacteria. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part IV)-1976.
M462 Thioglycollate Broth w/ HL Extract (B.Q. Vaccine Medium)
for mass cultivation of anaerobes for the vaccine production.
M530 SM Growth Powder (Skim Milk Powder)
Pro kultivaci mléčných mikroroganismů a stanovení jejich proteolytických schopností.
M610 Thiogel Medium
for cultivation of strictly anaerobic, aerobic as well as facultative microorganisms and for the identification of pure cultures on the of basis of their ablility to liquefy gelatin.
M636 MYP Agar Base (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base)
Pro izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Bacillus a patogenních stafylokoků.
M636S MYP Agar Base (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base)
for isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci and Bacillus species. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part V)-1976.
M637 Modified V.P. Broth
for performing VP test.
M645 Shapton Medium
for enumeration of spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus which causes flat sour spoilage in canned foods with pH more than 4.5.
M658 KG Agar Base
for promoting fast and free sporulation to distinguish between Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis.
M686 Gelatin Iron Agar
Pro diagnostické testy ztekucování želatiny a tvorbu sirovodíku.
M763 SM Agar
Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů mikroorganismů v mlékárenském průmyslu.
M791 Tryptone Glucose HM Peptone B Agar (TGB Agar)
for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and other dairy products.
M833 Bacillus Cereus Agar Base
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu Bacillus cereus.
M849 PM Indicator Agar
for rapid detection of trace amounts of Penicillin in milk in accordance with AOAC.
M906 B.C. Motility Test Medium
for testing motility of Bacillus cereus.
M913 Dextrose Tryptone Agar, Modified
for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic, aerobic flat-sour sporeformers from canned foods, sugar etc.
M914 Dextrose Tryptone Broth, Modified
for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic sporeformers.
M931 Nutrient Agar w/ Manganese
for promoting sporulation in Bacillus species.
M952 Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Broth
for enumeration of microorganisms from foods by MPN technique.
M985 Starch SM Agar
for detection of spores in heated milk and milk products.
ME1665 Antibiotic Assay Medium H
for turbidimetric assay of Apramycin using Salmonella Cholerasuis as a test organism in accordance with EP.
MV001 Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar
for cultivation of less fastidious microorganisms, can be enriched with blood or other biological fluids.
MV056 Phenol Red Dextrose HiVeg™ Broth
for Dextrose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
MV121 Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Broth 2%
recommended for detection and confirmation of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, foods, milk and dairy products.
MV636 Phenol Red HiVeg™ Polymyxin Agar Base
for isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci and Bacillus species.
MV637 Modified V.P. HiVeg™ Broth
for performing VP test.
MV658 KG HiVeg™ Agar Base
for promoting fast and free sporulation to distinguish between Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis.
MV833 Bacillus Cereus HiVeg™ Agar Base
a selective medium for isolation, detection and enumeration of Bacillus cereus.
MV906 B.C. Motility Test HiVeg™ Medium
for testing motility of Bacillus cereus.
MV931 Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar w/ Manganese
for promoting sporulation in Bacillus species.
FD006 Blaser-Wang Selective Supplement
recommended for the selective isolation of Campylobacter species.
FD008 Skirrow Selective Supplement
recommended for the isolation of Campylobacter species.
FD009 Minerals Growth Supplement
recommended for the enhanced growth and aerotolerance of Campylobacter fetus.
FD067 CF Selective Supplement I
Pro selektivní izolaci druhů rodu Campylobacter.
FD135 CCDA Selective Supplement
Pro selektivní pomnožení Campylobacter spp.
FD231 Bolton Selective Supplement
Pro selektivní pomnožení Campylobacter spp.
M074 Brucella Agar Base
Pro izolaci a kultivaci Brucella spp. a nutričně náročných mikroorganismů z klinických a dalších vzorků.
M074A Brucella Agar Base, Modified
for cultivation of Campylobacter species.
M1240 Campylobacter Nitrate Broth
Pro diferenciaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Campylobacter na základě redukce nitrátů.
M1267 Campylobacter Cefex Agar Base
Pro izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Campylobacter .
M1318 Blood Free Campylobacter Broth Base
for selective cultivation of Campylobacter species.
M144 Columbia Blood Agar Base
Jako účinný základ pro přípravu krevního agaru, čokoládového agaru a dalších selektivních resp. identifikačních médií. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10272-1,-2 a Českého lékopisu (půda Q).
M1592 Bolton Broth Base
Pro selektivní pomnožení druhů rodu Campylobacter ze vzorků potravin. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10272-1.
M348 Brucella Broth Base
Pro pomnožení, izolaci a kultivaci Brucella spp. a Campylobacter spp. z klinických i ostatních vzorků. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10272-1, -2.
M834 Blood Agar Base No. 2
Základ pro přípravu krevního agaru. Po přídavku krve lze použít pro kultivaci nutričně náročných patogenních mikroorganismů bez ovlivnění jejich hemolytických reakcí.
M887 Blood Free Campylobacter Selectivity Agar Base
Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci druhů rodu Campylobacter. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10272-1; -2, -3.
M899 Campylobacter Enrichment Broth Base (Preston Enrichment Broth Base)
recommended for selective enrichment and cultivation of Campylobacter species.
M908 Campylo Thioglycollate Medium Base
for isolation, maintenance and transport of cultures of Campylobacter species.
M916 Doyle’s Enrichment Broth Base
for selective enrichment of Campylobacter species.
M917 Mehlman’s Maintenance Medium
for maintenance of Campylobacter species.
M918 Wang’s Semisolid Medium
for transport and storage of Campylobacter species.
M939 Preston Agar Base
Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci termotolerantních druhů rodu Campylobacter. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10272.
M960 Smibert’s Semisolid Brucella Medium
for cultivation of Campylobacter species.
MV074 Brucella HiVeg™ Agar Base
for selective isolation and cultivation of Brucella or Campylobacter species from clinical and non-clinical specimens.
MV074A Brucella HiVeg™ Agar Base, Modified
for cultivation of Campylobacter species.
MV1240 Campylobacter Nitrate HiVeg™ Broth
for identification of Campylobacter species on the basis of nitrate reduction.
MV348 Brucella HiVeg™ Broth Base
for enrichment and cultivation of Brucella or Campylobacter species from clinical and nonclinical specimens.
MV834 Blood Agar Base No. 2, HiVeg™
after addition of blood, medium permits maximum recovery of Streptococci, Pneumococci and other fastidious pathogenic microorganisms without interfering with their haemolytic reactions.
MV887 Blood Free Campylobacter Selectivity
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci druhů rodu Campylobacter.
MV899 Campylobacter Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth
recommended for selective enrichment and cultivation of Campylobacter species.
MV908 Campylo Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Medium Base
for isolation, maintenance and transport of cultures of Campylobacter species.
MV916 Doyle’s Enrichment HiVeg™ Broth Base
for selective enrichment of Campylobacter species.
MV917 Mehlman’s Maintenance HiVeg™ Medium
for maintenance of Campylobacter species.
MV918 Wang’s Semisolid HiVeg™ Medium
for transport and storage of Campylobacter species.
MV939 Preston HiVeg™ Agar Base
recommended for selective isolation of thermotolerant Campylobacter species.
FD048 U40 Supplement (5 ml per vial)
recommended for detection of urease activity in following media :
FD068 S Selective Supplement
recommended for selective isolation of Salmonella species.
FD101 NO 15 Selective Supplement
recommended for the rapid presumptive detection of Salmonella species in foods and feed materials.
FD233 Van10 Selective Supplement
Pro selektivní pomnožení Enterobacter sakazakii.
M008A MacConkey Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.5% Bile Salts
for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting enteric bacteria.
M016 Brilliant Green Agar Base, Modified
Pro selektivní kultivaci druhů rodu Salmonella, kromě "S. typhi", ze stolice, ale i z mléka a mléčných výrobků a dalších potravin. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda L).
M016A Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ 1.2% Agar
Pro selektivní kultivaci druhů rodu Salmonella, kromě „S. typhi", ze stolice, ale i z mléka a mléčných výrobků a dalších potravin.
M022 EMB Agar, Levine
Pro stanovení počtů, izolaci a diferenciaci bakterií z čeledi Enterobacteriaceae .
M025 Selenite Cystine Broth (Fluid Selenite Cystine Medium) (Twin Pack)
Pomnožovací médium pro izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella z potravin, mléčných výrobků, zdravotnických materiálů a klinických vzorků.
M026 Fluid Lactose Medium
Pro detekci koliformních mikroorganismů a pro sledování fermentace laktosy běžnými bakteriemi.
M027 Bismuth Sulphite Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci a předběžnou identifikaci druhů rodu Salmonella z klinických vzorků, vody, odpadní vody, potravin a dalších materiálů.
M029 Endo Agar
Pro detekci a rozlišení laktosa-pozitivních a laktosa-negativních koliformních bakterií.
M030 Deoxycholate Agar
for direct differential count of coliforms in dairy products and for isolation of enteric pathogens from rectal swabs, faeces and other pathological specimens.
M031 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar)
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů Salmonella spp. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda K).
M031I XLD Agar, Modified
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu salmonel. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 6579 a 21567.
M032 Tetrathionate Broth Base w/o Iodine and BG (Fluid Tetrathionate Medium w/o Iodine and BG)
Pro selektivní pomnožení druhů rodu Salmonella při izolaci z klinických vzorků, z potravin a dalších vzorků.
M049 Violet Red Bile Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů koliformních bakterií z vody a potravin.
M049A Violet Red Bile Agar (1.2%)
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů koliformních bakterií z vody a potravin.
M052 Selenite Broth (Selenite F Broth) (Twin Pack)
Pomnožovací médium pro izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella z klinických vzorků (stolice, moč).
M057 Double Sugar Agar, Russell
for differentiation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli on the basis of their ability to ferment dextrose and lactose with or without gas formation.
M066 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar (Hynes)
Pro izolaci a stanovení počtu koliformních bakterií ve vodách, odpadních vodách, mléku a mléčných výrobcích.
M069 Koser Citrate Medium
to differentiate Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes on the basis of citrate utilization.
M071 Bile Broth Base
for cultivation of members of the Enterobacteriaceae and in culture of blood clots from patients with suspected enteric fever.
M072 Nitrate Agar
K detekci bakterií schopných redukovat dusičnany na dusitany .
M080 Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose Broth)
Pro detekci koliformních bakterií izolovaných z vody, mléka a mléčných výrobků a dalších potravin. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 11866-1; 4831; 7251.
M083 MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP
for presumptive identification of coliforms from variety of specimens such as water, milk and food etc.
M099 Simmons Citrate Agar
Pro diferenciaci bakterií čeledi Enterobacteriaceae na základě schopnosti využívat citran jako zdroj uhlíku. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10273 a ČSN P ISO/TS 22964.
M1003 Lactose Broth
Pro detekci koliformních bakterií ve vodě, potravinách a mléčných výrobcích.
M1046 MUG Lauryl Sulphate Broth
for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic method.
M1075 Endo Agar, Modified
for detection and isolation of coliforms and other enteric organisms.
M108 SS Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar)
Pro diferenciaci a selektivní izolaci Salmonella spp. a některých druhů rodu Shigella z klinických vzorků a vzorků podezřelých potravin.
M1081 B.T.B. Lactose Agar, Modified (Lactose Blue Agar)
Pro diferenciaci bakterií z čeledi Enterobacteriaceae na základě fermentace laktosy.
M1107 M-Endo Broth
for estimation of coliforms in water samples using membrane filter technique.
M111 Urea Broth Base
recommended for the identification of bacteria on the basis of urea utilization, specially for the differentiation of Proteus, Salmonella and Shigella species.
M112 Urea Agar Base (Christensen) (Autoclavable)
Pro stanovení mikrobiální ureasové aktivity, zejména u druhů rodu Proteus.
M121 Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
recommended for detection and confirmation of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, foods, milk and dairy products.
M1211 Coliform Broth
for isolation and cultivation of coliform organisms from cream, yogurt and raw milk.
M1226 Mucate Broth
for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products.
M1227 Mucate Control Broth
for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products.
M123 Formate Ricinoleate Broth
for detection of coliform bacteria in milk, water and other materials of sanitary importance.
M127 EC Broth
for selective enumeration of faecal and non faecal coliforms in water, wastewater and shell fish.
M142 Kohn Two Tube Medium No.1 Base
for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of dextrose and mannitol fermentation and urease production.
M1589 Glucose Agar
for determining the fermentation reaction of presumptive Enterobacteriaecae.
M1643 Modified Lauryl Sulphate Tryptose Broth Base
Pro selektivní pomnožení Enterobacter sakazakii ze vzorků mléka a mléčných výrobků. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN P ISO/TS 22964.
M1684 Violet Red Bile Agar w/ Glucose and Lactose
recommended for selective isolation and enumeration of coli-aerogenes bacteria in water, milk and other dairy food products.
M178 D.C.L.S. Agar, Hajna
for the isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli.
M181 SIM Medium
Pro diferenciaci enterobakterií na základě produkce sirovodíku, indolu a pohyblivosti.
M242 GN Broth, Hajna
Pro selektivní kultivaci gramnegativních enterobakterií.
M317 EMB Agar
for differential isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli from clinical and non-clinical specimens.
M364 Indole Nitrate Medium (Tryptone Nitrate Medium)
for identification of microorganisms by means of nitrate reduction and indole production.
M382 Malonate Broth
Pro rozlišení druhů rodů Enterobacter a Escherichia na základě schopnosti utilizovat malonát.
M393 Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller
Pro diferenciaci bakterií na základě schopnosti dekarboxylace aminokyselin.
M439 Nitrate Broth
K identifikaci bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti redukovat dusičnany na dusitany.
M458 Violet Red Bile Broth
for detection and enumeration of coliforms from water and food.
M463 Tryptone Water (Tryptone Broth)
for detection of indole producing microorganisms.
M779 Malonate Broth, Ewing Modified
for differentiation of members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of malonate utilization.
M781 Phenylalanine Malonate Broth(Shaw & Clarke Medium)
for differentiation of members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of their ability to utilize malonate and produce pyruvic acid from phenylalanine.
M802 Kohn Two Tube Medium No.2
for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of sucrose and salicin fermentation, motility, hydrogen sulphide and indole production.
M826 Hugh Leifson Medium
for detecting aerobic and anaerobic breakdown of glucose.
M845 Lysine Iron Cystine Broth Base
for rapid presumptive detection of Salmonellae in foods, food ingredients and feed materials.
M847 Motility-Indole-Lysine Medium (MIL Medium)
Pro identifikaci bakterií čeledi Enterobacteriaceae na základě stanovení pohyblivosti, indolu, lysin deaminázy a lysin dekarboxylázy.
M880 Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium
Pomnožovací médium pro salmonely v podmínkách vysokého osmotického tlaku, nízkého pH, při teplotě 43 °C a nenáročných nutričních požadavcích.
M912 Decarboxylase Test Medium Base (Falkow)
for testing amino acid decarboxylase activity.
MV008A MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.0075%
for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting enteric bacteria.
MV016 Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Agar Base,
for selective isolation of Salmonellae other than Salmonella Typhi from faeces, foods, dairy products.
MV016A Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Agar Base w/ 1.2%
recommended as enrichment medium for isolation of Salmonellae from faeces, urine and other pathological materials.
MV022 EMB HiVeg™ Agar, Levine
for isolation, enumeration and differentiation of members of Enterobacteriaceae.
MV025 Fluid Selenite Cystine HiVeg™ Medium
enrichment medium for isolation of Salmonellae in foods, dairy products and materials of sanitary importance and clinical specimens.
MV026 Fluid Lactose HiVeg™ Medium
as a pre-enrichment medium for detection of coliform bacteria in water, dairy products and foods.
MV027 Bismuth Sulphite HiVeg™ Agar
for selective isolation of Salmonellae from faeces, urine, sewage and other materials.
MV029 Endo HiVeg™ Agar
for the confirmation of the presumptive test for members of the coliform group.
MV030 Deoxycholate Agar, HiVeg™
for direct differential count of coliforms in dairy products and for isolation of enteric pathogens from rectal swabs, faeces and other pathological specimens.
MV031 XLD HiVeg™ Agar
for selective isolation and enumeration of Salmonella Typhi and other Salmonella species.
MV032 Tetrathionae HiVeg™ Broth Base (w/o
selective enrichment medium for isolating Salmonellae from foods and other pathological materials.
MV049 Violet Red HiVeg™ Agar
for selective isolation, detection and enumeration of coli-aerogenes bacteria in water, milk and other dairy food products.
MV066 Deoxycholate Lactose HiVeg™ Agar
for isolation and enumeration of coliforms in water, waste-water, milk and dairy products.
MV070 MR-VP HiVeg™ Medium (Glucose Phosphate
for studying Methyl Red and Voges Proskauer tests to differentiate amongst coli-aerogenes group.
MV071 Bile Broth Base, HiVeg™
for cultivation of members of the Enterobacteriaceae and in culture of blood clots from patients with suspected enteric fever.
MV072 Nitrate HiVeg™ Agar
for detection of nitrate reduction by bacteria.
MV080 Lauryl Sulphate HiVeg™ Broth (Lauryl
for detection and enumeration of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, dairy products and other food samples.
MV083 MacConkey HiVeg™ Broth Purple w/ BCP
for presumptive identification of coliforms from variety of specimens such as water, milk and food etc.
MV1003 Lactose HiVeg™ Broth
for the detection of coliform bacteria in water, foods, dairy products.
MV1046 MUG Lauryl Sulphate HiVeg™ Broth,
for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic method.
MV1075 Endo HiVeg™ Agar, Modified
for detection and isolation of coliforms and other enteric organisms.
MV108 SS HiVeg™ Agar (Salmonella Shigella
for differential and selective isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species from pathological specimens, suspected foodstuffs etc.
MV1081 Lactose Blue HiVeg™ Agar (B.T.B. Lactose
for differentiation of lactose fermenting and non-fermenting bacteria belonging to Enterobacteriaceae.
MV1107 M-Endo HiVeg™ Broth
for estimation of coliforms in water samples using membrane filter technique.
MV112 Urea HiVeg™ Agar Base (Christensen)
for detection of urease production, particularly by Proteus vulgaris, Micrococci and paracolon organisms.
MV1211 Coliform HiVeg™ Broth
for isolation and cultivation of coliform organisms from cream, yogurt and raw milk.
MV1226 Mucate HiVeg™ Broth
for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products.
MV1227 Mucate Control HiVeg™ Broth
for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products.
MV127 EC HiVeg™ Broth
for selective enumeration of faecal and non faecal coliforms in water, wastewater and shell fish.
MV142 Kohn Two Tube HiVeg™ Medium No.1 Base
for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of dextrose and mannitol fermentation and urease production.
MV178 D.C.L.S. HiVeg™ Agar
for the isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli.
MV181 SIM HiVeg™ Medium
for determination of hydrogen sulphide production, indole formation and motility of enteric bacilli.
MV242 GN HiVeg™ Broth
for selective enrichment of Gram-negative organisms of the enteric group.
MV317 EMB HiVeg™ Agar
for differential isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli from clinical and non-clinical specimens.
MV364 Tryptone Nitrate HiVeg™ Medium
for identification of microorganisms by means of nitrate reduction and indole production.
MV393 Moeller Decarboxylase HiVeg™ Broth Base
with the addition of appropriate L-amino acid, it is used to differentiate bacteria on the basis of their ability to decarboxylate the amino acid.
MV439 Nitrate HiVeg™ Broth
for detection of nitrate reduction by bacteria.
MV458 Violet Red HiVeg™ Broth
for detection and enumeration of coliforms from water and food.
MV463 Tryptone Water, HiVeg™ (Tryptone Broth, HiVeg™)
for detection of indole producing microorganisms.
MV802 Kohn Two Tube HiVeg™ Medium No.2
for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of sucrose and salicin fermentation, motility, hydrogen sulphide and indole production.
MV826 Hugh Leifson HiVeg™ Medium
for detecting aerobic and anaerobic breakdown of glucose.
MV845 Lysine Iron Cystine HiVeg™ Broth Base
for rapid presumptive detection of Salmonellae in foods, food ingredients and feed materials.
MV847 Motility-Indole-Lysine HiVeg™ Medium
for identification of members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of motility, lysine decarboxylase, lysine deaminase and indole production.
MV912 Decarboxylase Test HiVeg™ Medium Base
for testing amino acid decarboxylase activity.
FD096 NO 5 Selective Supplement
an antibiotic supplement for presumptive identification of Aeromonas hydrophila.
FD187 NP Selective Supplement
Pro selektivní izolaci kmenů Escherichia coli O157:H7 z potravin.
M021 Triple Sugar Iron Agar
Pro diferenciaci enteropatogenních bakterií na základě schopnosti fermentovat uhlohydráty a produkovat sirovodík. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda M).
M081 MacConkey Agar w/ 0.15 % Bile Salts, CV and NaCl
Pro detekci, izolaci, diferenciaci a stanovení počtů koliformních bakterií a dalších intestinálních patogenů ve vodě, mléce a mléčných výrobcích i v biologickém materiálu. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 21567.
M1225 Acetate Agar
for the isolation and cultivation of Leuconostoc and Pediococcus species.
M1285 Modified EC Broth Base
for isolation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7.
M1598 HiCrome™ Enrichment Broth Base for EC O157 : H7
for EC O157 : H7 for isolation and selective differentiation of EC O157 : H7 from food and environmental samples by chromogenic method.
M1599 Enrichment Broth for EC 0157 : H7
used as an enrichment broth for the growth of E. coli O157 : H7.
M1654 Soyabean Bile Broth w/ Novobiocin
Pomnožovací médium pro Escherichia coli O157:H7 při izolaci z potravin a krmiv. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 16654.
M210 BHI Broth
Pro pomnožení a kultivaci patogenních koků a ostatních nutričně náročných mikroorganismů z krevních vzorků a klinického materiálu.
M298 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar
for isolation and identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains associated with infant diarrhoea.
M376 Lysine Decarboxylase Broth
Pro identifikaci suspektních kolonií salmonel na základě pozitivní dekarboxylace lysinu a k rozlišení od lysin-negativních citrobakterů.
M676 Bromo Cresol Purple Broth Base
Pro studium fermentace uhlohydrátů čistými kulturami mikroorganismů. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 21567.
M953 Tryptone Phosphate Broth
for enrichment and cultivation of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from suspected food samples.
MV021 Triple Sugar Iron HiVeg™ Agar
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro diferenciaci enteropatogenních bakterií na základě schopnosti fermentovat uhlohydráty a produkovat sirovodík.
MV081 MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/ CV, NaCl, 0.003% NR and 1.5% Agar
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny složky živočišného původu rostlinnými, je určeno pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci koliformních bakterií a dalších intestinálních patogenů.
MV1225 Acetate HiVeg™ Agar
for the isolation and cultivation of Leuconostoc and Pediococcus species.
MV1286 Soyabean HiVeg™ Broth Base
for enrichment and isolation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7.
MV210 BHI Broth, HiVeg™
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro pomnožení a kultivaci patogenních koků a ostatních nutričně náročných mikroorganismů z krevních vzorků a klinického materiálu.
MV298 Sorbitol HiVeg™ Agar (MacConkey Sorbitol
for isolation and identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains associated with infant diarrhoea.
MV376 Lysine Decarboxylase HiVeg™ Broth
for differentiating Salmonella arizonae from the Bethesda Ballerup group of Enterobacteriaceae.
MV676 Yeast Fermentation HiVeg™ Broth Base
for studying fermentation of carbohydrates by pure cultures.
MV953 Tryptone Phosphate HiVeg™ Broth
for enrichment and cultivation of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from suspected food samples.
FD057 TTC Solution 1% (10 ml per vial)
recommended for the detection of microbial growth by means of TTC reduction.
FD093 Bromo Cresol Purple
Pro detekci fekálních enterokoků.
FD235 CATC Supplement
recommended for selective isolation and detection of Enterococcus faecalis by means of TTC reduction.
M1007 KF Streptococcus Agar Base w/ BCP
Pro izolaci a stanovení počtů fekálních enterokoků.
M1021 KF Streptococcus Broth Base w/ BCP
for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci.
M1108 M-Enterococcus Agar Base
Pro izolaci a stanovení počtu enterokoků ve vodě, odpadní vodě a v potravinách metodou membránové filtrace.
M1113 M-Slanetz Enterococcus Broth Base
for isolation and detection of Enterococci using membrane filter technique.
M1119 M-Azide Broth Base
for the cultivation and enumeration of Enterococci from water samples by membrane filter technique.
M1257 Streptococcus Agalactiae Selective Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci Streptococcus agalactiae z mléčných výrobků.
M1310 CAE (Citrate Azide Enterococcus) Agar Base
for identification of Enterococci in meat, meat products, dairy products and other food stuffs.
M158 Azide Blood Agar Base
for selective isolation and cultivation of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species from mixed bacterial flora.
M1618 Citrate Azide Tween Carbonate Base
recommended for the identification of Enterococci in meat, meat products, dairy products and other foodstuffs.
M249 KF Streptococcal Broth Base
for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci in waters and examination of faeces and other materials.
M297 SF Broth
for selective cultivation, detection and differentiation of Enterococci from other cocci in diagnostic work.
M345 Azide Dextrose Broth
Pro selektivní detekci enterokoků ve vodě, odpadních vodách, potravinách a ostatních vzorcích podezřelých z fekální kontaminace.
M392 Enterococcus Confirmatory Agar
Pro konfirmaci enterokoků získaných ze vzorků vody a dalších zdrojů.
M394 Enterococcus Confirmatory Broth
for confirming the presence of Enterococci in water supplies and other sources.
M493 Bile Esculin Azide Agar
Pro izolaci a předběžnou identifikaci intestinálních enterokoků.
M612 Slanetz and Bartley Medium
Pro detekci a stanovení počtů Enterococcus spp. metodou membránové filtrace.
M767 Sodium Azide Crystal Violet Blood Agar
for selective cultivation of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.
M787 Pfizer Selective Enterococcus Agar
for selective isolation and cultivation of Enterococci.
MV1021 KF Streptococcus HiVeg™ Broth Base w/ BCP
for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci.
MV1108 M-Enterococcus HiVeg™ Agar Base
for isolation and enumeration of Enterococci in water, sewage, food and other materials by membrane filter technique as well as direct plating of specimens.
MV1113 M-Slanetz Enterococcus HiVeg™ Broth Base
for isolation and detection of Enterococci using membrane filter technique.
MV1119 M-Azide HiVeg™ Broth Base
for the cultivation and enumeration of Enterococci from water samples by membrane filter technique.
MV158 Azide Blood Agar Base, HiVeg™
for selective isolation and cultivation of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species from mixed bacterial flora.
MV248 KF Streptococcal HiVeg™ Agar Base
for selective isolation and enumeration of faecal Streptococci in surface water by direct plating or by membrane filter method.
MV249 KF Streptococcal HiVeg™ Broth Base
for detection and enumerataion of faecal Streptococci in waters and examination of faeces and other materials.
MV297 SF HiVeg™ Broth
for selective cultivation, detection and differentiation of Enterococci from other cocci in diagnostic work.
MV345 Azide Dextrose HiVeg™ Broth
a selective medium for detection of Streptococci in water, sewage, food and other materials suspected of sewage contamination.
MV392 Enterococcus Confirmatory HiVeg™ Agar
for confirming the presence of Enterococci in water supplies and other sources.
MV394 Enterococcus Confirmatory HiVeg™ Broth
for confirming the presence of Enterococci in water supplies and other sources.
MV493 Bile Esculin Azide HiVeg™ Agar
for selective isolation and presumptive identification of faecal Streptococci.
MV612 Slanetz and Bartley HiVeg™ Medium
for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci by membrane filter technique.
M368 Elliker Broth (Lactobacilli Broth)
for cultivation of Lactobacilli and Streptococci of importance in dairy industry.
M582 Lactobacillus Streptococcus Medium Base
Pro rozlišení laktobacilů a streptokoků na základě morfologie kolonií, redukce TTC a reakce kaseinu.
M599 Lactic Agar
for enumeration and identification of lactic Streptococci and Lactobacilli by pour plate method.
M600 M16 Agar (Modified Rogosa Agar)
for cultivation and enumeration of lactic Streptococci used in manufacturing of cheddar cheese.
M601 HYA Agar
for differentiation of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus on the basis of colony morphology.
M602 Lee’s Agar
Pro rozlišení Lactobacillus bulgaricus a Streptococcus thermophilus při stanovení počtů u jogurtových startovacích kultur.
M748 Edward’s Medium Base, Modified
Pro selektivní a rychlou izolaci Streptococcus agalactiae a ostatních streptokoků spojovaných s bovinními mastitidami.
M828 Sucrose Agar for Brewery Isolates
for isolation of dextran producing Leuconostoc species.
M925 Streptococcus lactis Differential Agar Base
for differentiation of citrate utilizing lactic Streptococci-Lactococcus lactis (Streptococcus lactis) subspecies diacetylactis from citrate non-utilizing Lactococcus lactis (Streptococcus lactis) and Lactococcus lactis (Streptococcus lactis) subspecies cremoris.
M926 Reddy’s Differential Agar, Modified (Lactic Streak Agar)
for the qualitative and quantitative differentiation of lactic Streptococci.
M929 M17 Agar Base
Pro kultivaci mléčných streptokoků, některých laktobacilů a pro studium jejich bakteriofágů.
M948 Streptococcus Thermophilus Isolation Agar
Pro stanovení poměru Streptococcus thermophilus a Lactobacillus bulgaricus v jogurtu.
M984 Neutral Red Chalk Lactose Agar
for detection of lactic Streptococci in milk and milk products.
MV368 Lactobacilli HiVeg™ Broth
for cultivation of Lactobacilli and Streptococci of importance in dairy industry.
MV582 L.S. Differential HiVeg™ Medium Base
for differentiation of Lactobacilli and Streptococci on the basis of colonial morphology, TTC reduction and casein reaction.
MV599 Lactic HiVeg™ Agar
for enumeration and identification of lactic Streptococci and Lactobacilli by pour plate method.
MV600 Modified Rogosa HiVeg™ Agar (M16 HiVeg™
for cultivation enumeration of lactic Streptococci used in manufacturing of cheddar cheese.
MV602 Lee’s HiVeg™ Agar
for differential enumeration of yoghurt starter bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus).
MV748 Edward’s Medium HiVeg™ Base, Modified
for selective and rapid isolation of Streptococcus agalactiae and other Streptococci associated with bovine mastitis.
MV828 Sucrose HiVeg™ Agar for Brewery Isolates
for isolation of dextran producing Leuconostoc species.
MV925 Streptococcus Lactis Differential HiVeg™
for differentiation of citrate utilizing lactic Streptococci-Lactococcus lactis (Streptococcus lactis) subspecies diacetylactis from citrate non-utilizing Lactococcus lactis (Streptococcus lactis) and Lactococcus lactis (Streptococcus lactis) subspecies cremoris.
MV926 Reddy’s Differential HiVeg™ Agar,
for the qualitative and quantitative differentiation of lactic Streptococci.
MV929 M17 HiVeg™ Agar Base
for cultivation of lactic Streptococci and plaque assay of lactic bacteriophages.
MV948 Streptococcus Thermophilus Isolation
for determining the ratio of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus in yoghurt.
FD245 Van100 Selective supplement
A selective supplement recommended for isolation of citrate-fermenting lactic acid bacteria.
FD250 Mup Selective Supplement
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu druhů rodu Bifidobacterium z mléčných výrobků.
FD251 1% Glacic Selective Supplement
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu druhů rodu Bifidobacterium z mléčných výrobků.
M048 Tomato Juice Agar
for cultivation and enumeration of Lactobacilli.
M1072 Lactic Acid Bacteria Selective Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci mléčných bakterií z piva a vzorků z pivovarského procesu.
M1086 Lactic Bacteria Differential Broth
Pro rozlišení homofermentativních a hetero-fermentativních druhů bakterií mléčného kvašení.
M1087 Lactic Bacteria Differential Agar
Pro rozlišení homofermentativních a heterofermentativních druhů bakterií mléčného kvašení.
M1165 Lactobacillus Selection Bile Agar Base (LBS Bile Agar Base)
Pro selektivní izolaci, kultivaci a stanovení počtu bakterií rodu Lactobacillus.
M1180 Lactobacillus Selection Agar Base
for isolation and enumeration of Lactobacilli from foods.
M130 Rogosa SL Agar
Pro selektivní kultivaci orálních i fekálních druhů rodu Lactobacillus .
M1351 Plate Count Agar w/ BCP
for enumeration of Lactobacilli in cultured milk, yogurt and sour creams.
M1384 Raka Ray No. 3 Broth Base (Lactic Acid Bacteria Selective Broth Base)
for selective isolation of lactic acid bacteria encountered in beer and the brewing process.
M1712 HiCrome™ Nickels and Leesment Medium
Pro stanovení počtu citrát fermentujících mléčných bakterií v mléce a mléčných výrobcích a mesofilních startovacích kulturách.
M1734 Bifidobacterium Selective Count Agar Base (BSC Propionate Agar Base)
Pro stanovení počtu presumptivních bifidobakterií v mléčných výrobcích.
M407 Rogosa SL Broth
Pro selektivní kultivaci orálních i fekálních druhů rodu Lactobacillus .
M442 Peptonized SM Agar
for cultivation of lactic acid bacteria and examination of dairy products.
M609 Litmus SM Broth
Pro stanovení vlivu bakterií na mléko a pro uchovávání kmenů laktobacilů.
M829 Tomato Juice Medium Base
Pro izolaci, identifikaci a stanovení počtu laktobacilů ve víně.
M835 PNY Medium
for cultivation and isolation of Lactobacillus species.
M927 Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Agar Base
Pro izolaci a identifikaci Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
M954 V-8 Medium For Lactobacilli
for cultivation and enumeration of Lactobacilli.
M958 Rogosa SL Agar w/ 0.15% Bile
Pro selektivní izolaci a kultivaci žluč tolerujících druhů rodu Lactobacillus .
M967 Lactic Phage Agar
for enumeration of bacteriophages active against starter cultures employed in cheese manufacturing.
M968 Lactic Phage Broth
for enumeration of bacteriophages active against starter cultures employed in cheese manufacturing.
MV048 Tomato Juice HiVeg™ Agar
for cultivation and enumeration of Lactobacilli.
MV1086 Lactic Bacteria Differential HiVeg™ Broth
for differentiation of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria.
MV1087 Lactic Bacteria Differential HiVeg™ Agar
for differentiation of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria.
MV1180 Lactobacillus Selection HiVeg™ Agar Base
for isolation and enumeration of Lactobacilli from foods.
MV130 Rogosa SL HiVeg™ Agar
for selective cultivation of oral and faecal Lactobacilli.
MV369 MRS HiVeg™ Broth
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci druhů rodu Lactobacillus.
MV407 Rogosa SL HiVeg™ Broth
for selective cultivation of all Lactobacilli including oral and faecal Lactobacilli.
MV641 MRS HiVeg™ Agar
for isolation and cultivation of Lactobacilli.
MV829 Tomato Juice HiVeg™ Medium Base
for isolation and identification of Lactobacilli encountered in wine.
MV927 Lactobacillus Bulgaricus HiVeg™ Agar
for isolation and identification of Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
FD274 NoCef Selective Supplement
for selective isolation & differentiation of Salmonella species from coliforms by chromogenic method.
M016B Agar Medium L (Brilliant Green, Phenol Red, Lactose Monohydrate, Sucrose Agar)
for selective isolation of Salmonellae other than Salmonella Typhi from faeces, foods, dairy products etc. in accordance with BP.
M021I Triple Sugar Iron Agar
Pro diferenciaci enteropatogenních bakterií na základě schopnosti fermentovat uhlohydráty a produkovat sirovodík. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 8914 a ČSN EN ISO 21567.
M025S Selenite F Broth (Twin Pack)
recommended an enrichment medium for isolation of Shigella from food samples. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part III)-1999.
M049S Violet Red Bile Agar
recommended for selective isolation, detection and enumeration of coli-aerogenes bacteria in water, milk and other dairy food products. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS: 5401-1969.
M054 Phenol Red Broth Base
Pro diagnostiku čistých kultur bakterií, na základě jejich schopnosti fermentovat přidané uhlohydráty.
M065 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci enteropatogenních bakterií, zejména druhů rodů Salmonella a Shigella.
M065S Deoxycholate Citrate Agar Medium
recommended for isolation of Shigella species from food samples. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part I)-1999.
M1020 BPL Agar
for isolation and identification of Salmonellae except Salmonella Typhi in faeces, urine, milk and other materials.
M1022 Gassner Lactose Agar
for detection and isolation of pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae from food stuffs and other materials.
M1074 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, Modified
Pro selektivní izolaci enteropatogenních bakterií, zejména druhů rodů Salmonella a Shigella.
M1138 Leifson’s Deoxycholate Agar, Modified
for selective isolation and differentiation of Salmonella and Shigella species.
M1255 Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Bile Broth
Pro izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Salmonella. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda I).
M1296 HiCrome™ Salmonella Agar
for the isolation and differentiation of Salmonella species from coliforms by chromogenic method.
M1380 Leifson Agar
for isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species.
M1530 Rappaport Vassiliadis R10 Medium
Pro selektivní pomnožení salmonel izolovaných z masa a mléčných výrobků, ze stolice a znečištěných odpadních vod.
M1536 Dulcitol Selenite Broth (Selenite-F Broth w/ Dulcitol) (Twin Pack)
for selective enichment of Salmonella species.
M160 D.C.L.S. Agar
Jako selektivní medium pro izolaci a detekci Shigella spp. a Salmonella spp. Je také použitelné pro pro izolaci Vibrio cholerae.
M1633 HiCrome™ RajHans Medium (Salmonella Agar)
recommended for identification and differentiation of Salmonella species from among the members of Enterobacteriacae, especially Proteus species.
M1634 HiCrome™ RajHans Medium, Modified (Salmonella Agar, Modified)
recommended for identification and differentiation of Salmonella species from among the members of Enterobacteriacae, especially Proteus species.
M1658I Modified Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium for Water Testing
Selektivní pomnožovací médium pro izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella ze vzorků vody.
M1747 Modified Buffered Peptone Water w/ Imbentin (Twin Pack)
as pre-enrichment medium of injured Salmonella species from foods prior to selective enrichment and isolation.
M219 B.C.P.-D.C.L.S. Agar
for isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species.
M260 Motility Test Medium
Pro stanovení pohybu u bakterií.
M377 Lysine Iron Agar
for differentiation of enteric organisms especially Salmonella arizonae, based on their ability to decarboxylate or deaminate lysine and to form hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
M467 Hektoen Enteric Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella a Shigella a jejich diferenciaci od ostatních enteropatogenů. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 21567.
M614 Buffered Peptone Water
Neselektivní médium pro zvýšení záchytnosti zejména poškozených bakteriálních buněk ze vzorků potravin a vody, pro přípravu výchozí suspenze a desetinásobných ředění. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 6887-1; 11290-2, změna A1 a ČSN ISO 215
M930 Motility Test Medium (Edwards and Ewing)
for testing motility of enteric bacteria.
M936 Potassium Cyanide Broth Base w/o KCN
for differentiation of the members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of potassium cyanide tolerance.
ME016 Agar Medium L (Brilliant Green Agar, Modified) (Brilliant Green, Phenol Red, Lactose Monohydrate,Sucrose Agar)
Pro selektivní izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella, kromě "S. typhi ", z klinických, farmacuetických i potravinářských vzorků. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu.
MV054 Phenol Red HiVeg™ Broth Base
a basal medium to which carbohydrates are added for determination of fermentation reactions of pure cultures of microorganisms.
MV065 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, HiVeg™
selective medium for the isolation of enteric pathogens particularly Salmonella and Shigella species.
MV1020 BPL HiVeg™ Agar
for isolation and identification of Salmonellae except Salmonella Typhi in faeces, urine, milk and other materials.
MV1022 Gassner Lactose HiVeg™ Agar
for detection and isolation of pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae from food stuffs and other materials.
MV1138 Leifson’s Deoxycholate HiVeg™ Agar,
for selective isolation and differentiation of Salmonella and Shigella species.
MV1296 HiCrome™Salmonella HiVeg™ Agar
for the isolation and differentiation of Salmonella species from coliforms by chromogenic method.
MV1380 Leifson HiVeg™ Agar
for isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species.
MV160 D.C.L.S. HiVeg™ Agar
a selective medium used to detect and isolate Salmonella and Shigella species. Also useful for isolation of Vibrio cholerae.
MV260 Motility Test HiVeg™ Medium
for detection of bacterial motility.
MV377 Lysine Iron HiVeg™ Agar
for differentiation of enteric organisms especially Salmonella arizonae, based on their ability to decarboxylate or deaminate lysine and to form hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
MV467 Hektoen Enteric HiVeg™ Agar
for differential and selective isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species from enteric pathological specimens.
MV614 Buffered HiVeg™ Peptone Water
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro předpomnožení salmonel izolovaných ze vzorků potravin a vody, především ke zvýšení záchytnosti poškozených kmenů.
MV936 Potassium Cyanide HiVeg™ Broth Base w/o
for differentiation of the members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of potassium cyanide tolerance.
FD046 Egg Tel Emulsion (100 ml per vial)
recommended sterile stabilized tellurite emulsion of egg york for identification of Staphylococci.
FD047 PTe 3.5% Selective Supplemen (1 ml per vial)
for the selective isolation of Staphylococci and Corynebacteria.
FD051 Toluidine Blue (0.1 gm / vial)
Toluidinová modř pro stanovení deoxyribonukleázové aktivity
FD052 PTe 1% Selective Supplement (1 ml per vial)
for selective isolation of Staphylococci and Corynebacteria.
FD069 BP S Selective Supplement
recommended for suppression of Proteus species growing on Baird Parker Agar Base.
KB004 HiStapht Identification Kit
M043 Baird Parker Agar Base
Pro izolaci a stanovení počtu koaguláza pozitivních stafylokoků z potravin a ostatních materiálů.
M1041 DNase Test Agar w/ Toluidine Blue
for detection of deoxyribonuclease activity of microorganisms.
M1091 Baird Staphylococcus Enrichment Broth
for selective enrichment of pathogenic Staphylococci.
M1120 M-Staphylococcus Broth
for detection and isolation of Staphylococci by membrane filter technique.
M118 Mannitol Salt Agar Base
Selektivní médium pro izolaci patogenních stafylokoků.
M1229 Tryptone Soya Broth w/ 10% NaCl and 1% Sod. Pyruvate
recommended for enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in dairy products by MPN technique.
M1419 DNase Test Agar w/ Methyl Green
for detection of deoxyribonuclease activity of bacteria and fungi, and especially for identification of pathogenic Staphylococci.
M1468 HiCrome™ Aureus Agar Base
recommended for isolation and identification of Staphylococci from environment samples.
M156 Staphylococcus Agar No. 110 w/ Azide
Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci patogenních stafylokoků.
M1572 Soyabean Casein Digest Agar w/ Inhibitor
a general purpose medium used for cultivation of a wide variety of microorganisms,inhibits growth of Staphylococci.
M1736 Baird Parker Agar Base (FPT)
Pro izolaci a stanovení počtu koaguláza pozitivních stafylokoků z potravin a ostatních materiálů. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 6888-2, 6888-3.
M211 BHI Agar (Special Infusion Agar)
Pro kultivaci nutričně náročných patogenních bakterií, kvasinek a plísní.
M215 Chapman Stone Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci stafylokoků z potravin.
M241 Dextrose Mannitol Agar (Gillies Agar No. 1)
for detection of urease production, dextrose and mannitol fermentation for primary isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species.
M269 Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar Base
for selective isolation of Gram-positive organisms like Staphylococci and Streptococci.
M272 Coagulase Mannitol Agar Base
for primary isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci from clinical specimens or for classifying pure cultures.
M290 Tryptone Soya Agar
Obecně použitelné médium pro kultivaci nutričně náročných i nenáročných mikroorganismů a pro kontrolu mikrobiálních limitů u nesterilních materiálů.
M383 Mannitol Salt Broth
Selektivní médium pro izolaci patogenních stafylokoků.
M402 TPEY Agar Base
with addition of supplement, it is recommended for selective isolation and enumeration of Staphylococci from foods.
M448 Tellurite Glycine Agar Base
for quantitative detection of coagulase positive Staphylococci from foods and other sources like skin, mucous membranes, faeces, soil and air.
M482 DNase Test Agar Base
Pro detekci deoxyribonukleasové aktivity mikro-organismů, zejména pro identifikaci patogenních stafylokoků.
M521 Gelatin Mannitol Salt Agar (Staphylococcus Agar No.110)
Pro selektivní izolaci a diferenciaci patogenních stafylokoků.
M578 Standard Staphylococcus Broth
for cultivation of Staphylococci.
M583 K.R.A.N.E.P. Agar Base
for selective enumeration of total Staphylococci from foodstuffs.
M584 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base
for selective enrichment of Staphylococcus aureus from suspected food stuffs.
M613 Toluidine Blue DNA Agar
Pro detekci termostabilní deoxyribonukleázové aktivity mikroorganismů.
M613I Toluidine Blue DNA Agar
recommended for detection of thermostable deoxyribonuclease activity to establish speciation of S. aureus in contaminated foods. The composition and performance criteria of this medium are as per the specifications laid down in ISO 8870:2006(E) 83:2006(E).
M627 Lipovitellin Salt Mannitol Agar Base
for selective isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci by detecting lipase production and mannitol fermentation.
M661 Modified Salt Agar Base for Staphylococci
for selective isolation and cultivation of Staphylococci.
M741 DNase Test Agar Base w/o DNA
with the addition of DNA it is used for detection of deoxyribonuclease activity of bacteria and fungi.
M827 Fermentation Medium for Staphylococcus
Pro studium fermentace glukosy druhy rodů Staphylococcus a Micrococcus.
M861 B.T.B. Lactose Agar
for isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci.
MF008E Chapman Stone Medium (Economy pack) (w/o Membrane Filter)
MH118 Mannitol Salt Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci patogenních stafylokoků při stanovení mikrobiálních limitů ve farmaceutických výrobcích. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům harmonizované metody dle Českého lékopisu.
MV014 Tryptone Glucose Extract HiVeg™ Agar
for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and dairy products.
MV043 Baird Parker HiVeg™ Agar Base
for isolation and enumeration of coagulase positive Staphylococci from food and other materials.
MV1041 DNase Test HiVeg™ Agar w/ Toluidine Blue
for detection of deoxyribonuclease activity of microorganisms.
MV1120 M-Staphylococcus HiVeg™ Broth
for detection and isolation of Staphylococci by membrane filter technique.
MV1139 Modified MYP HiVeg™ Agar Base
for isolation and identification of Bacillus species and pathogenic Staphylococci.
MV118 Mannitol Salt HiVeg™ Agar Base
for selective isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci.
MV1229 Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Broth w/ 10% NaCl
recommended for enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in dairy products by MPN technique.
MV211 BHI Agar,HiVeg™
for cultivation of fastidious pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and moulds.
MV269 Phenylethyl Alcohol HiVeg™ Agar
for selective isolation of Gram-positive organisms like Staphylococci and Streptococci.
MV290 Soyabean HiVeg™ Agar
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci nutričně náročných i nenáročných mikroorganismů a pro kontrolu mikrobiálních limitů u nesterilních materiálů.
MV383 Mannitol Salt HiVeg™ Broth
for selective isolation of presumptive pathogenic Staphylococci.
MV402 TPEY HiVeg™ Agar Base
with addition of supplement, it is recommended for selective isolation and enumeration of Staphylococci from foods.
MV482 DNase Test HiVeg™ Agar Base
for detection of deoxyribounclease activity of bacteria and fungi, and especially for identification of pathogenic Staphylococci.
MV521 Staphylococcus HiVeg™ Agar No.110
for selective isolation and differentiation of pathogenic Staphylococci.
MV578 Standard Staphylococcus HiVeg™ Broth
for cultivation of Staphylococci.
MV583 K.R.A.N.E.P. HiVeg™ Agar Base
for selective enumeration of total Staphylococci from foodstuffs.
MV661 Modified Salt HiVeg™ Agar Base for Staph
for selective isolation and cultivation of Staphylococci.
MV741 DNase Test HiVeg™ Agar Base w/o DNA
with the addition of DNA it is used for detection of deoxyribonuclease activity of bacteria and fungi.
MV827 Fermentation HiVeg™ Medium for
for studying fermentation by Staphylococcus and Micrococcus species.
MV861 B.T.B. Lactose HiVeg™ Agar
for isolation of pathogenic Staphylococci.
M078A Kligler Iron Agar, Modified
Pro diferenciaci a identifikaci gramnegativních bakterií na základě fermentace dextrosy, laktosy a produkce H2S. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10273.
M1220 ITC Broth Base (TTC Broth Base)
Pro selektivní pomnožení a izolaci Yersinia enterocolitica. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 10273.
M1230 Lysine Arginine Iron (LAI) Agar
for the isolation and presumptive identification of Yersinia species from milk and milk products.
M1231 Peptone Sorbitol Bile Broth
for identification of Yersinia enterocolitica from dairy products.
M340 Bile Esculin Agar Base
for differential isolation and presumptive identification of group D Streptococci in food and pharmaceutical products.
M893 CAL Agar (Cellobiose Arginine Lysine Agar)
for isolation and biochemical characterization of Yersinia enterocolitica.
M894 CAL Broth (Cellobiose Arginine Lysine Broth)
Pro selektivní izolaci a biochemickou charakterizaci Yersinia enterocolitica.
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